[Games] Game of Life (15 years)
Rules: You will need to use online dice
Roll for each category and keep track of your life over fifteen years. Some of the options are in pictures if you are not sure what it is to the best of your ability pick for yourself based on the picture. All character descriptions are up to you, I find it more fun to either see the characters or right in my own so I have not included descriptive qualities.
Before the 15 years: Start here:
Dice: http://www.wizards.com/dnd/dice/dice.htm or http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/custom/resources_ftp/client_ftp/ks1/maths/dice/
1. Colin Miles Van Buren
2. Christian Bruno Isabel
3. Dylan James Russo
4. Hunter Mac Finney
5. Quinn Samuel Dodge
6. Cameron Oliver Payne
7. Duncan Edward Norris
8. Joel Wyatt Garrison
1. Nia Helene Stratton
2. Claire Madeleine Windsor
3. Melissa Shannon Kinney
4. Kathleen Georgia Maguire
5. Nerissa Stephanie Jones
6. Hannah Genevieve Kennedy
7. Mallory Jeanette O’Hara
8. Victoria Roxanne Carter
1. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/MWP/MWP0037437_P.JPG
2. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/OJP/OJP0021327_P.JPG
3. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/DVP/DVP1509032_P.JPG
4. http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1049557_P_Pregnant-bride.JPG (add one child before 15 years starts)
5. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/MWP/MWP0057177_P.JPG
6. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1030759_P.JPG
1. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN2016330_P.JPG
2. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP0019099_P.JPG
3. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/PDP/PDP0316898_P.JPG
4. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1014854_P.JPG
5. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/JIP/JIP0034112_P.JPG
6. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/AYP/AYP1329924_P.JPG
1st Job
1. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN2016400_P.JPG
2. http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1852259_P_Librarian.jpg
3. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN9003734_P.JPG
4. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/IMP/IMP115581H_P.JPG
5. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/ISP/ISP2092621_P.JPG
6. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1085043_P.JPG
1. http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1909741_P_Mountains-travel.jpg
2. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/MWP/MWP0042958_P.JPG
3. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/MWP/MWP0051567_P.JPG
4. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1029776_P.JPG
5. http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1552652_P_Family-sedan-outdoor.jpg
6. http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1403487_P_3.JPG
Yearly Events Start Here:
Tip* I find it easiest to roll 15 dice all at once: http://www.wizards.com/dnd/dice/dice.htm
1. Family Affair
2. Adoption
3. Birth
4. Random
5. Pet
6. Birth
7. Travel
8. Job
1. China
2. Russia
3. Ireland
4. Cambodia
5. Africa
6. Brazil
1. boy
2. girl
3. twin girls (identical)
4. boy
5. boy
6. twin boy and girl
1. Girl
2. Boy
3. Multiples
4. Girl
5. Multiples
6. Boy
1. two boys and a girl
2. two boys
3. two boys and two girls
4. two girls and a boy
5. three girls and three boys
6. two girls
Birth Story:
1. gave birth any where but a hospital
2. gave birth over sea’s
3. water birth
4. natural birth
5. Born on a holiday(skip birthday)
6. Premature labor
1. Nov- Dec 1-5
2. Sept- Oct 6-10
3. July - August 11- 15
4. May - June 16 - 20
5. March - April 21- 25
6. Jan - Feb 25-31
Names: http://www.dave-reed.com/Nifty/randSeq.html
A – Name from their birthday- http://www.behindthename.com/namedays/
B - Nature Name
C - http://www.ssa.gov/cgi-bin/popularnames.cgi (change date to 1900)
D – Biblical: http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/bibl.php
E - Literary Name (example author or story character)
F - You choose
G - Celebrity baby name (use the whole version)
H – Irish Name
I - Place Name
J – Mythology: http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/myth.php
K - Surname
L – Italian Name
M – Musical Name
N – Seasonal Name (can include months and holidays as well as weather)
O – Name that begins with I, O or U
P – Begins with X, Y, or Z
Q - You choose
R – Music Related Name
S - Spanish Name
T – Name begins with a T
U – Scientist Related Name
V – Word Name
W – Occupation Name
X - Astronomy Name
Y – Royal Name
Z – You choose
1. You found a stray (what?)
2. Surprise you had an unexpected baby visit children
3. You moved choose from house2
4. Your have been given a raise
5. You lost your job pick from Job3
6. You have been promoted pick from Job2
1. Bird
2. Cat
3. Exotic animal
4. Dog
5. Rodent ( rabbit, guinea pig etc)
6. Reptile
1. on business
2. Family vacation
3. Second Honeymoon
4. Job transfer choose a new house from 2
5. For adoption (go to adoption heading)
6. Spiritual Retreat
Family Affair:
1. Holiday vacation (where do you go for what holiday, what relatives do you see there?)
2. Grandparents move in with your family (either your parents or your grandparents can’t take care of themselves and you don’t trust nursing homes so they have come to stay how does this affect your family life?)
3. Your child is diagnosed with a “problem” what is it and how does it affect your family (examples, ADHD, or Diabetes.. if you don’t have a child yet then you are diagnosed)
4. Your parent(s) died leaving behind a large inheritance (do you have siblings to share this with or is it all yours? What do you do with the money?)
5. A relative has passed away and left you as custodian of their two children. (how does your family )
6. Your family has decided to move for what reason? (roll again for a new house)
1. Promotion
2. You went back to school for a better job choose from Job2
3. You lost your job choose from Job3
4. You received a raise
5. You were transfer choose from house2
6. You moved up in your career choose from Job2
1. http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1757930_P_African-Woman-Reading-Newspaper.jpg
2. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/BLP/BLP0095732_P.JPG
3. http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1560430_P_Confident-successful-group-of-business.jpg
4. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CMP/CMP0002422_P.JPG
5. http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/2629993_P_man-over-south-korea-flag.jpg
6. http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1088190_P_Nurse-Pushing-Senior-Woman-In.JPG
1. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1036199_P.JPG
2. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP0010828_P.JPG
3. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1031687_P.JPG
4. http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1543678_P_Rockstar-holding-a-mic-isolated.jpg
5. http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1478598_P_Woman-showing-leadershp-in-business.jpg
6. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/BLP/BLP0029900_P.JPG
House 2:
1. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP0024451_P.JPG
2. http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1083860_P_Houseboat-in-Arizona-desert.JPG
3. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN9007228_P.JPG
4. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1046267_P.JPG
5. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN2032276_P.JPG
6. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1083762_P.JPG
Roll for each category and keep track of your life over fifteen years. Some of the options are in pictures if you are not sure what it is to the best of your ability pick for yourself based on the picture. All character descriptions are up to you, I find it more fun to either see the characters or right in my own so I have not included descriptive qualities.
Before the 15 years: Start here:
Dice: http://www.wizards.com/dnd/dice/dice.htm or http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/custom/resources_ftp/client_ftp/ks1/maths/dice/
1. Colin Miles Van Buren
2. Christian Bruno Isabel
3. Dylan James Russo
4. Hunter Mac Finney
5. Quinn Samuel Dodge
6. Cameron Oliver Payne
7. Duncan Edward Norris
8. Joel Wyatt Garrison
1. Nia Helene Stratton
2. Claire Madeleine Windsor
3. Melissa Shannon Kinney
4. Kathleen Georgia Maguire
5. Nerissa Stephanie Jones
6. Hannah Genevieve Kennedy
7. Mallory Jeanette O’Hara
8. Victoria Roxanne Carter
1. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/MWP/MWP0037437_P.JPG
2. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/OJP/OJP0021327_P.JPG
3. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/DVP/DVP1509032_P.JPG
4. http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1049557_P_Pregnant-bride.JPG (add one child before 15 years starts)
5. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/MWP/MWP0057177_P.JPG
6. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1030759_P.JPG
1. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN2016330_P.JPG
2. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP0019099_P.JPG
3. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/PDP/PDP0316898_P.JPG
4. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1014854_P.JPG
5. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/JIP/JIP0034112_P.JPG
6. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/AYP/AYP1329924_P.JPG
1st Job
1. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN2016400_P.JPG
2. http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1852259_P_Librarian.jpg
3. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN9003734_P.JPG
4. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/IMP/IMP115581H_P.JPG
5. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/ISP/ISP2092621_P.JPG
6. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1085043_P.JPG
1. http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1909741_P_Mountains-travel.jpg
2. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/MWP/MWP0042958_P.JPG
3. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/MWP/MWP0051567_P.JPG
4. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1029776_P.JPG
5. http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1552652_P_Family-sedan-outdoor.jpg
6. http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1403487_P_3.JPG
Yearly Events Start Here:
Tip* I find it easiest to roll 15 dice all at once: http://www.wizards.com/dnd/dice/dice.htm
1. Family Affair
2. Adoption
3. Birth
4. Random
5. Pet
6. Birth
7. Travel
8. Job
1. China
2. Russia
3. Ireland
4. Cambodia
5. Africa
6. Brazil
1. boy
2. girl
3. twin girls (identical)
4. boy
5. boy
6. twin boy and girl
1. Girl
2. Boy
3. Multiples
4. Girl
5. Multiples
6. Boy
1. two boys and a girl
2. two boys
3. two boys and two girls
4. two girls and a boy
5. three girls and three boys
6. two girls
Birth Story:
1. gave birth any where but a hospital
2. gave birth over sea’s
3. water birth
4. natural birth
5. Born on a holiday(skip birthday)
6. Premature labor
1. Nov- Dec 1-5
2. Sept- Oct 6-10
3. July - August 11- 15
4. May - June 16 - 20
5. March - April 21- 25
6. Jan - Feb 25-31
Names: http://www.dave-reed.com/Nifty/randSeq.html
A – Name from their birthday- http://www.behindthename.com/namedays/
B - Nature Name
C - http://www.ssa.gov/cgi-bin/popularnames.cgi (change date to 1900)
D – Biblical: http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/bibl.php
E - Literary Name (example author or story character)
F - You choose
G - Celebrity baby name (use the whole version)
H – Irish Name
I - Place Name
J – Mythology: http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/myth.php
K - Surname
L – Italian Name
M – Musical Name
N – Seasonal Name (can include months and holidays as well as weather)
O – Name that begins with I, O or U
P – Begins with X, Y, or Z
Q - You choose
R – Music Related Name
S - Spanish Name
T – Name begins with a T
U – Scientist Related Name
V – Word Name
W – Occupation Name
X - Astronomy Name
Y – Royal Name
Z – You choose
1. You found a stray (what?)
2. Surprise you had an unexpected baby visit children
3. You moved choose from house2
4. Your have been given a raise
5. You lost your job pick from Job3
6. You have been promoted pick from Job2
1. Bird
2. Cat
3. Exotic animal
4. Dog
5. Rodent ( rabbit, guinea pig etc)
6. Reptile
1. on business
2. Family vacation
3. Second Honeymoon
4. Job transfer choose a new house from 2
5. For adoption (go to adoption heading)
6. Spiritual Retreat
Family Affair:
1. Holiday vacation (where do you go for what holiday, what relatives do you see there?)
2. Grandparents move in with your family (either your parents or your grandparents can’t take care of themselves and you don’t trust nursing homes so they have come to stay how does this affect your family life?)
3. Your child is diagnosed with a “problem” what is it and how does it affect your family (examples, ADHD, or Diabetes.. if you don’t have a child yet then you are diagnosed)
4. Your parent(s) died leaving behind a large inheritance (do you have siblings to share this with or is it all yours? What do you do with the money?)
5. A relative has passed away and left you as custodian of their two children. (how does your family )
6. Your family has decided to move for what reason? (roll again for a new house)
1. Promotion
2. You went back to school for a better job choose from Job2
3. You lost your job choose from Job3
4. You received a raise
5. You were transfer choose from house2
6. You moved up in your career choose from Job2
1. http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1757930_P_African-Woman-Reading-Newspaper.jpg
2. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/BLP/BLP0095732_P.JPG
3. http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1560430_P_Confident-successful-group-of-business.jpg
4. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CMP/CMP0002422_P.JPG
5. http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/2629993_P_man-over-south-korea-flag.jpg
6. http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1088190_P_Nurse-Pushing-Senior-Woman-In.JPG
1. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1036199_P.JPG
2. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP0010828_P.JPG
3. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1031687_P.JPG
4. http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1543678_P_Rockstar-holding-a-mic-isolated.jpg
5. http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1478598_P_Woman-showing-leadershp-in-business.jpg
6. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/BLP/BLP0029900_P.JPG
House 2:
1. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP0024451_P.JPG
2. http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1083860_P_Houseboat-in-Arizona-desert.JPG
3. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN9007228_P.JPG
4. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1046267_P.JPG
5. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN2032276_P.JPG
6. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1083762_P.JPG
This message was edited 12/1/2010, 2:51 PM
DH: Cameron Oliver Payne
DW: Mallory Jeanette (O’Hara) Payne
Wedding: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/OJP/OJP0021327_P.JPG
House: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/JIP/JIP0034112_P.JPG
Car: http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1403487_P_3.JPG
DH's Job: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN9003734_P.JPG
DW's Job: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN2016400_P.JPG
DS: Pisces Zacharius Payne
natural birth
Birthday: January 27
DS: Charles Benjamin Payne
born at home
Birthday: Oct 8
DD/DD/DD/DS/DS/DS: Edison Gabriela Payne / Lyric Aquarius Payne / September Viviane Payne / Wyatt Thaddeus Payne / Thomas Arkansas / Timothy Everest
natural birth
Birthday: December 2
Mallory recieved a raise!
DCat: Prance
Because of Cam's job, the family was transferred and moved into this house: http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1083860_P_Houseboat-in-Arizona-desert.JPG
While playing outside, Pisces found an injured bird! He nursed it back to health, and it became a pet of the family.
DBird: Zaire
DD/DD/DD/DS/DS/DS: Seven Viola Payne / Victoria Winter Payne / Aria Gwendolyn Payne / Tailor Reagan Payne / Nimbus Apollo Payne / Jazz Walker Payne
born at home
Birthday: September 9
DD: Clara Harmony Payne
natural birth
Birthday: October 10
Mallory moved up in her job! http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1088190_P_Nurse-Pushing-Senior-Woman-In.JPG
Mal's parents died and left her a lot of money. She needed it, having so many kids and such a small house.
DW: Mallory Jeanette (O’Hara) Payne
Wedding: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/OJP/OJP0021327_P.JPG
House: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/JIP/JIP0034112_P.JPG
Car: http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1403487_P_3.JPG
DH's Job: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN9003734_P.JPG
DW's Job: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN2016400_P.JPG
DS: Pisces Zacharius Payne
natural birth
Birthday: January 27
DS: Charles Benjamin Payne
born at home
Birthday: Oct 8
DD/DD/DD/DS/DS/DS: Edison Gabriela Payne / Lyric Aquarius Payne / September Viviane Payne / Wyatt Thaddeus Payne / Thomas Arkansas / Timothy Everest
natural birth
Birthday: December 2
Mallory recieved a raise!
DCat: Prance
Because of Cam's job, the family was transferred and moved into this house: http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1083860_P_Houseboat-in-Arizona-desert.JPG
While playing outside, Pisces found an injured bird! He nursed it back to health, and it became a pet of the family.
DBird: Zaire
DD/DD/DD/DS/DS/DS: Seven Viola Payne / Victoria Winter Payne / Aria Gwendolyn Payne / Tailor Reagan Payne / Nimbus Apollo Payne / Jazz Walker Payne
born at home
Birthday: September 9
DD: Clara Harmony Payne
natural birth
Birthday: October 10
Mallory moved up in her job! http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1088190_P_Nurse-Pushing-Senior-Woman-In.JPG
Mal's parents died and left her a lot of money. She needed it, having so many kids and such a small house.
This message was edited 12/12/2010, 8:43 AM
I LOVE These Things!
Joel Wyatt Garrison (23) & Kathleen Georgia [Maguire] Garrison (21)
Joel and Kathleen had a gorgeous beach wedding, and immediately afterwards moved into an adorable log cabin. Kathleen is a librarian, and Joel is a chef. This is the car Joel and Kathleen now share:
~year 1
Joel and Kathleen decided that their cozy log cabin was too far away from their jobs and they have moved within a year of their marriage. Here's their new home:
~year 2
Kathleen, who is very interested in reptiles, has gotten a bearded dragon named King Arthur. Meet King Arthur:
~year 3
Tito Natanael, a three-year-old Brazilian boy, has become a part of Joel and Kathleen's family. Tito was born May 10. Meet Tito:
~year 4
Joel and Kathleen have gone on a second honeymoon.
~year 5
Finnian Ulysses has joined the Garrison family. Born on June 16, Finn was born in Ireland, hence the Irish first name. This is Finn when he is older:
~year 6
Six-year-old Tito has gotten a rabbit. Meet Victory:
~year 7
Four-year-old Tai Zhou was adopted from China. He is now named Tyler Zechariah, but he is still known as Tai. Meet Tyler:
~year 8
There is a national Librarians' Convention that Kathleen has gone to, bringing the whole family along.
Joel Wyatt Garrison (23) & Kathleen Georgia [Maguire] Garrison (21)
Joel and Kathleen had a gorgeous beach wedding, and immediately afterwards moved into an adorable log cabin. Kathleen is a librarian, and Joel is a chef. This is the car Joel and Kathleen now share:
~year 1
Joel and Kathleen decided that their cozy log cabin was too far away from their jobs and they have moved within a year of their marriage. Here's their new home:
~year 2
Kathleen, who is very interested in reptiles, has gotten a bearded dragon named King Arthur. Meet King Arthur:
~year 3
Tito Natanael, a three-year-old Brazilian boy, has become a part of Joel and Kathleen's family. Tito was born May 10. Meet Tito:
~year 4
Joel and Kathleen have gone on a second honeymoon.
~year 5
Finnian Ulysses has joined the Garrison family. Born on June 16, Finn was born in Ireland, hence the Irish first name. This is Finn when he is older:
~year 6
Six-year-old Tito has gotten a rabbit. Meet Victory:
~year 7
Four-year-old Tai Zhou was adopted from China. He is now named Tyler Zechariah, but he is still known as Tai. Meet Tyler:
~year 8
There is a national Librarians' Convention that Kathleen has gone to, bringing the whole family along.
DH: Christian Bruno Isabel
DW: Mallory Jeanette O'Hara


Job (Christian)...

Job (Mallory)...

Car (Christian)...

Car (Mallory)...

My dice sequence - 3,4,6,6,2,1,5,6,5,4,1,3,8,6,3
Year 1 - Birth
Christian and Mallory welcomed a baby son Christmas Day, born by a natural birth. He was named...
Albert Christian
(name sequence was BZ)
Year 2 - Random
Mallory received a raise.
Year 3 - Birth
Christian and Mallory became parents to twin girls, born prematurely on 1 December. Thankfully there were no serious health problems and the girls were home in time for Christmas. They were named...
Twin 1: Esther Margaret
Twin 2: Miriam Elizabeth
(name sequence was DC)
Year 4 - Birth
After Mallory fell unexpectedly pregnant just a few months after the twins were born, Christian and Mallory discovered they were expecting triplets. Their two sons and daughter arrived on Christmas Day and their son Albert's 3rd birthday.
Triplet 1: Edmund Joseph
Triplet 2: William Richard
Triplet 3: Beatrice Mary
(name sequence was QC)
Year 5 - Adoption
Christian and Mallory decided to further extend their family by adopting a baby girl from Brazil. They named their new addition...
Teodora Ivy
(name sequence was TB)
Year 6 - Family Affair
The family decide to take a vaction to England, where Mallory's dad is from, it was a chance for Mallory's family in England to see Mallory's children for the first time.
DW: Mallory Jeanette O'Hara
Job (Christian)...
Job (Mallory)...

Car (Christian)...
Car (Mallory)...

My dice sequence - 3,4,6,6,2,1,5,6,5,4,1,3,8,6,3
Year 1 - Birth
Christian and Mallory welcomed a baby son Christmas Day, born by a natural birth. He was named...
Albert Christian
(name sequence was BZ)
Year 2 - Random
Mallory received a raise.
Year 3 - Birth
Christian and Mallory became parents to twin girls, born prematurely on 1 December. Thankfully there were no serious health problems and the girls were home in time for Christmas. They were named...
Twin 1: Esther Margaret
Twin 2: Miriam Elizabeth
(name sequence was DC)
Year 4 - Birth
After Mallory fell unexpectedly pregnant just a few months after the twins were born, Christian and Mallory discovered they were expecting triplets. Their two sons and daughter arrived on Christmas Day and their son Albert's 3rd birthday.
Triplet 1: Edmund Joseph
Triplet 2: William Richard
Triplet 3: Beatrice Mary
(name sequence was QC)
Year 5 - Adoption
Christian and Mallory decided to further extend their family by adopting a baby girl from Brazil. They named their new addition...
Teodora Ivy
(name sequence was TB)
Year 6 - Family Affair
The family decide to take a vaction to England, where Mallory's dad is from, it was a chance for Mallory's family in England to see Mallory's children for the first time.
New; Last One Isn't Working
DH: Colin Miles Van Buren (26)
DW: Claire Madeleine [Windsor] Van Buren (24)
Wedding Type: on the beach (picture 1)
Colin is a businessman. Claire is a teacher.
***Year 1***
As a one-year anniversary present, Colin and Claire were presented with an adorable, not-so-much-a-puppy-anymore Irish setter named Davin. Here's a picture:
Colin & Claire (27 & 25)
-Davin, the puppy
***Year 2***
Colin's parents have moved in with Colin and Claire. They'd had bad experiences with nursing homes with their own parents and didn't trust the nursing homes; they decided to live with their youngest son. Here's a photograph:
Colin & Claire (28 & 26)
-Catherine & Theodore Van Buren, Colin's parents (67 & 70)
-Davin, the puppy
***Year 3***
Colin and Claire have adopted a little Chinese boy of five. Since he'd been living in Great Britain since he was six months, he was given an English name, Dylan Oliver. Here's his picture:
Colin & Claire (29 & 27)
-Catherine & Theodore Van Buren, Colin's parents (68 & 71)
-Dylan, adopted Chinese boy (5)
-Davin, the puppy
***Year 4***
Colin has been given a pay raise.
Colin & Claire (30 & 28)
-Catherine & Theodore Van Buren, Colin's parents (69 & 72)
-Dylan, adopted Chinese boy (6)
-Davin, the puppy
***Year 5***
Dylan has been diagnosed with dyslexia. Since he is rather a bookworm-ish child, this is quite a hardship for the seven-year-old to bear.
DH: Colin Miles Van Buren (26)
DW: Claire Madeleine [Windsor] Van Buren (24)
Wedding Type: on the beach (picture 1)
Colin is a businessman. Claire is a teacher.
***Year 1***
As a one-year anniversary present, Colin and Claire were presented with an adorable, not-so-much-a-puppy-anymore Irish setter named Davin. Here's a picture:
Colin & Claire (27 & 25)
-Davin, the puppy
***Year 2***
Colin's parents have moved in with Colin and Claire. They'd had bad experiences with nursing homes with their own parents and didn't trust the nursing homes; they decided to live with their youngest son. Here's a photograph:
Colin & Claire (28 & 26)
-Catherine & Theodore Van Buren, Colin's parents (67 & 70)
-Davin, the puppy
***Year 3***
Colin and Claire have adopted a little Chinese boy of five. Since he'd been living in Great Britain since he was six months, he was given an English name, Dylan Oliver. Here's his picture:
Colin & Claire (29 & 27)
-Catherine & Theodore Van Buren, Colin's parents (68 & 71)
-Dylan, adopted Chinese boy (5)
-Davin, the puppy
***Year 4***
Colin has been given a pay raise.
Colin & Claire (30 & 28)
-Catherine & Theodore Van Buren, Colin's parents (69 & 72)
-Dylan, adopted Chinese boy (6)
-Davin, the puppy
***Year 5***
Dylan has been diagnosed with dyslexia. Since he is rather a bookworm-ish child, this is quite a hardship for the seven-year-old to bear.
DH: Cameron Oliver Payne
DW: Nerissa Stephanie Jones
Wedding: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1030759_P.JPG
House: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP0019099_P.JPG
1st Job: Nerissa: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN2016400_P.JPG (Teacher)
Car: http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1552652_P_Family-sedan-outdoor.jpg
Year 1: Family Affair - My parents died this year leaving Cameron and I with a large inheritance. As I am an only child all the money came to me.. we invested the money and gave some to charity.
Year 2: Pet - Cameron and I got our first pet this year, we got an English Cocker Spaniel puppy who we named Jake.. He's black with white patches and is absolutely full of energy.. he provides us hours of entertainment!!!
Year 3: Pet - Cam and I got another dog to keep Jake company.. we got a black Labrador puppy this time and named him Jesse - Jake and him get on like a house on fire!!
Year 4: Family Affair - Cam and I go on holiday this year with Cameron's sister Ellie and her partner this year we spend our holiday in Rome, Italy and have a fantastic week!
Year 5: Travel - Cam and I have a second honeymoon to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary.. we go back to Italy this year to Venice and spend a lovely very romantic 2 weeks.
Year 6: Birth - Cameron and I were delighted when I finally became pregnant and with twins!! We welcomed twin boys to our family on Christmas Day!! We named the boys Connor Gene Payne and Matteo Ashton Payne. The boys are doing great and are both an absolute delight!!
Year 7: Birth - Cameron and I are surprised to discover we're expecting another baby, a little boy. I went into premature labour which was really scary as we were soo scared something would be wrong with our son.. but he was just fine if a little small. Our third son was born on November 5th and we decided to name him Harry Tristan Payne.
DW: Nerissa Stephanie Jones
Wedding: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1030759_P.JPG
House: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP0019099_P.JPG
1st Job: Nerissa: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN2016400_P.JPG (Teacher)
Car: http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1552652_P_Family-sedan-outdoor.jpg
Year 1: Family Affair - My parents died this year leaving Cameron and I with a large inheritance. As I am an only child all the money came to me.. we invested the money and gave some to charity.
Year 2: Pet - Cameron and I got our first pet this year, we got an English Cocker Spaniel puppy who we named Jake.. He's black with white patches and is absolutely full of energy.. he provides us hours of entertainment!!!
Year 3: Pet - Cam and I got another dog to keep Jake company.. we got a black Labrador puppy this time and named him Jesse - Jake and him get on like a house on fire!!
Year 4: Family Affair - Cam and I go on holiday this year with Cameron's sister Ellie and her partner this year we spend our holiday in Rome, Italy and have a fantastic week!
Year 5: Travel - Cam and I have a second honeymoon to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary.. we go back to Italy this year to Venice and spend a lovely very romantic 2 weeks.
Year 6: Birth - Cameron and I were delighted when I finally became pregnant and with twins!! We welcomed twin boys to our family on Christmas Day!! We named the boys Connor Gene Payne and Matteo Ashton Payne. The boys are doing great and are both an absolute delight!!
Year 7: Birth - Cameron and I are surprised to discover we're expecting another baby, a little boy. I went into premature labour which was really scary as we were soo scared something would be wrong with our son.. but he was just fine if a little small. Our third son was born on November 5th and we decided to name him Harry Tristan Payne.
Meet the Quinn and Victoria Dodge, and their 16 children...
DH: Quinn Samuel Dodge (23)
Hair: Black, straight
Eyes: Light blue
Job: Painter
DW: Victoria Roxanne [Carter] Dodge (23)
Hair: Brown, wavy
Eyes: Hazel
Job: Doctor
Wedding: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/MWP/MWP0057177_P.JPG
House: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP0019099_P.JPG
Car: http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1909741_P_Mountains-travel.jpg
Year 1: Random
Quinn had been a painter for a while when his company got a new leadership and he lost his job. Since his father owns a truck company he became a truck driver instead. He hopes it's just temporary since truck driving isn't his cup of tea, really.
Year 2: Travel
Quinn and Victoria decided to do something crazy - they sold their house and bought a house boat instead! It looks like this: http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1909741_P_Mountains-travel.jpg
Year 3: Birth
Quinn and Victoria were overjoyous to find out that Victoria was pregnant! It turned out that she was carrying triplets, two girls and a boy, still the birth was uneventful. They are naming their children Felicia Ruby (after composer Felix Mendelssohn), Clara Róisín and Neptune Prince.
Felicia and Clara are identical, with their mother's brown wavy hair but their grandfather's green eyes. Neptune has black hair and blue eyes, like his father, but he has a lot of his mother's features as well. They were born on the 12th of August.
Year 4: Adoption
Quinn and Victoria decided to adopt from Russia. They got a three year old boy from Amgu, Sibiria. His name is Robert Kazimir. He is a very happy and loving boy, very easy to connect too. The Dodges are happy (but very tired with no sleep at night!).
DH: Quinn Samuel Dodge (23)
Hair: Black, straight
Eyes: Light blue
Job: Painter
DW: Victoria Roxanne [Carter] Dodge (23)
Hair: Brown, wavy
Eyes: Hazel
Job: Doctor
Wedding: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/MWP/MWP0057177_P.JPG
House: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP0019099_P.JPG
Car: http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1909741_P_Mountains-travel.jpg
Year 1: Random
Quinn had been a painter for a while when his company got a new leadership and he lost his job. Since his father owns a truck company he became a truck driver instead. He hopes it's just temporary since truck driving isn't his cup of tea, really.
Year 2: Travel
Quinn and Victoria decided to do something crazy - they sold their house and bought a house boat instead! It looks like this: http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1909741_P_Mountains-travel.jpg
Year 3: Birth
Quinn and Victoria were overjoyous to find out that Victoria was pregnant! It turned out that she was carrying triplets, two girls and a boy, still the birth was uneventful. They are naming their children Felicia Ruby (after composer Felix Mendelssohn), Clara Róisín and Neptune Prince.
Felicia and Clara are identical, with their mother's brown wavy hair but their grandfather's green eyes. Neptune has black hair and blue eyes, like his father, but he has a lot of his mother's features as well. They were born on the 12th of August.
Year 4: Adoption
Quinn and Victoria decided to adopt from Russia. They got a three year old boy from Amgu, Sibiria. His name is Robert Kazimir. He is a very happy and loving boy, very easy to connect too. The Dodges are happy (but very tired with no sleep at night!).
DH: Duncan Edward Norris
Job: Doctor
DW: Hannah Genevieve (Kennedy) Norris
Job: Teacher
DS: Henry Lochlann Norris (15)
DS: Louis Xavier Norris (14)
DD: Ivy Araceli Norris (13)
ADD: Olive Daisy Norris (13) China
ADD: Winter Beatrice Norris (11)
DS: Isaac Nathaniel Norris (9)
DS: Fraser Aleksander Norris (5)
DD/DD: Annie Martha Norris and May Sienna Norris (4)
Wedding: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/DVP/DVP1509032_P.JPG
House: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/AYP/AYP1329924_P.JPG
Hannah's Car: http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1552652_P_Family-sedan-outdoor.jpg
Duncan's car: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1029776_P.JPG
Year 1 - Birth
Duncan and Hannah have had a baby boy! His name is Henry Lochlann. He was born on 8th October, 4 weeks early, but he was healthy and Hannah was well so they didn't need to be kept in the hospital for long. They are loving being parents!
Year 2 - Birth
Duncan and Hannah have welcomed another son! His name is Louis Xavier and he was born naturally on 3rd December. The couple weren't planning to have another baby so soon but they are delighted nonetheless.
Year 3 - Birth
Duncan and Hannah have had a daughter! Her name is Ivy Araceli. She was born on 15th August while the family were on holiday in France. Once again this was an unplanned pregnancy, and although they are exhausted with 3 under 3s, they are extremely happy.
Year 4 - Adoption
Hannah and Duncan have adopted a little girl from China! She is one year old and they have named her Olive Daisy. She is beautiful and settling into the family really well. Henry, Louis and Ivy love having another sister to play with.
Job: Doctor
DW: Hannah Genevieve (Kennedy) Norris
Job: Teacher
DS: Henry Lochlann Norris (15)
DS: Louis Xavier Norris (14)
DD: Ivy Araceli Norris (13)
ADD: Olive Daisy Norris (13) China
ADD: Winter Beatrice Norris (11)
DS: Isaac Nathaniel Norris (9)
DS: Fraser Aleksander Norris (5)
DD/DD: Annie Martha Norris and May Sienna Norris (4)
Wedding: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/DVP/DVP1509032_P.JPG
House: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/AYP/AYP1329924_P.JPG
Hannah's Car: http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1552652_P_Family-sedan-outdoor.jpg
Duncan's car: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1029776_P.JPG
Year 1 - Birth
Duncan and Hannah have had a baby boy! His name is Henry Lochlann. He was born on 8th October, 4 weeks early, but he was healthy and Hannah was well so they didn't need to be kept in the hospital for long. They are loving being parents!
Year 2 - Birth
Duncan and Hannah have welcomed another son! His name is Louis Xavier and he was born naturally on 3rd December. The couple weren't planning to have another baby so soon but they are delighted nonetheless.
Year 3 - Birth
Duncan and Hannah have had a daughter! Her name is Ivy Araceli. She was born on 15th August while the family were on holiday in France. Once again this was an unplanned pregnancy, and although they are exhausted with 3 under 3s, they are extremely happy.
Year 4 - Adoption
Hannah and Duncan have adopted a little girl from China! She is one year old and they have named her Olive Daisy. She is beautiful and settling into the family really well. Henry, Louis and Ivy love having another sister to play with.
DH: Dylan James Russo
DW: Mallory Jeanette O’Hara
Dylan and Mallory dated in high school, but split up when they went to college. However, one christmas when they were both visiting their families they bumped into each other again. After a whirlwind romance, they decided to get married after only two months. They decided to elope to Las Vegas.
Following that, they decided to get a flat back in their home town.
Dylan scored a job working in marketing, and with his first bonus decided to buy a new 4x4.
While, Mallory decided to open up her own interior decorating company and keep her old hippy van she bought in college.
Year 1: Dylan and Mallory decided that since their first honeymoon in vegas only lasted the weekend, that they would go away. Finally Dylan got some time off from his busy workload and they shot off to the Carribean for 2 weeks of relaxation in the sun
Year 2: Whilst out for a jog Dylan found a stray dog, although he handed it in to the police no one claimed it, so he and Mallory decided to keep it. Its a 3 year old border collie that they named Mac.
Year 3: Although no one planned it Mallory found out she pregnant, and everyone was ecstatic. Mallory went into labour a week early, whilst having lunch with Dylan. Unfortunatly Dylan's car was being serviced and Mallory's Van had stopped working the day before. Although they called for an amubulance it was too late and Mallory ended up giving birth in their living room.
DW: Mallory Jeanette O’Hara
Dylan and Mallory dated in high school, but split up when they went to college. However, one christmas when they were both visiting their families they bumped into each other again. After a whirlwind romance, they decided to get married after only two months. They decided to elope to Las Vegas.
Following that, they decided to get a flat back in their home town.
Dylan scored a job working in marketing, and with his first bonus decided to buy a new 4x4.
While, Mallory decided to open up her own interior decorating company and keep her old hippy van she bought in college.
Year 1: Dylan and Mallory decided that since their first honeymoon in vegas only lasted the weekend, that they would go away. Finally Dylan got some time off from his busy workload and they shot off to the Carribean for 2 weeks of relaxation in the sun
Year 2: Whilst out for a jog Dylan found a stray dog, although he handed it in to the police no one claimed it, so he and Mallory decided to keep it. Its a 3 year old border collie that they named Mac.
Year 3: Although no one planned it Mallory found out she pregnant, and everyone was ecstatic. Mallory went into labour a week early, whilst having lunch with Dylan. Unfortunatly Dylan's car was being serviced and Mallory's Van had stopped working the day before. Although they called for an amubulance it was too late and Mallory ended up giving birth in their living room.
H: Dr. Colin Miles Van Buren
W: Dr. Claire Madeleine Windsor
Colin and Claire met at university. He proposed the month they graduated from medical school. They had a large, traditional wedding at her family's summer home in Scotland.
Wedding: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1030759_P.JPG
After the wedding and their honeymoon to Australia, Colin and Claire settled in a modern two-story home in California, complete with a gorgeous Olympic-sized pool.
Home: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP0019099_P.JPG
They started at the same drug company doing research to develop new medicines for cancers.
Career: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/IMP/IMP115581H_P.JPG
In preparation for the large family they hoped to have, Colin and Claire splurged and bought a minivan for their first anniversary.
Car: http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1909741_P_Mountains-travel.jpg
Year One: Claire gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, Henry George Walter Windsor-Van Buren, on August 11, at a birth center.
Year Two: For Henry's first real Christmas, Colin and Claire took him to meet Claire's family. They rang in the New Year in London in a small but comfortable hotel.
Year Three: Claire bought Colin a dog for his birthday! They named their new Boston terrier Ginger Pie.
Year Four: Colin and Claire were thrilled when she gave birth to triplets, two boys and a girls. They were born six weeks prematurely on May 17 while Claire was on a business trip to Egypt. August Basil, Sylvia Rosemary, and Oliver Oren were able to return home in September.
Year Five: On December 5, Claire and Colin welcomed their fifth child! Conor Fintan was born full-term and healthy in a planned water birth.
W: Dr. Claire Madeleine Windsor
Colin and Claire met at university. He proposed the month they graduated from medical school. They had a large, traditional wedding at her family's summer home in Scotland.
Wedding: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1030759_P.JPG
After the wedding and their honeymoon to Australia, Colin and Claire settled in a modern two-story home in California, complete with a gorgeous Olympic-sized pool.
Home: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP0019099_P.JPG
They started at the same drug company doing research to develop new medicines for cancers.
Career: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/IMP/IMP115581H_P.JPG
In preparation for the large family they hoped to have, Colin and Claire splurged and bought a minivan for their first anniversary.
Car: http://images.veer.com/Marketplace/1909741_P_Mountains-travel.jpg
Year One: Claire gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, Henry George Walter Windsor-Van Buren, on August 11, at a birth center.
Year Two: For Henry's first real Christmas, Colin and Claire took him to meet Claire's family. They rang in the New Year in London in a small but comfortable hotel.
Year Three: Claire bought Colin a dog for his birthday! They named their new Boston terrier Ginger Pie.
Year Four: Colin and Claire were thrilled when she gave birth to triplets, two boys and a girls. They were born six weeks prematurely on May 17 while Claire was on a business trip to Egypt. August Basil, Sylvia Rosemary, and Oliver Oren were able to return home in September.
Year Five: On December 5, Claire and Colin welcomed their fifth child! Conor Fintan was born full-term and healthy in a planned water birth.
DH: Dylan James Russo, Doctor, Drives a Ford Mustang
DW: Claire Madeleine Windsor, Teacher, Drives a Ford Mustang
Have a courthouse wedding
Live in a house on a lake
Year 1: DW goes back to school and becomes a cop.
Year 2: Daughter, Victoria Iris, born on the way to the hospital on December 2.
Year 3: DH goes back to school and becomes a cop.
Year 4: Adopt identical twin girls Olamide and Eniola, from Africa, Birthday: June 11
Year 5: DH's grandparents move into the house, making it a bit crowded with the girls.
Year 6: DW travels out of state for a police convention.
Year 7: Family goes to Oregon for Christmas to visit DW's family and goes skiing.
Year 8: Son, Saulius Alexander born March 21 in Brazil while looking to adopt again
Year 9: Moved out west in a western style house
Year 10: Daughter, Aoide Larissa, born on the 4th of July
Year 11: Adopt twin girls, Amalia Rosa and Marina Vitoria, from Brazil
Year 12: Adopt boy, Idowu from Africa
Year 13: Get a cat named Otto
Year 14: Daughters, Catherine Mary, Samantha Lyric, and son Paris Xavier born naturally on October 5
Year 15: Son, Benjamin River born naturally on January 26
So there are 16 people living in the house and a kitty. Whoa haha.
DW: Claire Madeleine Windsor, Teacher, Drives a Ford Mustang
Have a courthouse wedding
Live in a house on a lake
Year 1: DW goes back to school and becomes a cop.
Year 2: Daughter, Victoria Iris, born on the way to the hospital on December 2.
Year 3: DH goes back to school and becomes a cop.
Year 4: Adopt identical twin girls Olamide and Eniola, from Africa, Birthday: June 11
Year 5: DH's grandparents move into the house, making it a bit crowded with the girls.
Year 6: DW travels out of state for a police convention.
Year 7: Family goes to Oregon for Christmas to visit DW's family and goes skiing.
Year 8: Son, Saulius Alexander born March 21 in Brazil while looking to adopt again
Year 9: Moved out west in a western style house
Year 10: Daughter, Aoide Larissa, born on the 4th of July
Year 11: Adopt twin girls, Amalia Rosa and Marina Vitoria, from Brazil
Year 12: Adopt boy, Idowu from Africa
Year 13: Get a cat named Otto
Year 14: Daughters, Catherine Mary, Samantha Lyric, and son Paris Xavier born naturally on October 5
Year 15: Son, Benjamin River born naturally on January 26
So there are 16 people living in the house and a kitty. Whoa haha.
This message was edited 12/1/2010, 11:55 PM
1st game!
DH: Quinn Samuel Dodge
DW: Hannah Genevieve [Kennedy] Dodge
Wedding: (6)
Home: (6)
1st job: Quinn - business Hannah - librarian
Car: Quinn - SUV Hannah - Silver Sedan
5,4,6,1,1,1,7,5,4,8,7,7,7,5,4, - pet, random, birth, fam affair, fam affair, fam affair, travel, pet, random, job, travel, travel, travel, pet, random
5 - Pet - Dog - Adopt a Siberian husky!
4 - Random - Raise!
6 - Birth - Boy, IM (Place name FN, musical name MN), water birth, MAy-June 16-20
1 - Fam affair - 6. Your family has decided to move for what reason? (roll again for a new house) - House: 4
1 - fam affair - 4 - 4. Your parent(s) died leaving behind a large inheritance (do you have siblings to share this with or is it all yours? What do you do with the money?)
1 - fam affair - 3. Your child is diagnosed with a “problem” what is it and how does it affect your family (examples, ADHD, or Diabetes.. if you don’t have a child yet then you are diagnosed)
7 - travel - 2 - Family vacation
1 - pet - exotic animal - macaw
4 - random - 4 - RAISE!
8 - job - 6 - promotion! - 3 - Quinn is now a very powerful exec
7 - travel - 3 - second honeymoon
7 - travel - 1 - on business
7 - travel - 4 - job transfer - new house: 1 (CASTLE?!)
1 - pet - 4 - dog - adopt a german shepherd!
4 - random - 1 - found a stray cat
2nd time!
DH: Colin Miles Van Buren
DW: Claire Madeleine Windsor
Wedding: 5
Home: 2 - huge house with pool
jobs: colin - 1 professor claire - 5 profession chef
cars: yellow mustang and silver sedan
5,7,5,7,7,8,6,2,5,1,4,4,2,5,3, - pet, travel, pet, travel, travel, job, birth, adoption, pet, fam affair, random, random, adoption, pet, birth
5 - pet - 4 - dog - golden retreiver
7 - travel -3 - second honeymoon
5 - pet - 4 - dog
7 - travel - 6 - spiritual retreat
7 - travel - 5 - on business
8 - job - 1 - promotion
6 - birth - 5 - multiples - 2 boys and 1 girl - natural birth - sept-oct 6-10 - ny (seasonal name FN royal name MN) yf (royal FN choice MN) yw (royal name FN occupation MN)
DH: Hunter Mac Finney
DW: Nia Helene (Stratton) Finney
Hunter's Job
Nia's Job
Hunter's Car
Nia's Car
Year 1: Random
Nia unfortunately looses her job as a chef and starts working at an advertising company
Year 2: Adoption
We adopt boy/girl twins from Africa. Their names are Ezra Malachi and Ireland Melody. They were born on July 14th.
Year 3: Family Affair
We go on a holiday to Ohio to visit some family that have never met the twins before.
Year 4: Adoption
We adopt again! This time a little boy from Brazil. We name him Matteo Benjamin. He was born on November 3rd.
Year 5: Pet
Ireland and Ezra really want a pet so we get them a bird. They name it Tweety.
Year 6: Birth
Nia gives birth to a little girl on September 9th. They name her Delaney Eden.
Year 7: Pet
The kids are asking for another pet and have done really well taking care of their bird so we give in and get them a lizard, as that is the pet they wanted. They name it Scales.
DW: Nia Helene (Stratton) Finney
Hunter's Job
Nia's Job
Hunter's Car
Nia's Car
Year 1: Random
Nia unfortunately looses her job as a chef and starts working at an advertising company
Year 2: Adoption
We adopt boy/girl twins from Africa. Their names are Ezra Malachi and Ireland Melody. They were born on July 14th.
Year 3: Family Affair
We go on a holiday to Ohio to visit some family that have never met the twins before.
Year 4: Adoption
We adopt again! This time a little boy from Brazil. We name him Matteo Benjamin. He was born on November 3rd.
Year 5: Pet
Ireland and Ezra really want a pet so we get them a bird. They name it Tweety.
Year 6: Birth
Nia gives birth to a little girl on September 9th. They name her Delaney Eden.
Year 7: Pet
The kids are asking for another pet and have done really well taking care of their bird so we give in and get them a lizard, as that is the pet they wanted. They name it Scales.
DH: Joel Wyatt Garrison
DW: Mallory Jeanette [O’Hara] Garrison
Wedding: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/DVP/DVP1509032_P.JPG
House: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN2016330_P.JPG
1st Job: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1085043_P.JPG
Car: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/MWP/MWP0042958_P.JPG
Year 1: Family Affair- A relative has passed away and left you as custodian of their two children [boy/girl]
Edmund Apollo // Aria Demeter
Year 2: Random- Given a raise
Year 3: Travel- On business
Year 4: Random- Unexpected baby/Boy [Natural birth/Feb. 25]
Sirius Darcy
Year 5: Pet- Rodent/York [Guinea Pig]
Year 6: Pet- Cat/Safira
Year 7: Random- Unexpected baby/Girl [premature/July 13]
Hermione Lark
Year 8: Pet- Dog/Legolas
Year 9: Birth/ Multiples- 2 boys [premature] Sept. 7
Killian Reed & Lachlann River
Year 10: Birth/ Boy [Holiday birth/Halloween]
Hadrian Tadhg
Year 11: Birth/ Boy [Natural birth] Aug. 12
Peregrine Shea
Year 12: Job- You went back to school for a better job
Year 13: Random- Unexpected baby/2 Girls [premature/Apr. 22]
Persephone Juno / Alcyone Meri
Year 14: Family Affair- Your child is diagnosed with a “problem” [Hadrian/ADHD]
Year 15: Random- Unexpected baby/2 boys & a girl [Water birth/Mar. 21]
Harper Ignatius/Theodore Gale/Lily November
DW: Mallory Jeanette [O’Hara] Garrison
Wedding: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/DVP/DVP1509032_P.JPG
House: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN2016330_P.JPG
1st Job: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1085043_P.JPG
Car: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/MWP/MWP0042958_P.JPG
Year 1: Family Affair- A relative has passed away and left you as custodian of their two children [boy/girl]
Edmund Apollo // Aria Demeter
Year 2: Random- Given a raise
Year 3: Travel- On business
Year 4: Random- Unexpected baby/Boy [Natural birth/Feb. 25]
Sirius Darcy
Year 5: Pet- Rodent/York [Guinea Pig]
Year 6: Pet- Cat/Safira
Year 7: Random- Unexpected baby/Girl [premature/July 13]
Hermione Lark
Year 8: Pet- Dog/Legolas
Year 9: Birth/ Multiples- 2 boys [premature] Sept. 7
Killian Reed & Lachlann River
Year 10: Birth/ Boy [Holiday birth/Halloween]
Hadrian Tadhg
Year 11: Birth/ Boy [Natural birth] Aug. 12
Peregrine Shea
Year 12: Job- You went back to school for a better job
Year 13: Random- Unexpected baby/2 Girls [premature/Apr. 22]
Persephone Juno / Alcyone Meri
Year 14: Family Affair- Your child is diagnosed with a “problem” [Hadrian/ADHD]
Year 15: Random- Unexpected baby/2 boys & a girl [Water birth/Mar. 21]
Harper Ignatius/Theodore Gale/Lily November
DH: Christian Bruno Isabel
Job: Chef
DW: Claire Madeleine (Windsor) Isabel
Job: Businesswoman
Wedding: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/MWP/MWP0057177_P.JPG
House: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1014854_P.JPG
Car: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1029776_P.JPG (SUV)
Year One
Claire was transferred at her job. As a result, she and Christian had to move. Their new house looks like this: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN2032276_P.JPG.
Year Two
Shortly after Claire and Christian moved, Claire discovered she was pregnant. Nine months later she delivered a healthy baby boy, Elias Morgan Isabel, at home with the assistance of a midwife. Elias was born on November 3rd.
Year Three
Barely a year after giving birth to Elias, Claire discovered she was once again pregnant. Though she and Christian had planned on another home birth, this second baby had other ideas. Claire ended up giving birth while on vacation in France. On December 5th, Claire and Christian welcomed Zimri Amadeus Isabel.
Job: Chef
DW: Claire Madeleine (Windsor) Isabel
Job: Businesswoman
Wedding: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/MWP/MWP0057177_P.JPG
House: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1014854_P.JPG
Car: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1029776_P.JPG (SUV)
Year One
Claire was transferred at her job. As a result, she and Christian had to move. Their new house looks like this: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN2032276_P.JPG.
Year Two
Shortly after Claire and Christian moved, Claire discovered she was pregnant. Nine months later she delivered a healthy baby boy, Elias Morgan Isabel, at home with the assistance of a midwife. Elias was born on November 3rd.
Year Three
Barely a year after giving birth to Elias, Claire discovered she was once again pregnant. Though she and Christian had planned on another home birth, this second baby had other ideas. Claire ended up giving birth while on vacation in France. On December 5th, Claire and Christian welcomed Zimri Amadeus Isabel.
DH: Duncan Edward Norris
DW: Melissa Shannon (Kinney) Norris
-DD: Alina Celeste
-DD/DD/DS: Luna Cassidy / Soleil Arwen / River Noble
-DD: Zoe Charissa
-DS: Adam Dimitri [from Russia]
-DS: Lev Roman [from Russia]
-DS: Harry Davis
1. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN2016330_P.JPG
1st Job
1. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN2016400_P.JPG
3. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/MWP/MWP0051567_P.JPG
Year 1: Pet
Duncan and Melissa adopt a rabbit! His name is Lorenzo.
Year 2: Family Affair
Duncan's parents died and he received a very big inheritance. According to their parents' will, each of the 3 brothers receive a quarter of the money, and the last quarter is donated to a charity. Duncan and Melissa decide that they will keep their lifestyle as it is and put all the money into a college found for their future children.
Year 3: Birth
On June 16th, Melissa gives birth to a baby girl! She has a very calm and peaceful homebirth with a Doula. They name the baby Alina Celeste Norris.
Year 4: Random
Mel is given a raise at the school.
Year 5: Job
Duncan is transfered to another branch of the company he works for. The family moves to a new house.
4. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1046267_P.JPG
Year 6: Travel
Melissa and Duncan decide to go on a second honeymoon to celebrate their wedding anniversary. They leave Allie with Mel's mum while they go to Hawaii for a week.
Year 7: Birth
Melissa found out she was pregnant some weeks after they got back from their honemoon. She couldn't believe it when the doctor told her there were three babies! 7 months later, on September 10th, she gives birth to two girls and a boy. This time she chose to have a water birth. Their names are: Luna Cassidy, Soleil Arwen and River Noble.
DW: Melissa Shannon (Kinney) Norris
-DD: Alina Celeste
-DD/DD/DS: Luna Cassidy / Soleil Arwen / River Noble
-DD: Zoe Charissa
-DS: Adam Dimitri [from Russia]
-DS: Lev Roman [from Russia]
-DS: Harry Davis
1. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN2016330_P.JPG
1st Job
1. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN2016400_P.JPG
3. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/MWP/MWP0051567_P.JPG
Year 1: Pet
Duncan and Melissa adopt a rabbit! His name is Lorenzo.
Year 2: Family Affair
Duncan's parents died and he received a very big inheritance. According to their parents' will, each of the 3 brothers receive a quarter of the money, and the last quarter is donated to a charity. Duncan and Melissa decide that they will keep their lifestyle as it is and put all the money into a college found for their future children.
Year 3: Birth
On June 16th, Melissa gives birth to a baby girl! She has a very calm and peaceful homebirth with a Doula. They name the baby Alina Celeste Norris.
Year 4: Random
Mel is given a raise at the school.
Year 5: Job
Duncan is transfered to another branch of the company he works for. The family moves to a new house.
4. http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1046267_P.JPG
Year 6: Travel
Melissa and Duncan decide to go on a second honeymoon to celebrate their wedding anniversary. They leave Allie with Mel's mum while they go to Hawaii for a week.
Year 7: Birth
Melissa found out she was pregnant some weeks after they got back from their honemoon. She couldn't believe it when the doctor told her there were three babies! 7 months later, on September 10th, she gives birth to two girls and a boy. This time she chose to have a water birth. Their names are: Luna Cassidy, Soleil Arwen and River Noble.
I'm soooo glad someone else made one for a change
Usually I'm the only one who makes these. Thanks for letting me play. I appreciate it. I love these games.
DH: Colin Miles Van Buren
Job: teacher
Car: #2
DW: Kathleen Georgia Maguire
Job: doctor
Car: #5 Family Sedan
Wedding: #6 http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1030759_P.JPG
House: #4
Year 1: We go to Memphis to see my grandparents for Christmas this year. It was a lot of fun. We had Christmas with Colin’s family the week before. No one seem upset about it. My whole family went to Memphis. It was a great time.
Year 2: Pet
Colin and I decided we needed a pet. We fell in love with a small parrot named Job. Job is a great joy to us.
Year 3: Unexpected baby – River Carlos Van Buren
This year we had a huge shocker. I don’t know how but I didn’t know I was pregnant. On August 12 I had horrible stomach pains and I didn’t know why. Soon we discovered a shocking realization. I was in labor. I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy there at home with only me and Colin. It was terrifying but luckily our son was healthy and we all were okay. We were so happy for out little surprise. We named our son River Carlos. The name means water warrior.
Year 4: Birth – Aiden Stone Van Buren
We didn’t plan on another baby so soon after River but God had other plans for us. On October 8 we welcomed another baby boy. We had a natural birth and everything went as planned. Aiden Stone Van Buren has received many wet kisses from big brother River. His name means fire stone.
Usually I'm the only one who makes these. Thanks for letting me play. I appreciate it. I love these games.
DH: Colin Miles Van Buren
Job: teacher
Car: #2
DW: Kathleen Georgia Maguire
Job: doctor
Car: #5 Family Sedan
Wedding: #6 http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1030759_P.JPG
House: #4
Year 1: We go to Memphis to see my grandparents for Christmas this year. It was a lot of fun. We had Christmas with Colin’s family the week before. No one seem upset about it. My whole family went to Memphis. It was a great time.
Year 2: Pet
Colin and I decided we needed a pet. We fell in love with a small parrot named Job. Job is a great joy to us.
Year 3: Unexpected baby – River Carlos Van Buren
This year we had a huge shocker. I don’t know how but I didn’t know I was pregnant. On August 12 I had horrible stomach pains and I didn’t know why. Soon we discovered a shocking realization. I was in labor. I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy there at home with only me and Colin. It was terrifying but luckily our son was healthy and we all were okay. We were so happy for out little surprise. We named our son River Carlos. The name means water warrior.
Year 4: Birth – Aiden Stone Van Buren
We didn’t plan on another baby so soon after River but God had other plans for us. On October 8 we welcomed another baby boy. We had a natural birth and everything went as planned. Aiden Stone Van Buren has received many wet kisses from big brother River. His name means fire stone.
This message was edited 12/1/2010, 5:32 PM
DH - Dylan James Russo (41)
DW - Hannah Genevieve {Kennedy} Russo (38)
Wedding - 3
Job (Dylan) - 6
Job (Hannah) - 3
House - 3
Car - 5
Year One
Name - Austen Vienna Russo (14)
Birthday - January 1st
Year Two
Name - Shiloh (13)
Species - Mouse
Year Three
Name - Smith (12)
Species - German Shepherd, Female
Year Four
Name - Niamh Victoria Russo (11)
Birthday - May 24th
Year Five
Hannah now does job 4 (Job2).
Year Six
The Russo's moved to house 4 (House2).
Year Seven
Name - Lilith Chloe Russo (8)
Birthday - December 24th
Year Eight
Name - Walter (7)
Species - Fennec Fox
Year Nine
Vacation to Disney.
Year Ten
Name - Tanner Isaias Russo (5)
Birthday - July 12th
Year Eleven
Name - Tali (4)
Species - Black Rat Snake
Year Twelve
Dylan went to Jerusalem on a spiritual retreat.
Year Thirteen
Niamh was diagnosed with ADHD. She is on medication to help but sometimes she can still be really hyperactive.
Year Fourteen
Dylan got a raise and he feels that it is due to the retreat he went on two years ago.
Year Fifteen
Name - Gabriel Hunter Russo (nb)
Name - Leandra Adela Russo (nb)
Name - October George Russo 'Toby' (nb)
Name - Lyric Marianna Russo (nb)
Birthday - November 1st
DW - Hannah Genevieve {Kennedy} Russo (38)
Wedding - 3
Job (Dylan) - 6
Job (Hannah) - 3
House - 3
Car - 5
Year One
Name - Austen Vienna Russo (14)
Birthday - January 1st
Year Two
Name - Shiloh (13)
Species - Mouse
Year Three
Name - Smith (12)
Species - German Shepherd, Female
Year Four
Name - Niamh Victoria Russo (11)
Birthday - May 24th
Year Five
Hannah now does job 4 (Job2).
Year Six
The Russo's moved to house 4 (House2).
Year Seven
Name - Lilith Chloe Russo (8)
Birthday - December 24th
Year Eight
Name - Walter (7)
Species - Fennec Fox
Year Nine
Vacation to Disney.
Year Ten
Name - Tanner Isaias Russo (5)
Birthday - July 12th
Year Eleven
Name - Tali (4)
Species - Black Rat Snake
Year Twelve
Dylan went to Jerusalem on a spiritual retreat.
Year Thirteen
Niamh was diagnosed with ADHD. She is on medication to help but sometimes she can still be really hyperactive.
Year Fourteen
Dylan got a raise and he feels that it is due to the retreat he went on two years ago.
Year Fifteen
Name - Gabriel Hunter Russo (nb)
Name - Leandra Adela Russo (nb)
Name - October George Russo 'Toby' (nb)
Name - Lyric Marianna Russo (nb)
Birthday - November 1st
DH: Cameron Oliver Payne
DW: Mallory Jeanette O’Hara
Wedding: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1030759_P.JPG
House: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1014854_P.JPG
Job: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN2016400_P.JPG
Car: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/MWP/MWP0042958_P.JPG
[Family Affair] Cameron's mother, Mildred, moves in with them.
[Job] Mallory recieves a raise.
[Travel] Cameron & Mallory go to Italy.
[Job] Cameron gets a promotion.
[Job] Mallory recieves a raise.
[Job] Mallory starts working in a local paper.
[Family Affair] Mildred dies, leaving 2/3rds of her fortune to the local pet shop. Cameron and Mallory spend a portion and invest the rest.
[Adoption] Cameron and Mallory adopt twin girls from Ireland. They name them Isabelle Jemima and Theodora Magdalene, but everyone knows them as Ibby and Thea.
[Family Affair] The family goes on a holiday to Hawaii.
[Pet] The family adopts an Iguana, named Ignatia.
[Birth] Mallory and Cameron welcome quadruplets, born prematurely on November 29. Their names are Leo Padraig, Cormac River, Alba Emmeline, and Marie Ada.
[Birth] Mallroy and Cameron welcome a girl, born Christmas Eve - Iris Benedetta.
[Travel] Mallory and Cameron take a second honeymoon to Scotland.
[Family Affair] Mallory, Cameron and the twins visit their cousins in Canada.
[Birth] Mallory and Cameron welcome quadruplets, born August 1st in the ambulance on their way to the hospital. Their names are August Sirius, Rowan Charles, Eve Anastasiya, and Honour Cecily.
Cameron & Mallory
Ibby (8), Thea (8), Leo (5), Cormac (5), Alba (5), Marie (5), Iris (4), August (6 months), Rowan (6 months), Eve (6 months), and Honour (6 months).
DW: Mallory Jeanette O’Hara
Wedding: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1030759_P.JPG
House: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/CBP/CBP1014854_P.JPG
Job: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN2016400_P.JPG
Car: http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/MWP/MWP0042958_P.JPG
[Family Affair] Cameron's mother, Mildred, moves in with them.
[Job] Mallory recieves a raise.
[Travel] Cameron & Mallory go to Italy.
[Job] Cameron gets a promotion.
[Job] Mallory recieves a raise.
[Job] Mallory starts working in a local paper.
[Family Affair] Mildred dies, leaving 2/3rds of her fortune to the local pet shop. Cameron and Mallory spend a portion and invest the rest.
[Adoption] Cameron and Mallory adopt twin girls from Ireland. They name them Isabelle Jemima and Theodora Magdalene, but everyone knows them as Ibby and Thea.
[Family Affair] The family goes on a holiday to Hawaii.
[Pet] The family adopts an Iguana, named Ignatia.
[Birth] Mallory and Cameron welcome quadruplets, born prematurely on November 29. Their names are Leo Padraig, Cormac River, Alba Emmeline, and Marie Ada.
[Birth] Mallroy and Cameron welcome a girl, born Christmas Eve - Iris Benedetta.
[Travel] Mallory and Cameron take a second honeymoon to Scotland.
[Family Affair] Mallory, Cameron and the twins visit their cousins in Canada.
[Birth] Mallory and Cameron welcome quadruplets, born August 1st in the ambulance on their way to the hospital. Their names are August Sirius, Rowan Charles, Eve Anastasiya, and Honour Cecily.
Cameron & Mallory
Ibby (8), Thea (8), Leo (5), Cormac (5), Alba (5), Marie (5), Iris (4), August (6 months), Rowan (6 months), Eve (6 months), and Honour (6 months).
DH: Cameron Oliver Payne (28)
DW: Claire Madeleine Windsor (25)
Claire was a teacher. Cameron worked at a hospital.
Claire just had a sweet baby girl. Claire decided she wanted her first child to be born at home. Golgotha Dulcinea, Olga, was born May 31.
Cameron & Claire (29 & 26)
-Olga (nb)
Claire is working part-time at a fast food restaurant, because she couldn't keep up with being a teacher.
Cameron & Claire (30 & 27)
-Olga (1)
Cameron bought Claire a puppy for her birthday. Claire named her puppy dog Felix.
Cameron & Claire (31 & 28)
-Olga (2)
-Felix, the puppy
Cameron has been moved up in his job. Instead of being a nurse who is on call very little, he is now called for many different jobs.
Cameron & Claire (32 & 29)
-Olga (3)
-Felix, the puppy
Cameron is going back to school. He wants to become a doctor, instead of just a nurse.
Cameron & Claire (33 & 30)
-Olga (4)
-Felix, the puppy
Olga cat a kitty for her birthday! Olga named her kitty Special.
Cameron & Claire (34 & 31)
-Olga (5)
-Felix, the puppy
-Special, the kitty
Cameron and Claire, along with Olga, Felix, and Special, have moved from their first house to a huge one.
DW: Claire Madeleine Windsor (25)
Claire was a teacher. Cameron worked at a hospital.
Claire just had a sweet baby girl. Claire decided she wanted her first child to be born at home. Golgotha Dulcinea, Olga, was born May 31.
Cameron & Claire (29 & 26)
-Olga (nb)
Claire is working part-time at a fast food restaurant, because she couldn't keep up with being a teacher.
Cameron & Claire (30 & 27)
-Olga (1)
Cameron bought Claire a puppy for her birthday. Claire named her puppy dog Felix.
Cameron & Claire (31 & 28)
-Olga (2)
-Felix, the puppy
Cameron has been moved up in his job. Instead of being a nurse who is on call very little, he is now called for many different jobs.
Cameron & Claire (32 & 29)
-Olga (3)
-Felix, the puppy
Cameron is going back to school. He wants to become a doctor, instead of just a nurse.
Cameron & Claire (33 & 30)
-Olga (4)
-Felix, the puppy
Olga cat a kitty for her birthday! Olga named her kitty Special.
Cameron & Claire (34 & 31)
-Olga (5)
-Felix, the puppy
-Special, the kitty
Cameron and Claire, along with Olga, Felix, and Special, have moved from their first house to a huge one.