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[Opinions] Re: Donald
I sound like a broken record with this, I know.....but if she wants to honor Donalds then she should use Donald as a middle name! So what if she doesn't like it? That's what the middle name slot is use a name for honoring purposes that one wouldn't use as a first name, maybe because one hates it!I didn't like Zoe when I gave it my daughter as a middle name and my husband always hated it. But I wanted to honor my mother and my grandmother, so Zoe it was, and he understood. I didn't use Eve because it means the same thing. That kind of thing drives me nuts.
Why do people try so hard to have it both ways?(Though I did make an exception for Sela\Peter below...not sure why...that one struck my fancy.)I think that if she wants to honor both Donald and Bryon she should use both names...the kid can have two middle names. My younger grandson does, because there were two names my daughter wanted to use for honoring purposes.
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Bryon Donald would flow okand it wouldn't look tacky like Brydon.
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