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[Games] Re: AnnaMarie & Edith Therese
in reply to a message by Ninor
LN: Rothwell
DH: Dominic Evander Rothwell "Dom" (31)
DW: Gwendolyn Lucretia (Jacobson) Rothwell "Gwen" (29)
DS: Theodore Jacob Rothwell “Teddy” (6)
DD: Aveline Catherine Rothwell “Ava” (4)
DD: Delilah Noelle Rothwell “Lila” (2)
DD: Francesca Irene Rothwell “Annie” (0)
DS/DS/DD: So we have two sons and a daughter!
Archived Thread - replies disabled
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Fantastic. Well this was our original top 10 boys names list, minus Teddy of course:Alastair
Zephyr (nn Zeph)
AldricIf we stick with the status quo and have a longer name with a commonly used nn i'd suggest any of those, though I think Nate, Ollie or Eli probably fit in best with the other kids names...Nathaniel nn Nate
Oliver nn Ollie
Elijah nn Eli
Zephyr nn Zeph
Aldric nn RicThoughts?For the girl this was the list we were working from, minus what we've used already...Alice
MadeleineIdeas for nicknames:Alice nn Ali
Emmeline nn Emme
Helena nn Lena
Madeleine nn MaddieThoughts?
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Hmmm... I'd say Nathaniel "Nate" is best. What about Zephaniah "Zeph"? And Emmeline "Emma".
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I'm happy with Nathaniel "Nate" & Emmeline "Emma", but i can't say I like Zephaniah sorry... Did you like any of the others, or perhaps we need to explore new options?
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