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[Surname] Retief Goosen ...
South African winner of recent US Open ...I hadn't seen 'Retief' as a first name, anyone know the origin and meaning? For that matter, 'Goosen' would be interesting as well ...
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The French surname Rétif is derived from the adjective rétif, 'restive, intractable'. I think Retief may have the same meaning.
The Dutch surname Goosen is a patronym based on Gossin / Goossin, which is a hypocoristic of Goswijn, 'God/good'.

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Goosen is a Dutch surname. In Amsterdam telephone directory you can find at least 30 Goosen.
In Dutch goose means "goose" but the pronounciation is different from english rather "hawze".
But I ignore if Southafrican pronunciation is similar in Afrikaans to Dutch.
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