[Opinions] Eurydice
Does Eurydicette sound ridiculous as a diminutive for Eurydice? This is for a short story character and not an actual baby, but I would still appreciate feedback.This is the pronunciation of Eurydice I like best: http://www.oddcast.com/home/demos/tts/tts_tran_example.php
Thats a link to free-text to speech french accented version, sort of like "yourie-dees" so it would just be "youree-dee-cette"Thanks!
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I do think Eurydicette is ridiculous; however, I adore Eurydice!
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While I love Eurydice, Eurydicette seems too much. Go with Eurydice, pronounced yuh-RID-uh-see.
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That's a lot of work for little result, in my book. Perhaps if your character had to explain it to someone it would make it easier to digest. Even then, it seems a tad far fetched. Do the French have a name Eurydicette, or is it your own invention? Just curious. I'd be tempted to make her nn Euro, but I'm cruel sometimes . . . .
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I dont know if they do, I have to do a sci-fi/supernatual-ish short story and a friend mentioned it, I think she sort of came up with it. It's nice to know in general what people think of it.Personally I like very traditional names.
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I love Eurydice (English pronunciation).Eurydicette is a bit long and complicated, though.
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I think it's lovely really. I can see how it would be hard to say though...
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I agree, especially considering Eurydice is really pronounced more like "you-rid-deh-see" in the context of Eurydice and Orpheus which is where most people know it from. Im not sure I would name an actual child this because it would be a source of confusion.
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I agree, especially considering Eurydice is really pronounced more like "you-rid-deh-see" in the context of Eurydice and Orpheus which is where most people know it from. Im not sure I would name an actual child this because it would be a source of confusion.
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