[Games] Yes, you can play (m)
in reply to a message by Alexie
Glad to have you join, I hope you have fun! :)
Please fill out this form and name your DS from the list of Shakespearian names that I've included here from round 1 (you can name the parents anything you like). Also please inclue the answer to the question in your post so I can move you on to round 2!
Number of rounds you want to play(1-8):
Last Name:
Question: Which is your favorite animal - Cat, Dog, Fish or Bird?
Abraham Adrian Adriano Aegeon Alonso Angelo Angus Antonio Ariel Balthazar Bardolph Barnardo Benedick Bertram Cassio Christopher Claudio Claudius Corin Cornelius Curan Curtis Demetrius Duncan Edgar Edmund Egeus Fabian Fenton Ferdinand Francisco Frederick Gregory Hamlet Horatio Iago Jaques Lancelot Lennox Leonardo Lucio Lysander Malcolm Marcellus Mercutio Nathaniel Oberon Oliver Orlando Oswald Othello Paris Peter Philip Rinaldo Roderigo Romeo Ross Sampson Sebastian Silvius Stephano Timon Toby Tubal Tybalt Valentine

Please fill out this form and name your DS from the list of Shakespearian names that I've included here from round 1 (you can name the parents anything you like). Also please inclue the answer to the question in your post so I can move you on to round 2!
Number of rounds you want to play(1-8):
Last Name:
Question: Which is your favorite animal - Cat, Dog, Fish or Bird?
Abraham Adrian Adriano Aegeon Alonso Angelo Angus Antonio Ariel Balthazar Bardolph Barnardo Benedick Bertram Cassio Christopher Claudio Claudius Corin Cornelius Curan Curtis Demetrius Duncan Edgar Edmund Egeus Fabian Fenton Ferdinand Francisco Frederick Gregory Hamlet Horatio Iago Jaques Lancelot Lennox Leonardo Lucio Lysander Malcolm Marcellus Mercutio Nathaniel Oberon Oliver Orlando Oswald Othello Paris Peter Philip Rinaldo Roderigo Romeo Ross Sampson Sebastian Silvius Stephano Timon Toby Tubal Tybalt Valentine