[Opinions] Malachy
I know without a doubt that I will never get this past my husband...but I love it. Malachi used to be a favorite, now Malachy has supplanted it. Thoughts?
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I love Malachy and much moreso than Malachi, which is weird for me because they are so similar in sound and I'm usually more keen on Biblical names. It isn't a name I could use so easily, but I would be very excited to see it out there.Edited to add: I just added it to my PNL. I should have had it on there all along. :-)

This message was edited 3/29/2012, 10:47 PM

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Stick with Malachi. It just somehow looks wrong w/ the y... like it should be prn'd differently or something... like malachee rather than malakai.
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It is pronounced differently.Mal-a-kee.
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which would confuse people because it LOOKS like it should be prn'd malachee... I dunno... It's not BAD... It just feels like it lacks substance.
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I prefer the pronunciation of Malachi definitely.
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Do "normal" people even know this name exists? I sure didn't before I came on BtN? I would think someone was not intelligent enough to know the name "Malachi". Judgemental, much? But that would be my first thought.
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I knew about it from Angela's Ashes long before I was on BtN. It is the name of author Frank McCourt's younger brother.
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YepThat's the first place I heard it too, when I was 14-15 and read the book! Malachy McCourt has written a few books too that are pretty funny. :)
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I dunno, they're not pronounced the same. I wouldn't imagine a name ending with -y would end with an I sound, although I can see how people could first think it was a weird spelling of Malachi. What with people changing every vowel to a y these days. But I have always sort of thought Malachy was more usable than your general Irish name because it's said how it looks in English. Although I guess it is Anglicized, so yeah.

This message was edited 3/29/2012, 12:24 PM

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I don't mean I'd pronounce it like Malachi,I mean if I heard it, I'd wonder why they couldn't just use Malachi because Malachy sounds weird to me.
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I don't like it.
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I think it's okay. It's not something I like enough to use, but it's fine and usable. It's much better than an overused name such as Matthew. I prefer the Malachi spelling. Malachy just doesn't look right to me.This name always reminds me of when I was in high school and in English class we were studying the play "The Matchmaker", which had a character in it named Malachi. We were required to memorize scenes and act them out in front of the class. Nobody, but nobody, including myself, had any idea how to correctly pronounce Malachi and we were all saying "Mel-ATCH-ee". The student teacher pointed out our mistake in tones dripping with contempt at our stupidity.
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Malachi / Malachy are different nameswith different pronunciations.
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I didn't know that. Having read your explanation of the pronunciation of Malachy above, I can say that not only do I prefer the spelling Malachi, I prefer the pronunciation as well.At least, neither is Mel-ATCH--ee, haha.
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I agree... I prefer Malachi as well.
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It reminds me of Malarkey. therefore i like it.i bet I'm saying it wrong, though. Mal-ah-kee?
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LOLThat's the reason my husband doesn't like it. :-P
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This message was edited 3/29/2012, 10:49 AM

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I always thought malarkey might have somehow come from Malachy... like the first guy people coined the phrase about was named Malachy... but looking it up I guess not. It's a surname and as the word the dictionary says it's an Americanism of unknown origin. Too bad.
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Just thought exactly the same thing.:) You might find this interesting, especially the last few comments: http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=167337
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Ha, I like the Mullarky potato famine people theory.
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Yes!Malachy is a top four masculine name for me. I adore it. I love the rich sound of it, with a hint of poetry. It's dark and mysterious too. I can't say enough good things about Malachy. I'd use it in a heartbeat if it didn't sound so badly with my surname.
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Love love love, have for years. I really dislike Malachi though, it's very dark and cold and evil to me. But Malachy is warm and bright and cuddly and friendly. Funny how much of a difference changing that last letter and sound makes! I would totally use it if I was in any way Irish. Well, I am, but I don't really think of myself as that.
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curious how it comes accross as evil and cold and dark... Malachi is far from that to me... He was a biblical prophet.
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I know Malachi the dude was a good guy, but the "kai" sound just has that feeling for me. And i is black.

This message was edited 3/30/2012, 3:38 AM

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I love it too, but I prefer Malachi. I think it's gorgeous, but I don't think it would work very well in Sweden :p
Maybe you can use it as a MN?
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I used to hate it, but that has changed, and now I like it quite a bit. It's good. I prefer the y spelling.
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