[Opinions] WDYT of Manon
I really like it lately, but have no idea what to pair it with! WDYTO it, and combonation suggestions please!
Manon is a beautiful name. It's simple, sweet and uncommon.
I'm always inclined to pair Manon with a French name, but just about anything goes with it:
Manon Aurélie
Manon Amaëlle
Manon Renée
Manon Louise
Manon Victoire
Manon Beatrice
Manon Hélène
Manon Alexandra
Manon Yael
Manon Irene (pronounced "eer-EE-nee")
Manon Amélie
Manon Caroline
Manon Camille
Manon Felicitée
Manon Anaïs
Manon Cécile
Manon Eulalie
Manon Olivia
Manon Joséphine
Manon Charlotte
Manon Stéphanie
Manon Juliette
Manon Anastasie
Manon Elise
Manon Marie
Manon Gabriella
Manon Alessandra
Manon Lieselotte

I'm always inclined to pair Manon with a French name, but just about anything goes with it:
Manon Aurélie
Manon Amaëlle
Manon Renée
Manon Louise
Manon Victoire
Manon Beatrice
Manon Hélène
Manon Alexandra
Manon Yael
Manon Irene (pronounced "eer-EE-nee")
Manon Amélie
Manon Caroline
Manon Camille
Manon Felicitée
Manon Anaïs
Manon Cécile
Manon Eulalie
Manon Olivia
Manon Joséphine
Manon Charlotte
Manon Stéphanie
Manon Juliette
Manon Anastasie
Manon Elise
Manon Marie
Manon Gabriella
Manon Alessandra
Manon Lieselotte

I thought it was a boy's name when I first saw it. It just sounds masculine to me. :(

Have yourself a buggy little Christmas! I've adopted 26 ! and 4 @, see my profile

Have yourself a buggy little Christmas! I've adopted 26 ! and 4 @, see my profile
I live in Louisiana, and a lot of people here speak French. You know how when some girls get an attitude, and they put their hands on their hips and say, "Oh, but No!"?? Well here, Cajun girls put their hands on their hips and say, "Mais non!" (s is silent;so is second n in non). Manon is pronounced the same way!
Anyway, when I see or say Manon, all I can think about is Mais non.
Anyway, when I see or say Manon, all I can think about is Mais non.
It's fine, it just doesn't sound that pretty to me. I prefer it as a nickname.
Manon Sophia
Manon Olivia
Manon Elise
Manon Isabel / Isabella
Manon Eleanor
Manon Charlotte
Manon Christina
Manon Rebecca
Manon Clara
Manon Elisa
Manon Emilia
Manon Amelia
Manon Alexandra
Manon Anna
Manon Annabel
Manon Annelise
Manon Liliana
Manon Laura
Manon Laurel
Manon Lara
Manon Juliet
Manon Juliana
Manon Talia
Manon Sarah
Manon Serafina / Seraphina
Manon Amalia
Manon Selena
Manon Serena
Manon Sophia
Manon Olivia
Manon Elise
Manon Isabel / Isabella
Manon Eleanor
Manon Charlotte
Manon Christina
Manon Rebecca
Manon Clara
Manon Elisa
Manon Emilia
Manon Amelia
Manon Alexandra
Manon Anna
Manon Annabel
Manon Annelise
Manon Liliana
Manon Laura
Manon Laurel
Manon Lara
Manon Juliet
Manon Juliana
Manon Talia
Manon Sarah
Manon Serafina / Seraphina
Manon Amalia
Manon Selena
Manon Serena
Wow, thanks!
I like (*= Love it):
Manon Isabel *
Manon Eleanor
Manon Emilia *
Manon Annabel
Manon Liliana
Manon Laurel *
Manon Juliet *
Manon Rose *
Manon Victoria
Manon Elena
I don't like:
Manon Alexandra
Manon Selena
Manon Serena
Manon Simone / Simona
Manon Zofia
Manon Zara
The rest I am neutral/don't dislike/find ok :)
I like (*= Love it):
Manon Isabel *
Manon Eleanor
Manon Emilia *
Manon Annabel
Manon Liliana
Manon Laurel *
Manon Juliet *
Manon Rose *
Manon Victoria
Manon Elena
I don't like:
Manon Alexandra
Manon Selena
Manon Serena
Manon Simone / Simona
Manon Zofia
Manon Zara
The rest I am neutral/don't dislike/find ok :)