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[Opinions] Re: Quiddity
Yup! That's why I don't care what people say about Barbara:-) I love it because I loved the person whose name it was and I'm going to use it (I have grown to like the name itself now, but I never even gave it a though when I decided this back when I was 10). I even don't care if she gets called Bara or Barica (which are extremely dated and dowdy here) because that's what my grandma was called. And also why I'm now set on Ana-Sofia for a second daughter. I was trying to get around using Ana (the other grandmother, but it was VERY popular in my generation and it was a constant classic) with Anika or Anja, etc., but her name was Ana so I think I'll keep it as is (she can use the others as a nickname if she wants one day).

This message was edited 9/10/2010, 6:32 AM

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