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[Facts] What would this name mean?
Hi, so there's a small story with this name. One balmy summer night under a full moon, the mid-night stars, and the influence of too much caffine in a two teenagers systems, my best friend & I were camping out in her tree house gasing up at the night sky. We were just asking each other random questions as we countered every mosquito bite with methodical smacks & swats. After a quiet lull in the serpentine meanderings of our conversation she asked, "If you could have any name in the world as Your Name, what would it be?" I lay there quietly and let the quiet fill me as I gazed at the moon. Then in one breath, without thinking I said,"Kaliarah"(pronounced: KA-LI-AR-yah, with a very soft yah or ah at the end). The name wasn't in my head one moment & then it was there. I had (and still have) no Idea What this name means, but it is My Name; in that this name... it feels like it has power over me or holds the power of me? Sorry didn't mean to go all weird-o on you.
I know it itsn't spelled the same as Kali & Arya but combined they sound just the way (that is IF I'm pronouncing Arya correctly) I pronounce the name Kaliarah.
Is there such a name as Kali-arya? or Kaliarah?
And what in the world does it mean?Er... I don't know if I should post this as well but I've also had some really weird dreams with different deities in them with wierd but significant details in them; here's the creepy thing, it's only after I tell my aunt or someone else who's actually had some education in Hindu mythology that the "wierd but significant details" happen to already be well know and are pointed out to me by aunt/well-educated-person; but the Creepiest thing is that I don't read any of the stuff (or watch any movies or have any real exposure) to the subject matter of Hindu mythology and yet I have dreams filled with the stuff! It's just a little to much for me at times. (And no I'm not on drugs or anything gross like that. I have some bizarre stuff like this in my life all the time. And I don't know of anyone else who does, so it's kinda lonely in that respect.)Please No Jokes. I mainly would like to learn what my "inspired in silence/darkness" name means. What Kaliarah/Kaliarya would translate to in English.
I'd love to find that I'm not the only person in the world who was born with knowledge about some ancient religion in their head & by all appearences doesn't need to consulte a textbook on certain deities/myths. But overall I'm just looking for a translation here. I'm haven't found anyone else who has creepy dreams like me, so I'm not really holding my breath here expecting to find someone else who does.Thanks for your time, patience, & consideration.
A Puzzled Dreamer
post script: I'm female by the way. I don't know if that'll have any effect on the translation or not.
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