I actually like Mackenzie. I didn't used to, but after getting to know a sweet little girl with this name I sort of grew to see its charm... it's definitely not my style, but I don't really dislike it. She goes by Kenzie and Mac (I prefer Kenzie). I've also met a teenage boy named Mackenzie-- the only boy Mackenzie I know-- and as far as I know he didn't have a nickname. I like the more handsome Scottish vibe it has on a boy, whereas on a girl it's less Scottish and more American/trendy/popular/preppy. I don't like Mac for either gender; my first association with Mac was an old ferrier and then an old mule. I also don't really like the look. I like Kenzie for a girl. If I had to choose a nickname for a boy Mackenzie it would probably be Mac, but I still might prefer Kenz or something. Maybe even Ken would work?