[Games] KUY Royal Congrats ▓▒░ Round 5 ░▒▓
I've wanted to start a Royal Congrats again, but haven't had the time to keep track of all of the information. So, I've decided to do a KUY Royal Congrats. Anybody is welcome to join in at any time (To join, start at Round 1 and work your way to the current round - You don't have to post on each previous round however, just find the new family and rules there). I'll provide links to all previous rounds. Enjoy :-)Round 1: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3880239&board=game
Round 2: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3880808&board=game
Round 3: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3881871&board=game
Round 4: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3882257&board=game

Rules for Round 5:
  ~ DPrince6: His FN is up to you. All of his MNs must come from the links in the namebanks. He must have at least 2 MNs.
  ~ DPrincess7: Her FN must honor the late Queen. All of her MNs must come from the links in the namebanks. He must have at least 2 MNs.Writing Prompt: I will assume a patriarchy in my writing prompts. Feel free to adjust to your story line to whatever is appropriate for your Kingdom.
Just a short time after the King and Queen2 were married, the Queen2 found out that she was pregnant. Not even the full term of the pregnancy passed before the Queen2 delivered healthy twins. The Kingdom is abuzz with the rumor that the Queen2 might have been "un-pure" and pregnant when she was married to the King.
      How does the King react to these rumors?
      How does the Queen react to these rumors?
      Does the Kingdom truly believe them, or just pass them off as wild and crazy attempts to upset the peace?DKing:
DQueen: (deceased)
DQueen2: IllegitimateSon:
DPrince2: (deceased)
DPrince6/DPrincess7: From the Royal House of:
In the Kingdom of: Namebanks: Spellings may be changed and variations may be used.Behind The Name, Name Themes: http://www.behindthename.com/themes.php
Name Nerds, Nature/Word Names: http://www.namenerds.com/uucn/wordnames.html
Name Nerds, Virtue/Abstract Concepts: http://www.namenerds.com/uucn/virtue.html
Name Nerds, Birds: http://www.namenerds.com/uucn/birds.html
Name Nerds, Plants/Flowers: http://www.namenerds.com/uucn/plant.html
Name Nerds, Colors: http://www.namenerds.com/uucn/color.html
Name Nerds, Musical/Poetic/Artistic: http://www.namenerds.com/uucn/music.html
Name Nerds, Goth: http://www.namenerds.com/uucn/goth.html
Archived Thread - replies disabled
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DKing: Eastmund Leofric Albert Crispian (31)
DQueen: Idonea Lovisa Jehanne Euphemia (dec)-IllegitimateSon: Piers Leofric (11)
-DPrincess: Euterpe Philomel Aldegund Rohese (10)
-DPrince: Valerius Engel Diggory Lothar (dec)
-DPrincess/DPrincess: Ornella Eudora Verdandi Wilhelmina / Pomona Emmanuelle Godelieve Ariadne (7)
-DPrince: Haldor Euphemios Johann Ulysses (2)DQueen: Ragnhild Persephone Christiana Avelina “Ragna” (22)
-DPrince/DPrincess: Wieland Orpheus Hyacinth Gravitas / Idonea Constance Perdita Eurydice (nb) Ragna’s pregnancy was announced suspiciously soon after her marriage to Eastmund, and rumors have been forming since then. It’s been suggested that Ragna was having an affair while betrothed to the king, and her lover is the father of the newborn twins. Others are countering this by saying Eastmund is the father, but the twins were conceived before the wedding. Whatever the truth may be, the royal family is for the most part trying to ignore all the gossip. Ragna is upset by the rumors, worrying the kingdom will never accept her as the new queen. Eastmund firmly believes himself to be the father, though, and has publically denounced anyone saying otherwise.
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DK: Claude Aloysius Nikolai (Claude Nikolai to the nobles, King Nikolai to his subjects, Alyk to his family) Age 36
DQ: Rosa Marielle Pearl Jehanne (the Little Queen to subjects, Rosa Jehanne to nobles, Rosa to her family) deceased, age 28
DQ2: Alejandra Esme Leonora Minerva (the Queen to subjects, Andra to nobles, Andra to her family) Age 37IllegitimateSon: Baron Alexandre Nicholas (the Little Baron to the nobles, Alexandre to his family, the boy to the people) Age 15
DPrincess1: Calandra Maeve Najiyah (Calandra Najiyah to nobles, our little Najiyah to the people, Cally to her family) Age 9
DPrince1: Carlo Aloysius Evangelo (deceased age 1 week)
DPrincess2/DPrincess3: Fabiana Maeve Josepha (Princess Fabiana to the nobles, Princess Josepha to subjects, Joana to her family)/Lavender Maeve Therese (Lavender Therese to nobles, the Beauty to subjects, Lavvie to her family) Age 6
DPrince2: Lorenzo Aloysius Johannes (our Prince to subjects, Prince Johannes to nobles, Jo to his family) Age 7 months
DPrince3/DPrincess4: Aloysius Jupiter Ildefonso (Prince Jupiter to subjects, Jupiter Ildefonso to nobles, Fonso to his family)/ Margaret Maeve Nerida (Nerida to subjects, Princess Nerida to nobles, Neri to her family) Age 2 weeksAndra had insisted to Alyk that she did not want to bear his children. However, Fonso and Neri were born a little while after they were married. Alexandre doubts that they are Alyk's children but Andra and Alyk insist they were premature. The kingdom is split between those who believe they are illegitimate and those who do not.
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DKing: Humphrey Carloman Amilcar "The Gentle" (33)
DQueen: Aenor Susanna Pearl Lysandra (deceased)
DQueen2: Louisa Juliet Rosalie Opal, Marquesa of Aernis "Lula" (19)IllegitimateSon: Oliver Charles Roche, Comte of Mallowgold (16)
DPrincess1: Byrd Aenor Carolina (13)
DPrince2: Valerius Malachi (deceased)
DPrincess3/DPrincess4: Estela Imogene Victoria / Ileana Eloise Suzanna (9)
DPrince5: Sebastian Phineas Lysander, the Crown Prince (3)
DPrince6/DPrincess7: Geoffrey Ailill Lothaire / Eleanor Siofra Gwenaelle (1)From the Royal House of: Tyrian
In the Kingdom of: Cotswold
Round 1:
Humphrey knew from the time he was a small child that he would be King one day, and maybe soon. His mother died from the childbirth, and that was after many unsuccessful pregnancies. His father suffered a disease that left him severely weakened when he was just 2 years old. His father was partially paralyzed, and slowly lost more and more function as time went on. However, he retained his sharp mind right up until the end. Humphrey wasn't betrothed, because his father knew that he was going to have enough responsibility, and wanted to provide at least a chance at love and happiness. Just 2 months after his 18th birthday, the old King just never woke from his nights sleep. Humphrey was crowned, and his advisors urged him to seek a wife.Humphrey, knowing that it was his duty, held a month of banquets to meet all of the eligible Ladies, Duchesses, Princesses and other nobles that his advisors wanted him to marry. Aenor came with her older sister, the Duchesses of Cerise, as a companion. However, Humphrey found Aenor's gentle wit and sparkling eyes unforgettable. He arranged to met Aenor in one of the palace gardens, and there asked her to be his wife and Queen of Cotswold. Overwhelmed, Aenor said that she would need to think on it.However, when Aenor found her way back to her room, she also found her sister. Her sister was furious, and accused her of stealing the King from her. This put steel in Aenor's back, who knew that she didn't do any such thing. Deciding in that instant the she was fond of the King and thought that she had a good chance at happiness, she stormed out of her room and went to find the Humphrey and let him know.

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King William Johannes Friedrich Albert Augustus (30)
Queen Elizabeth Catherine Marguerite Victoria Eléonore (deceased)
Queen Anastasiya Violetta Zinoviya 'Anya' (18), Countess of SenturskLord Alexander Wilhelm Heinrich Arthur (14), Duke of Solano
Princess Cecilia Catherine Johanna Mary Alberta (10)
Prince Gabriel Anselm Johannes Leopold Charles (deceased)
Princess Althea Elizabeth Renata Valentina Aurelia / Princess Helena Margaret Antonia Louise Emmanuelle (7)
Crown Prince Leopold Victor Elias Frederick Phillippe (1)
Prince Charles Konstantin Augustus James Valerian / Princess Eléonore Augusta Milena Ingrid Regina (nb)From the Royal House of: Valnor
In the Kingdom of: ArkaviaWilliam and Anya had been married only three weeks when the announcement came that the queen was with child. The Arkavians were surprised at how soon it had happened, but it was nothing too out of the ordinary. Tongues began wagging in earnest when Anya gave birth to healthy twins only seven months later. Was William the father of the children, or was it Anya's late husband Pavel, who had died just two weeks before her marriage to the king? The most extreme conspiracy theorists even suggested that William's eldest son, the fourteen-year-old Lord Alexander, had had an illicit affair with Anya before the wedding and was actually the babies' father (a ridiculous notion, since Anya had not even been to Arkavia until she married William).William wanted to trust his wife, for in their short time together he had grown quite fond of her, but he could not stand the thought of being taken for a fool and putting another man's son in line to inherit his throne. He demanded to see records of Pavel's family, the House of Volkovnikov. Once he saw that twins did not run in Pavel's family -- in fact, none of Pavel's forefathers had ever sired twins -- he was satisfied that Charles and Eléonore were his own flesh and blood.
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DKing: Maksim Lysander Charles Mordecai
DQueen: Helena Avelina Penelope Louisa (deceased)
DQueen2: Duchess Wilhelmina Elizabeth Cecilia "Mina"IllegitimateSon: Emery Massimo
DPrincess1: Aderyn Bernadetta Louisa Marie
DPrince2: Samson Gabriel (deceased)
DPrincess3/DPrincess4: Nikolina Araceli Vivienne Odette / Aleksandra Camille Genevieve Elaina
DPrince5: Augustus Louis Hadrian Nathaniel
DPrince6/DPrincess7: Charles Crimson River / Elena Lavender MeadowFrom the Royal House of: Balsam
In the Kingdom of: Miao
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DKing: King Frederic Gaspard Henri Philippe Robert (36)
-DMistress: Ghislaine Amelie Angele, Baronne of Woodcavern (deceased at 25)
--DS: Chevalier Piers Robin Frederic (illegitimate; 19)
-DQueen: Queen Ysabel Araceli Luisa Xiomara, Princess of Mal (deceased at 27)
--DD: Princess Alouette Araceli Lucille Pascaline (10)
--DS: Prince Armel Gaspard Dieudonne Mael Louis (deceased at 3 days)
--DD/DD: Princess Estelle Clarisse Jacqueline Xiomara / Princess Oceane Ysabel Sophie Eloise (7)
--DS: Crown Prince Remy Louis Adrien Philippe Hilare (2)
-DQueen: Queen Suzume Hato Naomi Yume "Suzi", Princess of Shiroin (19)
--DS/DD: Prince Leopold Koto Sagesse Aldric Noel / Princess Isabelle Haiku Odette Cecile (0)The king and queen surprised the kingdom by announcing Queen Suzume's pregnancy what seemed like almost immediately after the wedding. It made sense, however - the new queen was very young, so there was really no reason that she wouldn't and shouldn't have children. Though, with Remy's birth, any son of hers would likely not succeed the throne.When the queen gave birth less than eight months later to twins, it was the favored subject of gossip throughout Legato. She had been pregnant, they said, before her marriage to King Frederic! But the doctors insisted that it was simply a premature birth, as was likely to happen with twins. The new prince and princess were rather small, though healthy, so they didn't see any reason to believe that they were sired by any man other than the king. Besides, while they strongly favored their mother, they had the same light eyes as their father and half-siblings.Queen Suzume stubbornly ignored the rumors and threw herself into caring for her children with the same energy she had displayed coming into the castle. King Frederic named the new prince Leopold, after his father, and named his fourth daughter Isabelle, the French form of his late wife's name. The queen, who enjoys music and poetry, gave them the middle names Koto after the instrument and Haiku after the poetry form. She dotes on the twins but still makes sure she spends time with the princesses, who don't quite view her as a mother but more as a sister, and of course cares for Remy, who simply calls her "Maman" now.

This message was edited 7/23/2010, 9:41 AM

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Edited a bitDKing: (Don) Carmelo Alejandro Itzal Nicolas de Ramal
DQueen (deceased): (Doña) Aspasia Euphemia Madeleine Ysabel de Alilandano
DQueen 2: (Marquesa) Antonietta Moira Noemi Emmanuella di Sforza "The Strange"Illegitimate Son: (Conde) Vasco Alessandro da Tavullia
DPrincess1: (Princesa) Aida Ginevra Madeleine Ariadne
DPrince 2 (deceased): (Principe) Sendoa Gabriel Rodrigo Saturnino
DPrincess 3/4: (Princesa) Ofelia Caterina Genoveva Daphne / (Princesa) Adriana Leonor Mirelle Adrastia
DPrince 5: (Principe) Daniel Gaston Cristiano Hermes
DPrince 6/DPrincess 7: (Principe) Santiago Damien Valerian Orpheus/ (Princesa) Euphemia Filomela Sabrina ArtemisiaFrom the Royal House of: Ramal
In the Kingdom of: Solandra(An Easter Egg of sorts is in the final sentence of the final paragraph!)
More Scandal in Solandra!Recently, the new queen Doña Nedda has brought forth the second pair of royal twins! The fraternal twins were Principe Santiago Damien Valerian Orpheus de Ramal y di Sforza, or Infante Santiago, and Princesa Euphemia Filomela Sabrina Artemisia de Ramal y di Sforza, or Infanta Euphemia. The twins' names expressed the slight change in naming patterns, but Don Carmelo has insisted to keep the final middle name from mythology, as per his late wife's wishes.However, the births were also a cause for more rumours to abound. The twins were born in perfect timing, but Don Carmelo had only married Doña Nedda some seven months ago! The implication was clear: Doña Nedda was pregnant before the marriage. But the search for a new queen only began after the late Doña Aspasia died. Could this have a connexion?Doña Nedda herself was very distraught with the rumours abounding within Solandra, and tried to appease it as best as she could. Don Carmelo, confused as to what to do, simply remained silent on matters and grew cooler towards his new wife. His attitude made people speculate whether he had an affair with her while still married to Aspasia, or if the children were not his after all.

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This message was edited 7/22/2010, 10:24 PM

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King: Louis Robert Gaspard Charlemagne (47)
(-Late Queen 1: Terese Frantziska Adela)
--D: Princess Anne Louisa Elisabeth Adelaide (20)
---H: Hereditary Prince Lysander Caspian Feodor Orlando of Forestmere (23)
--D: Princess Therese Josephine Felicia Beatrice) (18)
(-Mistress: Lady Jeanne Antoinette de Launay)
--S: Geoffrey Roland Louis, Duke of Illyria (12)
(-Late Queen 2: Isabella Clementina Rosalba Violetta (25))
--D: Princess Cecile Isabella Eleanore Mathilde (9)
(--S: Prince Gabriel Louis Clement Etienne)
--D/D: Princess Gabrielle Aimee Clarissa Eloise/Princess Louise Emeline Ginevra Marguerite (6)
--S: Crown Prince Raphael Isidore Louis Maxence (2)
-Queen: Francoise Catherine Madeleine d'Aubigné, Marquise of Mallenon (30)
--S/D: Prince Alexandre Severin Desiré Tyrian/Princess Isabelle Rose Constance Eulalie(I'm making Francoise a bit older--she just doesn't feel like a 23 in my mind.)Just a month after their wedding, a royal announcement is made that the new Queen is pregnant. This news is met with not much enthusiasm--the kingdom was quite fond of Isabella, and they felt Louis remarried too soon. Françoise enjoys her pregnancy, milking it for all that it's worth--she is carried in a litter even throughout the palace and makes her ladies in waiting do the simplest tasks for her. She only acknowledges the children when she is with Louis during state functions. Therese especially despises Francoise, calling her "La Vache" (the cow) in her letters to Anne, who is also pregnant and is planning on naming her unborn baby Isabella, if it proves to be female. However, when Francoise gives birth only six months later, rumors begin to spread that Francoise was pregnant before she married the King and used it as a bargaining chip to bully the king into making her his legitimate wife--or, as the bolder ones said, that she was carrying another man's child. Though Louis expressly denies it, he is surprised and even somewhat grudgingly impressed on how spot-on the rumors were: as he had a healthy son and heir, Louis had no interest in marrying after Isabella's death.

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This message was edited 7/22/2010, 10:06 PM

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and last but not least, all caught up (for now:])DKing: William Alberich Tiberius Lysander
DQueen: Josephine Elisabeth Penelope Clarissa(deceased)
DQueen2: Baroness Evangeline Avalon Moira Odette (Eve)IllegitimateSon: Baron Geoffrey Amerigo Tybalt (from Tiberius)
DPrincess1: Lorelei Josephine Amaryllis
DPrince2: (deceased) Samson Alter Malachi
DPrincess3/DPrincess4: Arden Genevieve Therese and Tara Isodora Jessamine (both FN mean 'high', as in highborn)
DPrince5: Elijah Joseph Dudley (Elijah from Elizabeth, Joseph from Josephine, and Dudley from Clarissa, a derivative of Clara, meaning 'clear', as Dudley means)
DPrince6/DPrincess7: James Peregrine AstarothFrom the Royal House of: Freykeep
In the Kingdom of: Solandra The marriage was sudden, the product of a hasty peace treaty between the Kingdom of Solandra, from which the Queen hails, and the King's home, Valhurst. The marriage is one of duty, although the king and queen had a quite civil relationship before the war broke between their kingdoms. The hopes of peace between the kingdoms rest in the hands of their royalties, and if they can unite, the joint kingdom will be the most powerful ever known.

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DPrince6/DPrincess7 - Twins, do you want to name the girl?
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DKing: Aloysius Barnaby Frederick Augustus
DQueen: Esther Xiomara Jehanne Clementina Augusta (deceased)
DQueen2: Duchess Ariadne Larissa Agatha Yael "Ari"
DPrincess1: Lark Augusta Gloriana Melodia
IllegitimateSon: Baron Sylvester Frederick Gawain
DPrince: Cleisthenes Abaddon Gabriel Barnaby (deceased)
DPrincess2 & 3: Mavourneen Penelope Lucasta Matilda "Mavy" & Mignon Serafina Xylia Camille "Miggie"
DPrince2: Tobias Clementine Zachary Aidan
DPrince3 & DPrincess4: Barnaby Dulcimer Ukiah Octave & Xiomara Evanescence Gaity Bliss
____________________________________________________________________When Barnaby and Xiomara were born, the first one to hear rumors was the king himself. Around the kingdom, rumors were floating that the Queen had been pregnant before she married Aloysius. The king flew into a rage when he first heard the rumors. They seemed absolutely credible to him. He was angry and questioned Ariadne about this. Ariadne turned pale and trembly. She knew she hadn't done it, but it was just too much to bear. King Aloysius, when he saw his pale and trembling wife, took it to mean that Ariadne HAD been pregnant before their marriage. He was about to storm out of the room when Ariadne broke in. "No, no, Aloysius. I didn't do anything. Barnaby and Xiomara are truly yours. Don't you see the resemblance? They have your golden locks. No one in my family has ever had golden hair. It simply doesn't run in our family. Barnaby has your nose, and what a lovely, adorable nose it is, too! Xiomara has those long, graceful fingers of yours. They both are long. None of those things run in my family. My family has forever been short in all ways. We do not have graceful fingers or lovely noses. We're plain, though we are nobility. Trust me, Aloysius, the twins are yours." Aloysius had to believe Ariadne, for when he looked at Barnaby and Xiomara he saw the things their mother pointed out.Aloysius and Ariadne looked into the origin of the rumors. They found out that no one really believed them. Many of the commoners simply passed them in disbelief. The origin was an older woman who is jealous of Queen Ari, for the older woman had thought that SHE would be the new wife of the king--as if! Aloysius had her taken to her native country, for the woman wasn't Solandrian by birth; she was from somewhere far away. The kingdom has been rid of troublemakers for now.
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King Deimos Mordecai Edward Luca "Dei" [29]
Queen Cosima Ninon Helen Kallisto Maude [des at 25]
Queen Xanthia Esme Pearl Lucinda "Xan" [21]Prince Jocelyn Ptolemy Kai [12] {Mother is Aveline Morgane Jerusha, des}
Princess Lullaby Cosima Jane Persephone [8] {Mother is Queen Cosima}
Prince Nero Esmond Kenton Seraphiel Light [des at 1 day] {Mother is Queen Cosima}
Princess Zephyrine Rosalie Morana Edith [5, twin] {Mother is Queen Cosima}
Princess Stormily Helena Vivienne Evangeline [5, twin] {Mother is Queen Cosima}
Crown Prince Malachi Deimos Aeon Tollus Kinnen [2] {Mother is Queen Cosima}
Prince Hawthorne Winter Orpheus Haven Nocturne [nb, twin] {Mother is Queen Xan}
Princess Illuminata Evening Remembrance Piper Saffron [nb, twin] {Mother is Queen Xan}From the Royal House of: Iduno
In the Kingdom of: Labyrinth
Not even nine months after marrying King Dei, Queen Xan gave birth to twins-- Prince Hawthorne and Princess Illuminata. There are rumors that she was pregnant when they were wed. King Dei ignores these; he is growing increasingly bitter with the tabloids as of late, as they also have suggested that Queen Cosima had been murdered so he could marry Queen Xan-- completely untrue.
(I hope it's ok that the princess's fn doesn't honor the late Queen--- Lullaby has the MN Cosima, Stormily has the MN Helena, and Malachi's entire name is an anagram of Cosima's... She is well honored.
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I am not policing these - just providing the basic storyline and direction :-)
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DKing: Theodore Alfred Constantine
DQueen: Charlotte Elisabeth Catherine Marie (Deceased)
DQueen2: Deirdre Tabitha Clarisse "Dee" Empress of LobeliaIllegitimateSon: Duke Wymond Theodoro
DPrincess1: Arlette Isabelle Alexandrine
DPrince2: Apollo Malachi Sterling (Deceased)
DPrincess3/DPrincess4: Kalliope Isadora Madeleine / Mabelle Hermione Gwendolyn
DPrince5: Leopold Charlie Marius
DPrince6/DPrincess7: Harold Rafael Dulcian / Catherine Lark ProvidenceFrom the Royal House of: Newbourne
In the Kingdom of: Valhurst
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DKing: James Luca Matthew Alexander "The Heroic" (30)
DQueen: Catherine Marie Dorothea Alice "The Gentle" (deceased at age 26)
DQueen: Mariella Imogen Ophelia "Ella", Princess of Mayshire (22)Illegit.Son: Jeremy Lukas Wyatt Cameron, Duke of Newbourne (10)
Princess: Cecilia Lark Annette Maria (7)
Prince: Andrew Gabriel Joseph Matthias (deceased, 1 week)
Princess/Princess: Gwendolyn Dahlia Edith Meadow / Lucina Iris Ophelia Mirelle (5)
Crown Prince: Jonathan Theodore Jude Michael (3)
Prince/Princess: Alexander River Jett Malik / Kathleen Aria Jade Marigold (nb)From the Royal House of Whitelake in the Kingdom of Legato
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DKing: Frederick Victor William Henry II (52)
DQueen1: Helene Josephine Louise (Deceased aged 28)
DQueen2: HSH Markgräfin Elisabeth Marina Antonia "Ella" (26)IllegitimateSon: Christian Victor Dougal-FitzFrederick, Earl of Soughton (20)
DPrincess1: Anne Helena Katherine (8)
DPrince2: Richard Theophilus Frederick William (Deceased)
DPrincess3/4: Zita Georgiana Louisa/ Nina Alice Josephina (5)
DPrince5: George Louis Joseph Frederick (2)
DPrince6/DPrincess7: William Waldemar Wulf /Helena Delores Tatiana(nb)The people of Wycliffe are in a mixed state as King Frederick & his new wife Queen Ella welcome healthy twins, Prince William & Princess Helena, a full month early. Some think because of the King's again the likelihood he could father children so quickly with his wife, considering the time it took with his previous wife was much longer, a him a good ten years younger. Frederick doesnt at all doubt the children are his, because Ella, while a older bride by royal standards, had a reputation for being pious and chaste.They named William after his paternal grandfather King William V, Waldemar after his godfather Grand Prince Vladimir, Frederick's younger brother who was Prince Arthur before being offered the throne of Chrystopia and Wulf after his maternal grandfather Margrave Wulf of Schwarzburg.Princess Helena was named after the late Queen. Her middle name Delores is a reminder of the sorrows of the her namesake's passing and Tatiana after her godmother, Grand Princess Tatiana, Vladimir's wife.
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DKing: Gippal Espen Tobias William (32)
DQueen: Rikku Calla Vanessa Lily (30) (deceased)
DQueen2: Duchess Yunalesca Faith Vivienne "Yuna" (33)IllegitimateSon: Jeremy Espen Rui (14)
DPrincess 1: Aria Isabella Jasmine (11)
DPrince 2: Jarek Callum Henry(deceased)
DPrincess 3/DPrincess 4: Thalia Aimee Rose / Melia Cecilia Violet (8)
DPrince 5: Caleb Tristan Rikki (1)
DPrince 6/DPrincess 7: Rhys Tyrian Jasper / Rikku Siena Gale (nb)From the Royal House of: Soleil
In the Kingdom of: BikanelEveryone was very excited when twins, Rhys Tyrian Jasper & Rikku Siena Gale, were born. When the rumors started, saying that Queen Yuna was already pregnant when she married the King, the King and Queen dismissed them all.The reality is however, that she very well might have been. Her husband Duke Tidus, passed away shortly before Queen Rikku. She very well could have been already pregnant. Gippal and Yuna have bonded over their losses, and while they will never stop loving their very missed spouses, they have begun to love eachother in a way.
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DQueen: Theodosia Clementine Margaret Elisabeth "Queen Margaret VII" [32]
DKing: George Lysander Marius "King George" (nee Coldfield) [R.I.P.]
DKing2: Bartholomäus Adalbert Franz “King Bartholomew” or “Bert,” Archduke of Viridian (nee Koenig) [31]Illegitimate Son: Roland Marius, Earl of Forestmere (surname Coldfield) [13]
DPrincess: Polymnia Elisabeth Margaret Georgina "Polly" [9]
DPrince: Valerius Malachi Clement [R.I.P.]
DPrincess/DPrincess: Diana Sabine Lucasta Violet / Cynthia Madeleine Eudora Bernadette [5]
DPrince: Felix George Theodosius [1]
DPrince/DPrincess: Bartholomew Integrity Viridian / Lysandra Gardenia Opal Remembrance [nb]From the Royal House of: Mallowgold
In the Queendom of: Quadrille
The Queendom is celebrating once more! Queen Margaret has given birth to twins once more – another princess and another prince! The princess was even named after the late King George (sometimes called “the Heroic”)!It has been rumored (mostly from the direction of Forestmere) that, because the twins were born so quickly after the Royal Marriage, the twins are not King Bartholomew’s. Queen Margaret and King Bartholomew seem unconcerned about the rumors. Even the people of Quadrille know it is merely the Forestmere Rebels trying to make trouble, but King Heinrich the Bloodthirsty of Viridian (King Bartholomew’s father) is threatening to withhold his support unless the twins can be proven to be of his own bloodline!Queen Margaret, in response to these outrageous claims, simply invited King Heinrich to visit the palace and meet his grandchildren. Upon seeing the babies, King Heinrich was satisfied, as Bartholomew is his own spitting image!
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DKing: Arthur Xabier Wynne (38)
DQueen: Victoria Ysabel Beatrice (*31*(33)) (deceased)
DQueen2: Isobel Katherine Ophelia "Izzy" (27), Duchess of Bluestones
DD: Princess Linnet Daria Titania (12)
DS: Prince Griffin Azrael Wynne (*nb* (11)) (deceased)
DD/DD: Princess Stella Felicity Helena and Princess Elanor Prudence Rose (8)
DS: Crown-Prince Ulysses Victor James (2)
DS/DD: Prince Tristan Merlin North and Princess Beatrice Liberty Zinnia (nb)IllegitimateSon: Colin Xabier, Viscount of Greybank (15)From the Royal House of: Coldfield
In the Kingdom of: Valhurst
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DKing: David Casper William Maximus James (31)
DQueen: Sarah Avelina Elisabeth Griselda Marie (30)
DQueen2: Grand Duchess of Spain Desdemona Demelza Vittoria Agnes Muriel Topaz Zenobia Verdandi (43) (David calls her Topaz, she wants that the kids say 'Mommy', but they call her 'Mona' or if she can't hear that 'Demon')IllegitimateSon: Prince Jack David (10)
DPrincess1: Princess Marley Avelina Jacoba Hope (Marley after Bob Marley, Jacoba after Jack) (6)
DPrince2: Gabriel Angel Tottenham Jacob (deceased) (5) (Tottenham after King Davids favourite football club and Jacob after Jack)
DPrincess3/DPrincess4: Daisy Wilhelmina Rosalie Claire and Rose Elizabeth Margaret Alice (Wilhelmina after William (father), Elizabeth after Elisabeth (mother) which are also the grandpa and the grandma and Rosalie after Rose and Margaret after Daisy) (3)
DPrince5: Aaron Michael Sarius James (Sarius after Sarah, James after his father and his great-grand-father) (1 1/2)
DPrince6/DPrincess7: Destinus Mortis Osiris Indigo Esdras and Topaz Xenobia Perdita Mara Elsinore(newborn) (Destinus and Topaz after the queen)From the Royal House of: Esterbank
In the Kingdom of: ChapelQueen Sarah met David in a Bar in London, he was not a royal. And it was love at first sight! Their only wish is to have a baby (or better a footballteam). David absolutely loves football ;) The general state of the kingdom is very peaceful and the Royal House of Esterbank is really in vogue.
Three years after their first get-together, Sarah and David finally welcomed their first daughter! And her big brother (his mother died on lung cancer and was an ex-friend of David, but she kept quite that they have a son) is so proud of her. Sarah and David are very caring and she loves her little prince like a son. The public is very delighted with the two new kids and that they attend so lovely to Jack.
Shortly after Marleys day of birth, a further pregnancy astonishes the queen, but her son died only afew days after his birth. They all were very sad to let him go. But now they are happy to welcome two new family members after a very hard pregnancy, twin sisters of Jack, Marley and Jack. They would like to have more kids, but from the beginnig it was clear that Jack will be the King one day and all are happy with it, Jack is a really careful, strong and proud little boy.

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DKing: Ariston Frederick Percival Llewellyn Gaspard (29)
DQueen: Eloisa Lysandra Wilfreda Helen Mairead (dec.)
DQueen2: Melisande Cecilia Vivienne (20)IllegitimateSon: Count Nigel Ellery Ariston (10)
DPrincess1: Columba Liora Margalit Emmanuelle Zephyrine (7)
DPrince2: Valerius Malachi Drystan Rudiger Gaspard (dec.)
DPrincess3/4: Artemisia Kerensa Isadora Leonora Fabienne / Demetria Thomasina Ursula Petrova Solange (4)
DPrince5: Hadrian Lysander Eliseo Amadeus Noel (1)
DPrince6/DPrincess7: Darius Orpheus Allegro Tamarind Elsinore / Helene Gloriosa Solandra Nigella RequiemFrom the Royal House of: Loden
In the Kingdom of: Sweetbourne
The young queen had never been with a man other than her husband and was thus shocked and upset when she heard some of the rumors surrounding her first pregnancy. The people of the kingdom, it seemed, thought the speed with which she conceieved rather suspect; the bolder ones flat-out accused her of being pregnant before she was married. Meli was very emotional while carrying the twins, feeling ostracized and lonely, especially as her husband remained distant and very much in love with Eloisa.Meli's only real solace was in her stepchildren, who kept her days busy and bright. Nigel acted like he was Meli's big brother as well, making sure she was rested and trying to keep her happy. Columba was a sweet, sunny girl and could be content for hours just brushing and braiding her stepmother's long hair. Artemisia and Demetria were growing fast and constantly in some sort of mischief, but the girls were just so smart and adorable (not to mention rather spoiled) that they always got away with it. Hadrian was barely toddling but already handsome and affectionate. Meli adored her stepchildren all so much that she had them help name the newest twins when they were born. She tried to honor them all as well as their mother. Darius and Helene were beautiful and healthy and well-loved by their elder siblings. The king could barely look at them, but Meli and the rest hoped that he would come around with time.

This message was edited 7/22/2010, 1:50 PM

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DKing: Edward Sebastian Taliesin Merrion Aurelianus IV
DQueen: Jocelyn Jane Ysabel Sophia Adelaide (deceased)
DQueen: Petronella Linnea Imogen Daphne Victoria "Petra"Dprince: Tristram John Edward Gawain
Dprincess: Lyra Cecilia Ivana Jocelyn Sebastiana
Dprince: Valerius Angelus Malachi Theodore Alexander (deceased)
Dprincess/Dprincess: Nyx Alice Lilias Charlotte Leocadia / Aurora Xylia Georgiana Antoinette Verdandi
DCrownPrince: Edward Sebastian Taliesin Merrion Aurelianus V
DPrince/Dprincess: William Severin Gabriel Carlisle Constantine / Adelina Allegra Amarantha Leonora ScarletFrom the Royal House of: Greendale
In the Kingdom of: Northcliffe

This message was edited 7/22/2010, 1:28 PM

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DKing: King Jacob William Edward Charles
DQueen: Queen Joanna Elisabeth Maren Lark (deceased)
DQueen2: Queen Eleanor Calla Therese Claire "Nora"From the Royal House of: Tyrian
In the Kingdom of: Halcyon~ IllegitimateSon: Duke Colin Sebastian Edwin Bennett
~ DPrincess1: Princess Cecilia Aurelia Ariana Rose
~DPrince2: Prince Ezekiel Gabriel Adam Joseph (deceased)
~DPrincess3/DPrincess4: Princess Lily Evangeline Stella Mirelle and Princess Iris Esme Sophia Madeleine
~DPrince5: Prince Benjamin Joseph Noah Jasper
~DPrince6/DPrincess7: Prince Henry Martin Ezra Joel and Princess Hannah Beatrix Gemma Charlotte
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DKing: Alexander Christopher Leopold Matthew (32)
DQueen: Mirabelle Lily Sophia Elizabeth Sarah (deceased, would be 32)
DQueen2: Nicolette Marie Louisa "Nicky", formerly Countess of Veronia (31) IllegitimateSon: Wyatt Alexander Christopher Lyle (16)
DPrincess1: Cecelia Lily Mirabelle Caroline (14)
DPrince2: Gabriel Joshua Matthew (deceased, would be 13)
DPrincess3/DPrincess4: Rosabel Amalia Matilda Victoria / Susanna Ariana Leonie Evangeline (9)
DPrince5: Adam Michael Elijah Sebastian (2)
DPrince6/DPrincess7: James Octavian Timbre Rowen / Elizabeth Juliana Melody Ivy (nb)From the Royal House of: Glorian
In the Kingdom of: Fairlin
Only eight months after their wedding, Nicky gave birth to twins, which caused quite a scandal in the kingdom at first. Fairlin does not have a prudish culture, but if the queen was already pregnant when she married the king and didn't tell him, it could be considered treason, trying to get another man's child to the throne.

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DKing: Sebastian Alexander Henry Frederick (34)
DQueen: Anastasia Mabelle Edwyna Roselana Clarissa (Deceased)
DQueen2: Elizabeth Romana Isadora 'Eliza', Duchess of Paprika (18)S'sDS: Geoffrey Theobald Everard, Archduke of Basil (12)DPrincess: Sparrow Lyric Alexandria Winter Rose (10)
DPrince: Ezekiel Malachi Benjamin Edward Vincent (Deceased)
DPrincess/DPrincess: Saffron Gwendolyn Antoinette Megan Victoria & Azalea Sabine Emmeline Linnea Lydia (5)
DPrince: Elias Anastasius Amabilis Edwin Sinclair (1)
DPrince/DPrincess: Theodore Arnold September Chivalry Petrel 'Theo' & Roselana Laurel Jade Symphony Amethyst 'Rosie'From the royal house of: Thyme
In the Kingdom of: Aprola
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DKing: Edmund Charles Thomas Robert Arthur (34)
DQueen: Mary Amelia Victoria Charlotte Caroline (deceased)
DQueen2: Beatrice Rose Davinia Florence Minerva "Bea", Countess of Myneant (22)Illegitimate Son: Albert George Edmund Arthur, Duke of Mellford (13)
DPrincess1: Symphonia Margaret Alexandra Augusta Elizabeth (11)
DPrince2: Gabriel Cornelius Michael Andrew Christian (deceased)
DPrincess3/4: Lavender Adelaide Julia Camille Alice / Marigold Cecilia Georgiana Therese Sophia (6)
DPrince5: Anthony Victor Patrick Philip Leopold (2)
DPrince6/DPrincess7: Edward Frederick James John Stephen / Helena Agnes Lucretia Theodora Katherine (nb)From the Royal House of: Tamarind
In the Kingdom of: Lobelia
Beatrice gave birth to healthy twins: Edward and Helena. It came to a surprise that the twins were born a bit too early and when the King heared rumours that the Queen might already have been pregnant when they married, it did make sence. But neither the King nor the majority of the people believed this ideas anyway. They said that this rumour were invented by a small group of opposition to destroy the Dynasty of the Tamarind family. The Queen was very enraged when she heared about the rumours but since she knew that almost nobody believes it, she calmed down and now can enjoy the birth of her children.
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DKing: Phelix Percival Aurelio
DQueen1: Anastasia Marie Catherine Eleanor (deceased)
DQueen2: Angerona “Ann” Eudora Millicent Romana IllegitimateSon: Ludovic Bronimir Aurelius
DPrincess1: Iora Marguerite Amelina Eugenie
DPrince2: Alcaeus Samson Maximilian (deceased)
DPrincess3/DPrincess4: Parthenope Alberta Lucille Katerina & Adrastreia Isolde Linnea Odette
DPrince5: Anastasius Hadrian Mordecai
DPrince6/DPrincess7: Nikolai August Lachrimae & Anastasia Jerusha Tessitura Vesper From the Royal House of: Balsam
In the Kingdom of: Sweetbourne
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