[Opinions] Re: Dorcas
in reply to a message by Julie
It's really too bad about the dork thing because Dorcas is a perfectly lovely Bibical name that has been used a lot, especially in my family tree, so I have been tempted to use but the dork thing always puts me off. I think it would we rather refreshing and cute on a little girl but unfortunately it is associated with the word dork! As another option you could use a cute nickname like Dorie, Dora, or even Cassie, or you could use the Aramaic name Tabitha which Dorcas is the Greek form of.
I would deffinately use it for a dear pet even if I wasn't quite sure about using it for a daughter. I can just see a cute little white pussy can name Dorcas. Wasn't there a cat in 'Alice in Wonderland' named Dorcas?

I would deffinately use it for a dear pet even if I wasn't quite sure about using it for a daughter. I can just see a cute little white pussy can name Dorcas. Wasn't there a cat in 'Alice in Wonderland' named Dorcas?

Alice's cat...
Was actually a Dinah, if I recall correctly.
I've seen the needle and the damage done
A little part of it in everyone
But every junkie's like a settin' sun.
Was actually a Dinah, if I recall correctly.
A little part of it in everyone
But every junkie's like a settin' sun.
That's right, thanks! I knew it was a Bibical D name! :)