[Opinions] Octavia and Ophelia
I think the names Octavia and Ophelia are very pretty but perhaps too "grown up" for a baby or toddler. I can't think of any obvious nicknames for these names for when a girl was little - any ideas?
Love Octavia, don't care for Ophelia as much. I'd rather Olympia instead. Ophelia seems more average to me, almost akin with Olivia. They're all nice names but I like Octavia more because it's much more interesting, IMO.
I wouldn't go with a nickname at all. I know a girl Octavia, twenty-ish years old, who's never had one.
I wouldn't go with a nickname at all. I know a girl Octavia, twenty-ish years old, who's never had one.

Octavia: Tavy, Tave, Tav, Ottie, Otie, Ocky, Via, Vivi, Octy, Ock, Ovie, Ota, Otta
Ophelia: Opie, Fifi, Lia, Fi, Ophie, Oli, Ola, Flea
I really love Octavia, and Ophelia's all right for someone else's kid. It just reminds me of snakes--"Ophelian delights" and all that.
The dogs on main street howl
`Cause they understand
If I could take one moment into my hands
Mister, I ain't a boy--no I'm a man,
And I believe in a promised land.
Ophelia: Opie, Fifi, Lia, Fi, Ophie, Oli, Ola, Flea
I really love Octavia, and Ophelia's all right for someone else's kid. It just reminds me of snakes--"Ophelian delights" and all that.
`Cause they understand
If I could take one moment into my hands
Mister, I ain't a boy--no I'm a man,
And I believe in a promised land.
I also like the names Octavia and Ophelia. :) If I'd have thought of it, I'd have loved to name my girl cats this (instead they are Stormy & Sunny, lol). I do know a little African American girl named Octavia, and her mother calls her Tay-Tay. But I don't particularly care for that. Vi (VEE), Tavi, Tavia and Avi are possibilities. For Ophelia, maybe O, Fi (FEE), Fifi, or even Ophie (like Sophie with out the S :b)?


I like Ophelia but Octavia sounds masculine to me for some reason.
Ophelia: nn Fifi
I know this has nothing to do with your post but anouther "O" name I like is Odessa.
Ophelia: nn Fifi
I know this has nothing to do with your post but anouther "O" name I like is Odessa.