[Games] KUY Royal Congrats ▓▒░ Round 4 ░▒▓
I've wanted to start a Royal Congrats again, but haven't had the time to keep track of all of the information. So, I've decided to do a KUY Royal Congrats. Anybody is welcome to join in at any time (To join, start at Round 1 and work your way to the current round). I'll provide links to all previous rounds. Enjoy :-)Round 1: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3880239&board=game
Round 2: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3880808&board=game
Round 3: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3881871&board=game

Rules for Round 4:
  ~ DPrince5: His FN must come from the list below and one of his MNs must honor his mother in some way. He must have at least 2 MNs.
  ~ DQueen2: Her FN is up to you, but must have a nickname. She must have at least 2 MNs, and all MNs must come from the namebank. Also, the new Queen was not a commoner, so please provide her with a rank of nobility or title (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_and_noble_ranks).Writing Prompt: I will assume a patriarchy in my writing prompts. Feel free to adjust to your story line to whatever is appropriate for your Kingdom.
The queen was unable to conceive or carry any pregnancy for twice as long (or longer) as had between any children, and the priests and doctors had just declared her barren when she became pregnant again. However, this pregnancy was different from the rest, the Queen didn't seem to suffer. The Queen also didn't gain the proper weight, she turned pale with dark circles under her eyes and a gaunt look to her face. The fact that she felt otherwise healthy made this all the harder to watch. And then, one morning the Queen just didn't get wake. The doctors removed the child, and the King had a Prince, but the Prince had no mother.
After much debate from his advisors, the King decides to remarry. After all, the Kingdom feels that the children need a mother.
      Does the King remarry for love, or political reasons?
      Does the Kingdom accept the new Queen, or do they think she doesn't measure up to the old Queen?
      How do the children like their new mother?
      Finally, how does the Illegitimate Son feel about his new mother?DKing:
DQueen: (deceased)
DQueen2: IllegitimateSon:
DPrince2: (deceased)
DPrince5: From the Royal House of:
In the Kingdom of: Namebanks: Spellings may be changed and variations may be used.DPrince's FN: Aaron, Abaraham, Abiel, Abner, Abraham, Abram, Adam, Adrian, Aidan, Alasdair, Alastar, Albert, Alden, Aldo, Aldric, Alexander, Alexei, Alonzo, Aloysius, Amadeus, Amory, Amos, Anthony, Antonius, Archibald, Arman, Artair, Arthur, Arvid, Asa, Asher, Astor, Atticus, Aubrey, Audley, August, Augustin, Augustus, Avery, Barnabas, Bartholomew, Bartomeu, Beau, Bedivere, Belenus, Benjamin, Bennett, Boaz, Boniface, Bram, Braxton, Byron, Cade, Cadogan, Caleb, Calvin, Cameron, Carter, Casimir, Caspian, Cassius, Cecil, Charles, Chester, Christian, Christopher, Cicero, Clement, Colby, Conan, Cosmo, Crispian, Cyril, Cyrus, Dane, Daniel, Dante, Darius, David, Desmond, Devereux, Dexter, Dimitri, Dorian, Drystan, Dudley, Duncan, Eben, Ebenezer, Edmund, Edward, Efren, Eleazar, Eli, Elias, Elijah, Elliott, Emilio, Emmanuel, Emmett, Emory, Enoch, Enzo, Eoghan, Ephraim, Erastus, Esau, Eugene, Evander, Everett, Ezekiel, Ezra, Feliu, Felix, Feodor, Ferdinand, Finnegan, Francis, Francois, Franklin, Frederick, Gabriel, Geoffrey, George, Gideon, Gidion, Govannon, Graham, Gray, Gregor, Griffith, Hadrian, Haldor, Harvey, Hector, Henry, Herodion, Hiram, Homer, Horatio, Humphrey, Ian, Ioan, Isaac, Ivan, Ivo, Jack, Jake, James, Jarvis, Jason, Jasper, Jean-Baptiste, Jedidah, Jeremiah, Jethro, Joachim, Johann, John, Jonas, Jonathan, Jordan, Jorge, Joseph, Josiah, Judah, Jude, Julien, Julius, Justus, Kasper, Keir, Kenneth, Kermit, Korbinian, Lachlan, Laurence, Laurent, Lawrence, Lazarus, Lemuel, Leon, Leopold, Levi, Loren, Lorenzo, Lucas, Lucius, Ludwig, Lukas, Lux, Lysander, Malachi, Malachy, Malone, Marius, Marrell, Mathieu, Matthew, Maverick, Maxence, Maxim, Maximilian, Maxwell, Meredith, Michael, Montague, Mordecai, Nathaniel, Nero, Nicholas, Nikolai, Noah, Obadiah, Oberon, Olaf, Oliver, Orion, Orlando, Oscar, Otto, Patrick, Peter, Philip, Philippe, Phineas, Quentin, Raphael, Remus, Remy, Rhys, Robin, Rohan, Roman, Romulus, Ronan, Roscoe, Rupert, Ryan, Samuel, Sandor, Sargon, Sebastian, Sebastien, Seneca, Solomon, Sorin, Spencer, Spyridan, Swithin, Taliesin, Tate, Tavish, Thaddeus, Thelonius, Theodore, Theron, Thibault, Thomas, Tiberius, Tobias, Tomos, Tristan, Tudor, Tybalt, Tyr, Ulysses, Valerian, Vicente, Victor, Viktor, Vincent, Wilhelm, William, Willoughby, Wymond, Xavier, Yancy, York, ZacharyDQueen's MNs: Acacia, Adelaide, Adora, Adrasteia, Agatha, Agnes, Aileen, Aimee, Aisling, Alaina, Alastríona, Alba, Alberta, Alexandra, Alice, Alina, Alise, Alma, Alondra, Alyce, Amalia, Amaryllis, Amelia, Amelie, Amy, Anastasia, Anneliese, Antoinette, Antonia, Antonietta, Araceli, Arcadia, Ariadne, Ariana, Ashlyn, Aubree, Audrey, Aurelia, Aurora, Avalon, Avelina, Avila, Bernadette, Bettina, Blanche, Brielle, Bryony, Cait, Caitriona, Calanthe, Calista, Calla, Calliope, Camille, Caoimhe, Carolina, Caroline, Catherina, Catherine, Cecilia, Celeste, Celia, Charlotta, Charlotte, Christabel, Christiana, Christine, Claire, Clara, Clarissa, Clarisse, Clover, Cora, Cordelia, Cornelia, Cynthia, Dahlia, Daisy, Daphne, Davinia, Delphia, Delphina, Demelza, Desdemona, Dorothea, Dove, Dream, Edith, Elaina, Elizabeth, Eloise, Elsa, Emeline, Emerson, Emmalyn, Emmanuelle, Emmeline, Enid, Esme, Eudora, Eva, Evangeline, Evelyn, Fabienne, Fae, Faith, Felicity, Fiona, Florence, Francesca, Gabriela, Gabriella, Gabrielle, Genevieve, Georgiana, Geraldine, Gillian, Ginerva, Godelieve, Godiva, Guilietta, Gwendolyn, Hazel, Helena, Heniretta, Hermione, Hope, Idonea, Imogen, Imogene, Iris, Isadora, Isobel, Isolde, Ivy, Izar, Jacqueline, Jessamine, Johanna, Josepha, Josephina, Julia, Juliana, Juliet, Juliette, Kaia, Kaila, Kate, Katerina, Katharine, Kelila, Kerensa, Klara, Laoise, Larissa, Lavender, Lavinia, Leah, Leocadia, Leonie, Leonora, Letitia, Lilac, Lilias, Lillie, Linnea, Liselotte, Llewella, Llewlla, Louisa, Lovise, Lucasta, Lucia, Luciana, Lucille, Lucinda, Lucretia, Lydia, Mabel, Madelaine, Madeleine, Maeve, Magdalena, Maite, Manon, Margaret, Marguerite, Marianne, Marie, Marina, Marion, Marlee, Martha, Martiza, Matilda, Maude, Meadow, Megan, Mildred, Millicent, Minerva, Mirelle, Miriam, Moira, Mona, Morana, Morrigan, Morwenna, Muriel, Myrtle, Nathalia, Noemi, Nora, Odette, Olive, Olympe, Opal, Ophelia, Paisley, Pauline, Pearl, Penelope, Persephone, Petrova, Peyton, Philomela, Portia, Pricilla, Prudence, Raziela, Rebecca, Renata, Rhea, Rilla, Romana, Rosalie, Rose, Rosemarie, Rosmerta, Ruth, Sabella, Sabine, Saga, Saoirse, Serafina, Seraphina, Silvana, Snow, Solange, Sophia, Sophie, Stella, Suzanna, Sylvia, Tabitha, Taryn, Tatyana, Therese, Thomasina, Topaz, Trinidad, Truth, Ursula, Valentina, Verdandi, Victoria, Victroine, Violet, Vittoria, Vivian, Vivienne, Wilhelmina, Winifred, Wirenth, Wren, Xenia, Xiomara, Xylia, Yael, Zenobia
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DKing: Eastmund Leofric Albert Crispian (30)
DQueen: Idonea Clovis Jehanne Euphemia (dec)-IllegitimateSon: Piers Leofric (10)
-DPrincess: Euterpe Philomel Aldegund Rohese (9)
-DPrince: Valerius Engel Diggory Lothar (dec)
-DPrincess/DPrincess: Ornella Eudora Verdandi Wilhelmina / Pomona Emmanuelle Godelieve Ariadne (6)
-DPrince: Haldor Euphemios Johann Ulysses (1)DQueen: Ragnhild Persephone Christiana Avelina “Ragna” (21) The kingdom finally has its Crown Prince: Haldor Euphemios Johann Ulysses is now a year old, and in perfect health. His mother, the queen, however, perished in childbirth. On the advice of his advisors, Eastmund has decided to remarry. His bride is the young duchess Ragnhild, known to most as simply Ragna. Their marriage was purely for political reasons, but there seems to be some affection between them, especially on Ragna’s part. The children are slowly warming up to their new mother. The kingdom is far more critical, thinking her sweet but perhaps not as forceful or sharp a personality as the late queen Idonea.
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DK: Claude Aloysius Nikolai (Claude Nikolai to the nobles, King Nikolai to his subjects, Alyk to his family) Age 36
DQ: Rosa Marielle Pearl Jehanne (the Little Queen to subjects, Rosa Jehanne to nobles, Rosa to her family) deceased, age 28
DQ2: Alejandra Esme Leonora Minerva (the Queen to subjects, Andra to nobles, Andra to her family) Age 37IllegitimateSon: Baron Alexandre Nicholas (the Little Baron to the nobles, Alexandre to his family, the boy to the people) Age 15
DPrincess1: Calandra Maeve Najiyah (Calandra Najiyah to nobles, our little Najiyah to the people, Cally to her family) Age 9
DPrince1: Carlo Aloysius Evangelo (deceased age 1 week)
DPrincess2/DPrincess3: Fabiana Maeve Josepha (Princess Fabiana to the nobles, Princess Josepha to subjects, Joana to her family)/Lavender Maeve Therese (Lavender Therese to nobles, the Beauty to subjects, Lavvie to her family) Age 6
DPrince2: Lorenzo Aloysius Johannes (our Prince to subjects, Prince Johannes to nobles, Jo to his family) Age 3 weeksAfter the death of Rosa, Alyk remarried so that his children could have a mother and his kingdom could have a queen. He married Rosa's widowed older sister, Andra. She is outspoken, intelligent, and energetic. The court is more exciting by far with her in it. Though he misses Rosa, Alyk is delighted with his new son and queen. Andra has insisted that Alexandre be given a proper place in the royal household and he has fully become a royal child, although he will never be a prince, thanks to Jo's birth. Cally misses her mother dreadfully and has shut herself in her apartments and is mourning. Joana attempts to comfort her and bring her out, but it usually doesn't work. Lavvie, however, is flourishing and loves this happy new court and mother.
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DKing: Maksim Lysander Charles Mordecai
DQueen: Helena Avelina Penelope Louisa
DQueen2: Duchess Wilhelmina Elizabeth Cecilia "Mina"IllegitimateSon: Emery Massimo
DPrincess1: Aderyn Bernadetta Louisa Marie
DPrince2: Samson Gabriel (deceased)
DPrincess3/DPrincess4: Nikolina Araceli Vivienne Odette / Aleksandra Camille Genevieve Elaina
DPrince5: Augustus Louis Hadrian NathanielFrom the Royal House of: Balsam
In the Kingdom of: Miao
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DKing: Humphrey Carloman Amilcar "The Gentle" (31)
DQueen: Aenor Susanna Pearl Lysandra (deceased)
DQueen2: Louisa Juliet Rosalie Opal, Marquesa of Aernis "Lula" (17) IllegitimateSon: Oliver Charles Roche, Comte of Mallowgold (14)
DPrincess1: Byrd Aenor Carolina (11)
DPrince2: Valerius Malachi (deceased)
DPrincess3/DPrincess4: Estela Imogene Victoria / Ileana Eloise Suzanna (7)
DPrince5: Sebastian Phineas Lysander, the Crown Prince (1)From the Royal House of: Tyrian
In the Kingdom of: Cotswold
Round 1:
Humphrey knew from the time he was a small child that he would be King one day, and maybe soon. His mother died from the childbirth, and that was after many unsuccessful pregnancies. His father suffered a disease that left him severely weakened when he was just 2 years old. His father was partially paralyzed, and slowly lost more and more function as time went on. However, he retained his sharp mind right up until the end. Humphrey wasn't betrothed, because his father knew that he was going to have enough responsibility, and wanted to provide at least a chance at love and happiness. Just 2 months after his 18th birthday, the old King just never woke from his nights sleep. Humphrey was crowned, and his advisors urged him to seek a wife.Humphrey, knowing that it was his duty, held a month of banquets to meet all of the eligible Ladies, Duchesses, Princesses and other nobles that his advisors wanted him to marry. Aenor came with her older sister, the Duchesses of Cerise, as a companion. However, Humphrey found Aenor's gentle wit and sparkling eyes unforgettable. He arranged to met Aenor in one of the palace gardens, and there asked her to be his wife and Queen of Cotswold. Overwhelmed, Aenor said that she would need to think on it.However, when Aenor found her way back to her room, she also found her sister. Her sister was furious, and accused her of stealing the King from her. This put steel in Aenor's back, who knew that she didn't do any such thing. Deciding in that instant the she was fond of the King and thought that she had a good chance at happiness, she stormed out of her room and went to find the Humphrey and let him know.

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King William Johannes Friedrich Albert Augustus (29)
Queen Elizabeth Catherine Marguerite Victoria Eléonore (deceased)
Queen Anastasiya Violetta Zinoviya 'Anya' (17), Countess of SenturskLord Alexander Wilhelm Heinrich Arthur (13), Duke of Solano
Princess Cecilia Catherine Johanna Mary Alberta (9)
Prince Gabriel Anselm Johannes Leopold Charles (deceased)
Princess Althea Elizabeth Renata Valentina Aurelia / Princess Helena Margaret Antonia Louise Emmanuelle (6)
Crown Prince Leopold Victor Elias Frederick Phillippe (nb)From the Royal House of: Valnor
In the Kingdom of: ArkaviaAfter the twins were born, Elizabeth was more determined than ever to give William an heir. But each successive pregnancy ended in miscarriage, and for five years the queen remained barren. So convinced were the court physicians that Elizabeth could no longer have children that they issued an official proclamation, which emboldened William's enemies to consider making a move on his kingdom. In particular, ousted Tyrene emperor Nero made overtures to his loyalists on the continent -- overtures that did not go unheeded. The day after Elizabeth announced that she was once again with child, news arrived from the coast that Nero's followers had helped him escape from the slave colony, and the outlaws now marched on Andras and Arkavia.William knew that he should not leave his wife in her delicate state, but also knew that his country and his allies needed him. He rode to war when Elizabeth was four months pregnant, praying that she and their child would survive his absence. For a time it seemed that his prayers were answered, as the pregnancy initially progressed without complication and Elizabeth seemed healthy. But by the sixth month it was obvious that something was wrong; Elizabeth wasn't gaining weight, and she always appeared pale and gaunt. Still, she insisted that William remain at the battlefront; his only focus should be on preserving the kingdom.In time, the Arkavian-Andrasic forces succeeded in pushing back Nero's army to the hinterlands, and William was able to return home for a respite.

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heres my late round 4DKing: William Alberich Tiberius Lysander
DQueen: Josephine Elisabeth Penelope Clarissa(deceased)
DQueen2: Baroness Evangeline Avalon Moira OdetteIllegitimateSon: Baron Geoffrey Amerigo Tybalt (from Tiberius)
DPrincess1: Lorelei Josephine Amaryllis
DPrince2: (deceased) Samson Alter Malachi
DPrincess3/DPrincess4: Arden Genevieve Therese and Tara Isodora Jessamine (both FN mean 'high', as in highborn)
DPrince5: Elijah Joseph Dudley (Elijah from Elizabeth, Joseph from Josephine, and Dudley from Clarissa, a derivative of Clara, meaning 'clear', as Dudley means)
From the Royal House of: Freykeep
In the Kingdom of: Solandra The marriage was sudden, the product of a hasty peace treaty between the Kingdom of Solandra, from which the Queen hails, and the King's home, Valhurst. The marriage is one of duty, although the king and queen had a quite civil relationship before the war broke between their kingdoms. The hopes of peace between the kingdoms rest in the hands of their royalties, and if they can unite, the joint kingdom will be the most powerful ever known.

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forgot, Evangeline nn is Eve,
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DKing: James Luca Matthew Alexander "The Heroic" (29)
DQueen: Catherine Marie Dorothea Alice "The Gentle" (deceased at age 26)
DQueen: Mariella Imogen Ophelia "Ella", Princess of Mayshire (21)Illegit.Son: Jeremy Lukas Wyatt Cameron, Duke of Newbourne (9)
Princess: Cecilia Lark Annette Maria (6)
Prince: Andrew Gabriel Joseph Matthias (deceased, 1 week)
Princess/Princess: Gwendolyn Dahlia Edith Meadow / Lucina Iris Ophelia Mirelle (4)
Crown Prince: Jonathan Theodore Jude Michael (2)From the Royal House of Whitelake in the Kingdom of Legato
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DKing: David Casper William Maximus James (30)
DQueen: Sarah Avelina Elisabeth Griselda Marie (29)
DQueen2: Grand Duchess of Spain Desdemona Demelza Vittoria Agnes Muriel Topaz Zenobia Verdandi (42) (David calls her Topaz, she wants that the kids say 'Mommy', but they call her 'Mona' or if she can't hear that 'Demon')IllegitimateSon: Prince Jack David (9)
DPrincess1: Princess Marley Avelina Jacoba Hope (Marley after Bob Marley, Jacoba after Jack) (5)
DPrince2: Gabriel Angel Tottenham Jacob (deceased) (4) (Tottenham after King Davids favourite football club and Jacob after Jack)
DPrincess3/DPrincess4: Daisy Wilhelmina Rosalie Claire and Rose Elizabeth Margaret Alice (Wilhelmina after William (father), Elizabeth after Elisabeth (mother) which are also the grandpa and the grandma and Rosalie after Rose and Margaret after Daisy) (2)
DPrince5: Aaron Michael Sarius James (Sarius after Sarah, James after his father and his great-grand-father) (a half year)From the Royal House of: Esterbank
In the Kingdom of: ChapelQueen Sarah met David in a Bar in London, he was not a royal. And it was love at first sight! Their only wish is to have a baby (or better a footballteam). David absolutely loves football ;) The general state of the kingdom is very peaceful and the Royal House of Esterbank is really in vogue.
Three years after their first get-together, Sarah and David finally welcomed their first daughter! And her big brother (his mother died on lung cancer and was an ex-friend of David, but she kept quite that they have a son) is so proud of her. Sarah and David are very caring and she loves her little prince like a son. The public is very delighted with the two new kids and that they attend so lovely to Jack.
Shortly after Marleys day of birth, a further pregnancy astonishes the queen, but her son died only afew days after his birth. They all were very sad to let him go. But now they are happy to welcome two new family members after a very hard pregnancy, twin sisters of Jack, Marley and Jack. They would like to have more kids, but from the beginnig it was clear that Jack will be the King one day and all are happy with it, Jack is a really careful, strong and proud little boy.

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I had to change my story a bit.
After four years of waiting, Queen Sophia died shortly after giving birth to a son, Crown Prince Maximilian. The King and the children were devastated with their loss, but the government forced the King to search for a new young wife who would give him more sons. In the end, the choice was Princess Elizabeth of Lillemor, a small neighbouring kingdom. While she is very young and naïve, Ella (as she is called) seems to be devoted to her stepchildren. However, she doesn't accept Axel like the former Queen did, causing the boy to feel bitterness towards her.HM King Frederick II [ Frederick Henry Xavier ] (age 32)
HM Queen Sophia [ Sophia Charlotte Emma Dorothea Winifred, Archduchess of Albas ] ~RIP~
HM Queen Elizabeth [ Elizabeth Marie Agnes Josepha "Ella", Princess of Lillemor ] (age 21)HRH The Princess Cecily, The Princess Royal [ Cecily Charlotte Frederica Mary ] (age 6)
HRH The Crown Prince Valentine [ Valentine Charles Henry Gabriel ] ~RIP~
HRH The Princess Laetitia [ Laetitia Sophia Henrietta Alice ('Letty') ] and HRH The Princess Beatrice [ Beatrice Amalia Georgiana Emma ('Bea') ] (age 4)
HRH Crown Prince Maximilian [ Maximilian Charles Theodore Frederick 'Max' ]HE Axel, Earl of Bailey [ Axel Xavier ] (age 9)From the Royal House of: Newbourne
In the Kingdom of: Viridian
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DKing: King Jacob William Edward Charles
DQueen: Queen Joanna Elisabeth Maren Lark (deceased)
DQueen2: Queen Eleanor Calla Therese Claire "Nora"From the Royal House of: Tyrian
In the Kingdom of: Halcyon~ IllegitimateSon: Duke Colin Sebastian Edwin Bennett
~ DPrincess1: Princess Cecilia Aurelia Ariana Rose
~DPrince2: Prince Ezekiel Gabriel Adam Joseph (deceased)
~DPrincess3/DPrincess4: Princess Lily Evangeline Stella Mirelle and Princess Iris Esme Sophia Madeleine
~DPrince5: Prince Benjamin Joseph Noah Jasper
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QuestionI was wondering if I could kill off the King, instead? Since, if my Queen died, her daughter would take over...
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Sure - was just wondering how you would want to deal with thisJust make the necessary changes when I post new messages(so if I post that the new Queen does xyz... then maybe the new King should...)
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Thanks! :)
DQueen: Theodosia Clementine Margaret Elisabeth "Queen Margaret VII" [31]
DKing: George Lysander Marius "King George" (nee Coldfield) [R.I.P.]
DKing: Bartholomäus Adalbert Franz “King Bartholomew” or “Bert,” Archduke of Viridian (nee Koenig) [30]Illegitimate Son: Roland Marius, Earl of Forestmere (surname Coldfield) [12]
DPrincess: Polymnia Elisabeth Margaret Georgina "Polly" [8]
DPrince: Valerius Malachi Clement [R.I.P.]
DPrincess/DPrincess: Diana Sabine Lucasta Violet / Cynthia Madeleine Eudora Bernadette [4]
DPrince: Felix George Theodosius [nb]From the Royal House of: Mallowgold
In the Queendom of: QuadrilleThe Queendom is in shock! Just after the birth of a prince, King George (considered by many as the hero of the Quadrille-Forestmere War) has been killed! The King had been in Glengarry, Forestmere, (a city on the outskirts of Forestmere) attempting to control the rebellion (the rebels want to replace Queen Margaret with King George’s illegitimate, half-Forestmerite son), when he was shot down in battle! Luckily, the death of the King seemed to rally the Quadrillian troops; the Forestmerite rebellion has been quelled…for now.The Queen was advised to marry as soon as possible, as Quadrille will need help if Forestmerites intend to begin another war. Queen Margaret sought help from Viridian, a country just on the other side of the Great River. The Viridani ambassadors pointed out that there was an unwed, younger prince in the Viridani Royal Family, and, after five months of mourning, Queen Margaret and then-Archduke Bartholomäus were married.Interestingly, both sides felt they had gotten the better deal. “Bert,” as he was known to his family, is known to be a dreamer, preferring a stroll through the gardens over the glory of a battlefield. To King Heinrich (known as “the Bloodthirsty”), Bert was a burden he could not wait to get off his hands. On the other side, Queen Margaret and King Bartholomew fell desperately in love almost as soon as they’d laid eyes on each other. And, Bert came with a promise of assistance from Viridian (should it ever be needed).

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DKing: Aloysius Barnaby Frederick Augustus
DQueen: Esther Xiomara Jehanne Clementina Augusta (deceased)
DQueen2: Duchess Ariadne Larissa Agatha Yael "Ari"
DPrincess1: Lark Augusta Gloriana Melodia
IllegitimateSon: Baron Sylvester Frederick Gawain
DPrince: Cleisthenes Abaddon Gabriel Barnaby (deceased)
DPrincess2 & 3: Mavourneen Penelope Lucasta Matilda "Mavy" & Mignon Serafina Xylia Camille "Miggie"
DPrince2: Tobias Clementine Zachary AidanFrom the Royal House of: Verbena
In the Kingdom of: Solandra
_________________________________________________________With the birth of his second son--this time healthy--Aloysius lost his beloved Esther. He knew he couldn't leave his little children without a mother, but he didn't want to marry simply for a political reason--or even to give his darling children a mother. For months after Tobias was born, Aloysius continued on without a queen. Now, as his little son is almost half a year, Aloysius has found someone he can love as much as he loved Esther. He thinks she would make a wonderful wife, queen, and mother. She herself hasn't ever been married or had children of her own, but she's taken care of her sister Evadne's children when Evadne passed away. Ari reminds Aloysius much of Esther. In fact, Esther and Ariadne were cousins. The Solandrians, on the whole, think Queen Ariadne will be wonderful... for everyone and everything! They like her almost as much as they liked Esther. The majority believe that Queen Ari will be as good for the Kingdom as Queen Esther was, though no one thinks she will be better.When Aloysius announced to his children that they were to have a new mother, they all burst out. Lark began sobbing that she didn't want a new mother. Mavy's lower lip trembled and she seemed to be frozen. Miggie's eyes were wide with what seemed to be horror. "Father, we don't need a new mother!" they all cried. But Aloysius told them they did need a new mother, and that the kingdom needed a Queen to take the place of their rightful Queen. Lark eventually calmed down and, when she found out that it was to be her Auntie Ari that was to be their new "mother," she was soothed. She and Mavy and Miggie were all glad that at least it wasn't some stranger.

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DKing: King Frederic Gaspard Henri Philippe Robert (35)
DQueen: Queen Ysabel Araceli Luisa Xiomara, Princess of Mal (deceased at 27)
DQueen2: Queen Suzume Hato Naomi Yume* "Suzi", Princess of Shiroin (18)IllegitimateSon: Chevalier Piers Robin Frederic (18)
DPrincess1: Princess Alouette Araceli Lucille Pascaline (9)
DPrince2: Prince Armel Gaspard Dieudonne Mael Louis (deceased at 3 days)
DPrincess3/DPrincess4: Princess Estelle Clarisse Jacqueline Xiomara / Princess Oceane Ysabel Sophie Eloise (6)
DPrince5: Crown Prince Remy Louis Adrien Philippe Hilare (1)After the twins were born, miscarriages plagued Queen Ysabel. She conceived many times but always lost the pregnancy. The royal doctors didn't believe she would ever be able to carry another child to term.However, when Princesses Estelle and Oceane were five, the queen conceived again. She fully expected to lose this pregnancy too, but she didn't. What's more, she didn't feel sick or weak like she had with her previous two pregnancies. For a time, the king rejoiced. Perhaps she had recovered and would give him the son they had been hoping for.It became quickly apparent, though, that something wasn't quite right. Her belly swelled with the child inside of her, but everywhere else she was losing weight. Her normally olive complexion became pale. One morning, during the queen's eighth month of pregnancy, the king woke to find his wife not breathing, though her skin was still warm. Frightened, he summoned the doctors, who came running. They quickly realized that there was no saving the queen - but, moving fast, they were able to save the baby inside of her. Less than a half-hour after the king found his wife dead, he was presented with his new child, a small but healthy son. The kingdom's new Crown Prince.The princesses were inconsolable at the loss of their mother - particularly Alouette, who had always been very close to her. King Frederic took it hard as well. He wouldn't say he had necessarily been in love with Ysabel, but she had been his companion for close to a decade and he had respected her and cared for her. She gave him daughters that he loved - and had lost her life to give him an heir. To distract him from his grief, he spent much of his time caring for his new son, whom he named Remy. He also gave him the middle name of Louis, after both the deceased queen and the first prince, who had died as a baby.

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This message was edited 7/22/2010, 1:41 PM

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Truthfully, I am not "policing" this game... I am reading all of the stories (and loving them!), but if people chose to bend the rules or not use them, then that is their decisions. I put them out there to give challenges. How you chose to meet those challenges is up to you :-)
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DKing: Miles Edward Sebastian (40)
DQueen1: Katherine Avelina Sophia Amabel "Kate" (35)*
DQueen2: Isabella Ideonea Clarisse Wirenth, former Duchess of Westfarthing "Bella" (27)Son: Marquess Jurian Edward (17)
Princess1: Wren Avelina Edwina Amabel (13)
Prince1: Alcaeus Gabriel Edward (0)*
Princess2/Princess3: Sunniva Amalia Olympe Sabrine and Elanor Arcadia Morwenna Isolde (9)
Prince2: Marius Amabilis Edward (1)From the Royal House of: Tyford
In the Kingdom of: GrenarbourFor many years, King Miles and Queen Katherine ruled Grenarbour with little problems. Grumblings and rumors still existed about the lack of a male heir to Miles' throne; however, Miles became busy with other domestic issues, and a war between one of his allies and a neighboring country that lasted for four years. Kate was busy as well, acting as liasion between her people and the Grenarbourians and traveling the countryside to bolster support for the royal family. Kate suffered two miscarriages--one when the twins were two, and one when the twins were three and a half. The kingdom had almost given up hope for another royal child when Queen Katherine broke the news that she was pregnant. Unlike her other pregnancies, this one seemed to be going well, at least from Kate's point of view. However, she didn't gain any weight and seemed to be growing paler with each passing day. When she was about seven and a half months along, Queen Katherine passed away in her sleep. By chance that night, King Miles went to wake her and consult about one matter or another, but found he could not wake her. He called the doctors, who pronounced her dead. They were able to save the baby, however, and found that it was a boy. Miles was stricken by grief, because despite the rumors going around about Kate's loyalties, King Miles loved her dearly.
The small infant went without a name for three weeks while the King mourned his wife's death. The entire kingdom mourned, but Miles and the princesses most deeply.

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This message was edited 7/22/2010, 10:00 AM

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DKing: Sebastian Alexander Henry Frederick (33)
DQueen: Anastasia Mabelle Edwyna Roselana Clarissa (Deceased)
DQueen2: Elizabeth Romana Isadora 'Eliza', Duchess of Paprika (17)Illegitimate Son: Geoffrey Theobald Everard, Archduke of Basil (11)
DPrincess1: Sparrow Lyric Alexandria Winter Rose (9)
DPrince2: Ezekiel Malachi Benjamin Edward Vincent (Deceased)
DPrincess3/DPrincess4: Saffron Gwendolyn Antoinette Megan Victoria & Azalea Sabine Emmeline Linnea Lydia (4)
DPrince5: Elias Anastasius Amabilis Edwin Sinclair (nb)From the royal house of: Thyme
In the Kingdom of: Aprola
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DKing: Arthur Xabier Wynne (36)
DQueen: Victoria Ysabel Beatrice (*31*) (deceased)
DQueen2: Isobel Katherine Ophelia "Izzy" (25), Duchess of Bluestones
DD: Princess Linnet Daria Titania (10)
DS: Prince Griffin Azrael Wynne (*nb* (9)) (deceased)
DD/DD: Princess Stella Felicity Helena and Princess Elanor Prudence Rose (6)
DS: Prince Ulysses Victor James (nb)IllegitimateSon: Colin Xabier, Viscount of Greybank (7)From the Royal House of: Coldfield
In the Kingdom of: Valhurst

This message was edited 7/22/2010, 6:58 AM

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DKing: Edmund Charles Thomas Robert Arthur (33)
DQueen: Mary Amelia Victoria Charlotte Caroline (deceased)
DQueen2: Beatrice Rose Davinia Florence Minerva "Bea", Countess of Myneant (21)Illegitimate Son: Albert George Edmund Arthur, Duke of Mellford (12)
DPrincess1: Symphonia Margaret Alexandra Augusta Elizabeth (10)
DPrince2: Gabriel Cornelius Michael Andrew Christian (deceased)
DPrincess3/4: Lavender Adelaide Julia Camille Alice / Marigold Cecilia Georgiana Therese Sophia (5)
DPrince5: Anthony Victor Patrick Philip Leopold (1)From the Royal House of: Tamarind
In the Kingdom of: Lobelia
After the death of his wife Mary the King was very sad though he was glad that his son Anthony survived. Edmund knew that he has to remarry and decided for the youngest daughter of the Earl of Myneant, Beatrice. The new couple has not met before their wedding and it was a marriage purely out of political reasons. Edmund thinks that his new bride is a bit naive and spoiled, while Beatrice says that he is strict and often unfriendly. Though Edmund already has the heir to his throne, he hopes for more children with his new wife to secure the reign of his house. Symphonia, Lavender and Marigold were very sad after the death of their mother, but they unterstood that their father had to remarry and they accept the new wife.
After Marys death, Albert wished to meet and speak to his father, who he hasn't seen since he was 3, but Edmund refused and wished that he was kept in the small castle in the highlands.
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DKing: King Phelix Percival Aurelio
DQueen: Queen Anastasia Marie Catherine Eleanor (deceased)
Illegitimate Son: Infante Ludovic Bronimir Aurelius
DPrincess: Princess Iora Marguerite Amelina Eugenie
DPrince: Prince Alcaeus Samson Maximilian
DPrincess / DPrincess: Princess Parthenope Alberta Lucille Katerina & Princess Adrastreia Isolde Linnea Odette
DPrince: Prince Anastasius Hadrian Mordecai DQueen: Archduchess Angerona “Ann” Eudora Millicent Romana From the Royal House of: Balsam
In the Kingdom of: Sweetbourne
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DKing: Alexander Christopher Leopold Matthew (32)
DQueen: Mirabelle Lily Sophia Elizabeth Sarah (deceased, would be 32)
DQueen2: Nicolette Marie Louisa "Nicky", formerly Countess of Veronia (31) IllegitimateSon: Prince Wyatt Alexander Christopher Lyle (15)
DPrincess1: Cecelia Lily Mirabelle Caroline (13)
DPrince2: Gabriel Joshua Matthew (deceased, would be 12)
DPrincess3/DPrincess4: Rosabel Amalia Matilda Victoria / Susanna Ariana Leonie Evangeline (8)
DPrince5: Adam Michael Elijah Sebastian (1)
From the Royal House of: Glorian
In the Kingdom of: FairlinMirabelle and Alexander wanted more children, but for years they were unable to concieve for seven long years. They had given up and were happy with their four children, but then suddenly it happened! They were all overjoyed, at least for the first few months. Mirabelle was not sick or weak like the past two pregnancies, but somehow she didn't seem right.

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Love "Flighty Nicky"!!
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DKing: Theodore Alfred Constantine
DQueen: Charlotte Elisabeth Catherine Marie (Deceased)
DQueen2: Deirdre Tabitha Clarisse "Dee" Empress of LobeliaIllegitimateSon: Duke Wymond Theodoro
DPrincess1: Arlette Isabelle Alexandrine
DPrince2: Apollo Malachi Sterling (Deceased)
DPrincess3/DPrincess4: Kalliope Isadora Madeleine / Mabelle Hermione Gwendolyn
DPrince5: Leopold Charlie MariusFrom the Royal House of: Newbourne
In the Kingdom of: Valhurst

This message was edited 7/22/2010, 3:44 AM

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DKing: Edward Sebastian Taliesin Merrion Aurelianus IV
DQueen: Jocelyn Jane Ysabel Sophia Adelaide (deceased)
DQueen: Petronella Linnea Imogen Daphne Victoria "Petra"Dprince: Tristram John Edward Gawain
Dprincess: Lyra Cecilia Ivana Jocelyn Sebastiana
Dprince: Valerius Angelus Malachi Theodore Alexander (deceased)
Dprincess/Dprincess: Nyx Alice Lilias Charlotte Leocadia / Aurora Xylia Georgiana Antoinette Verdandi
DCrownPrince: Edward Sebastian Taliesin Merrion Aurelianus VFrom the Royal House of: Greendale
In the Kingdom of: NorthcliffeEdward had lost the love of his life, Queen Jocelyn. He didn't know how to move on, he only knew that he had to do it. His advisors wanted him to get remarried but the King couldn't see how he ever could love someone like he had loved Jocelyn, and he thought that it wasn't fair to marry if he didn't loved the woman. The advisors, however, thought that this was the best, not only for the King and the Kingdom, but the children. And The King wanted to do what was best for his children, so he decided to get remarried. He met Petra and the two of them got married eight months later.The Kingdom had accepted her as the new Queen, but neither one thinks she measure up to Queen Jocelyn. All the childrne thinks she is okey, but they all miss Jocelyn. Prince Tristram is taking this really hard. He has already lost his biological mother, and now Jocelyn who he saw as hit mother. Petra is the third mother he has, and he is afraid of losing her too. However, Petra is calming him down and saying that she won't ever leave him. The King doesn't like her saying that, because he know that someday they areall going to die, and he don't want to lie to his son. But right now, the King cares more about keeping Tristram safe and healthy.
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DKing: Gippal Espen Tobias William (31)
DQueen: Rikku Calla Vanessa Lily (30) (deceased)IllegitimateSon: Jeremy Espen Rui (13)
DPrincess 1: Aria Isabella Jasmine (10)
DPrince 2: Jarek Callum Henry(deceased)
DPrincess 2/DPrincess 3: Thalia Aimee Rose / Melia Cecilia Violet (7)
DPrince 5: Caleb Tristan Rikki (nb)DQueen2: Duchess Yunalesca Faith Vivienne "Yuna" (32)From the Royal House of: Soleil
In the Kingdom of: Bikanel
Though the doctors had told them Rikku would never become pregnant again, she refused to believe it. And once she discovered she was again, pregnant, she and Gippal were overjoyed. As the pregnancy progressed, however the King began to wish his wife had not gotten pregnant at all.The day Queen Rikku died was the most devastating day in the history of the Kingdom of Bikanel. The King refused to see anyone but his children for a whole three days. Though he now had a son with Rikku, he no longer had her. He named him exactly as Rikku planned, Caleb Tristan with the exception of his second middle name which changed from Rhys, to Rikki, in honor of his mother.After months of convincing, Gippal decided to remarry for his children. He chose, as his new bride, his dead wife's elder cousin, Duchess Yunalesca Faith Vivienne of Bevelle, known to all as "Yuna". They did not marry for love but for friendship. The two had known eachother since they had been young and knew that it would have been what Rikku wanted.The kingdom quite likes the new queen, they will forever miss Queen Rikku, and though Yuna was a Duchess in an enemy kingdom, her sweet demeanor has charmed them. All the children love her as well. Jeremy had a hard time adjusting at first, but after Yuna set him down for a talk he warmed right up to her.
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Round 3 done tooDKing: (Don) Carmelo Alejandro Itzal Nicolas de Ramal
DQueen (deceased): (Doña) Aspasia Euphemia Madeleine Ysabel de Alilandano
DQueen 2: (Marquesa) Antonietta Moira Noemi Emmanuella di SforzaIllegitimate Son: (Conde) Vasco Alessandro da Tavullia
DPrincess1: (Princesa) Aida Ginevra Madeleine Ariadne
DPrince 2 (deceased): (Principe) Sendoa Gabriel Rodrigo Saturnino
DPrincess 3/4: (Princesa) Ofelia Caterina Genoveva Daphne / (Princesa) Adriana Leonor Mirelle Adrastia
DPrince 5: (Principe) Daniel Gaston Cristiano HermesFrom the Royal House of: Ramal
In the Kingdom of: Solandra(Since Doña Aspasia has all strictly feminine names, I've decided to use Gaston as the honouring MN, since it means the same as the late queen's "last name", that is to say, "stranger".)
Doña Aspasia is barren. That news has been officially declared by the royal physicians just months before she ironically announced pregnancy. At first, everyone could not believe her, but time passed and the queen was visibly pregnant. Strangely enough, she seemed to gradually weaken, slowly becoming a skeleton-like figure with an eerily bulging abdomen.Then one day, the news brake. Doña Aspasia is dead. She had died in her sleep, heavily pregnant, of mysterious causes. Some speculated a conspiracy in which she was murdered for political causes, to prevent the child in her womb from being born. Others still say it was simply coincidence.The good news was, though, that the child was saved from its mother's death; what's more, Doña Aspasia has exchanged with her life that of a Crown Prince! The son was officially declared to be named Principe Daniel Gaston Cristiano Hermes, or Infante Dani.Don Carmelo was greatly saddened with the loss of his darling wife, besides having also lost a son and a previous love in the past few years. The royal advisors pressured him to remarry, and so did his kingdom, citing the lack of a queen and a mother figure as reasons. Don Carmelo was tormented by the decision, but he finally gave in and married the youngest daughter of the Marquis of Sforza, Antonietta Moira Noemi Emmanuella. Since their marriage, the former Marquesa da Sforza was retitled as Doña Nedda, the Queen of Solandra.

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This message was edited 7/22/2010, 1:45 AM

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King: Louis Robert Gaspard Charlemagne (46)
-Late Queen 1: Terese Frantziska Adela
--D: Princess Anne Louisa Elisabeth Adelaide (19)
---H: Hereditary Prince Lysander Caspian Feodor Orlando of Forestmere (22)
--D: Princess Therese Josephine Felicia Beatrice (17)
-Mistress: Lady Jeanne Antoinette de Launay
--S: Geoffrey Roland Louis, Duke of Illyria (11)
-Late Queen 2: Isabella Clementina Rosalba Violetta (25)
--D: Princess Cecile Isabella Eleanore Mathilde (8)
--S:(deceased) Prince Gabriel Louis Clement Etienne
--D/D: Princess Gabrielle Aimee Clarissa Eloise/Princess Louise Emeline Ginevra Marguerite (5)
--S: Crown Prince Raphael Isidore Louis Maxence (1)
-Queen: Francoise Catherine Madeleine d'Aubigné, Marquise of Mallenon
(23)In her fervent quest for an heir, Isabella suffered three miscarraiges after the twins' birth, but just after their fourth birthday, became pregnant once more. This time she was sure she was carrying a boy, but grew increasingly sicklier--she lost weight instead of gaining, and became pale and weak with huge dark circles under her eyes. All the while Isabella insisted she was fine, but the whole castle awoke to a scream one morning from Isabella's most trusted lady-in-waiting, who could not awake her largely pregnant mistress. The palace doctor was fetched, and he declared that Isabella was beyond saving--but the child wasn't. He cut open Isabella, and a large, squalling, healthy boy was born. It was a bittersweet moment for Louis, holding his newborn son over his wife's cold form. He named the baby Raphael--a good, solid Christian name he knew his late wife would've approved of.Louis arranges a stately, elaborate funeral for Isabella and his children are absolutely devastated--Anne even postpones her much talked-about wedding to the heir to the throne of Forestmere to pay her respects to her beloved stepmother and to provide comfort to her younger siblings. As the eldest child, she sees to it that Isabella's daughters are well-provided for by their nursemaids and governesses--Geoffrey's education is well tended to by their father--and asks Therese to take care of the children in her stead.

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This message was edited 7/22/2010, 1:03 AM

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DKing: Ariston Frederick Percival Llewellyn Gaspard (28)
DQueen: Eloisa Lysandra Wilfreda Helen Mairead (dec.)
DQueen2: Melisande Cecilia Vivienne (19)IllegitimateSon: Count Nigel Ellery Ariston (9)
DPrincess1: Columba Liora Margalit Emmanuelle Zephyrine (6)
DPrince2: Valerius Malachi Drystan Rudiger Gaspard (dec.)
DPrincess3/4: Artemisia Kerensa Isadora Leonora Fabienne / Demetria Thomasina Ursula Petrova Solange (3)
Prince5: Hadrian Lysander Eliseo Amadeus Noel (0) From the Royal House of: Loden
In the Kingdom of: Sweetbourne
The House of Loden was once again rocked by tragedy when Queen Eloisa withered and died during her last pregnancy. Devastated, Ariston sat vigil over his wife's body for days, refusing to see his children or advisors. He only finally left Eloisa when Nigel stormed in and demanded that his father let him bury the only mother he'd ever known.Ariston had little interest in remarrying but allowed himself to be talked into a political alliance with the youngest princess of a distant kingdom that was rich in precious metals and spices. The alliance was vastly profitable, but neither Ariston nor young Melisande was very happy in the union. Ariston continued to morn his first wife, and Meli was young and overwhelmed by suddenly finding herself in charge of a kingdom and the care of five orphaned children, one of whom was a squalling infant.Columba and the twins didn't know what to make of Meli, but Nigel at least tried to make her feel welcome. He distantly remembered being thrust into court life, and, although he missed Eloisa as much as everyone else, he wanted Meli to feel like she belonged in their family. He told his younger siblings that mother would've wanted it that way as well. Many courtiers had come to admire young Nigel and, with Eloisa gone, some pressured the king to declare the boy next in line for the throne.
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King Deimos Mordecai Edward Luca "Dei" [28]
Queen Cosima Ninon Helen Kallisto Maude [des at 25]
Queen Xanthia Esme Pearl Lucinda "Xan" [20]Prince Jocelyn Ptolemy Kai [11] {Mother is Aveline Morgane Jerusha, des}
Princess Lullaby Cosima Jane Persephone [7] {Mother is Queen Cosima}
Prince Nero Esmond Kenton Seraphiel Light [des at 1 day] {Mother is Queen Cosima}
Princess Zephyrine Rosalie Morana Edith [4, twin] {Mother is Queen Cosima}
Princess Stormily Helena Vivienne Evangeline [4, twin] {Mother is Queen Cosima}
Prince Malachi Deimos Aeon Tollus Kinnen [1] {Mother is Queen Cosima}From the Royal House of: Iduno
In the Kingdom of: Labyrinth--The twin princesses were just barely 3 when Queen Cosima was discovered to be pregnant again, though she and the king had made attempts to become pregnant before then.She was weak throughout, but felt well enough, and finally passed away in her eighth month. The baby was saved, but King Dei, mourning the woman he'd loved since he was only nine years old, did not even want to see the child, his heir. He locked himself away in a room that had been designated as his office, and refused to come out for anything short of the queen's funeral. The newborn prince was not named until nearly two weeks after his birth, when King Dei emerged from his office and handed the nurse hired to care for the boy a piece of paper. "That is his name," King Dei told her. "It is an anagram of his mother's."And thus Prince Malachi was named.
It was a year and a half after Malachi was born that Dei's advisors began suggesting he remarry. Dei was not passionate about the idea, but did think that his children needed a mother, and set off to find a new wife. It was not long before he met Baroness Xanthia Esme Pearl Lucinda, and he was quite taken with her-- not in love with her, exactly, but interested enough--and they married before the year was out. The children as of now are not quite sure what to make of Queen Xan. They still miss their mother, and haven't accepted Queen Xan as a replacement-- yet.---
ughhhhh, i was going to go to bed an hour ago and then this came up. anagramming that name took FOREVER.

This message was edited 7/22/2010, 10:34 AM

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sorry :}
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DKing: Frederick Victor William Henry II (51)
DQueen1: Helene Josephine Louise (Deceased aged 28)
DQueen2: HSH Markgräfin Elisabeth Marina Antonia "Ella" (25)IllegitimateSon: Christian Victor Dougal-FitzFrederick, Earl of Soughton (19)
DPrincess1: Anne Helena Katherine (7)
DPrince2: Richard Theophilus Frederick William (Deceased)
DPrincess3/4: Zita Georgiana Louisa/ Nina Alice Josephina (4)
DPrince5: George Louis Joseph Frederick (1)One year and one day after the death of his beloved wife, Helene, King Frederick wed his new wife, Markgräfin Ella of Schwarzburg. This match was partly political and partly love based. While Frederick is much older than Ella, she found herself attracted to him because of his kind manner towards his children and how deeply he mourned his wife. Frederick in turn sees the qualities he loved in Helene in Ella,and therefore when the match is put forward willingly agreed.
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