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[Opinions] Re: Flora
So its pretty popular in the UK? I wasn't aware of that. Here in the US, I haven't heard it once or Florence for that matter either. I was more afraid of it still sounding old fashioned out here. Thanks!
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By spread, I think that insane romantic is referring to a butter-spread we have here named Flora.I've never known it to be a problem. You get British people called Olive, fer blah's sake. I know someone genuinely called Crystal Shawnda Leah because her folks found it funny. In the scheme of naming, Flora is no crime. In fact, I've heard of several newborn Floras, so I would say it may be seeing a retro come-back... but still, no, it's not popular.Florence... very 90s and prior. Flora > Florence any day. Florence is ick for me.I don't like Flora on any huge level, but I think I could live hearing it and it's not my style but it's not horrible and hideous either. I fail at combos, but nicking from Dracotorix, I like:
Flora Isis - Isis is beautiful and spunky and breaths some life into the combo.
Flora Penelope
Flora Junia
Flora Beatrice
Flora Isolde
Flora Hermione
Flora Iris - at a push. I don't much back the two floral connotations, but Iris is pretty and has the same nicely dated, retro-cool feel of Flora.
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She's not saying that it's popular. There's a brand of margarine called Flora.
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Oh!! (Blush) Well thank you for clearing that up!
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Sorry, should've made it clearer. I don't know any Flora, but I do know a Florence who is 2. I also found out today that I had a great great Aunt called Florence Gertrude.
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