[Opinions] Rena & Octavia
What do you think of the names Rena & Octavia?
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Absolutely awful
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I love Octavia, it's just beautiful.Rena, I'm not sold on. I like Wren / Ren and Reina, but Rena? I'm not sure.
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I love Octavia. It's so quirky, dramatic, and beautiful all at once. I like Rena, but it's hard not to think of the word "renal" unless you're pronouncing it REN-a rather than REE-na. Unfortunately, I think a lot of people would get tripped up on the pronunciation, and Rena would get "Is it REE-na or REN-a?" on a frequent basis.
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I like Octavia. It's pretty and regal.
Is Rena like rain-a or reh-na or ree-na? The only one I don't like is ree-na, because it sounds too much like Reno. Other than that I like it. Ren would be a cute nn.
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I assume it is said like Reina... I like it then but it would be called Ren-a. If that's how it's pronounced I really like it. How do you pronounce it?I love Octavia, it is just a gorgeous name and is so much fun, yet, so feminine.
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I prn it like raina but I really like the ren-a prn as well, especially because i love the nn RenThanks for you honest opinions!
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