[Games] KUY Royal Congrats ▓▒░ Round 2 ░▒▓
I've wanted to start a Royal Congrats again, but haven't had the time to keep track of all of the information. So, I've decided to do a KUY Royal Congrats. Anybody is welcome to join in at any time (To join, start at Round 1 and work your way to the current round). I'll provide links to all previous rounds. Enjoy :-)Round 1: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3880239&board=game

Rules for Round 2:
  ~ IllegitimateSon: His FN comes from the list below, and he has one MN that somehow references/honors one of the King's names. Please provide him with a rank of nobility. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_and_noble_ranks)
  ~ DPrincess1: When the princess was born, her little cries reminded the Queen of a singing bird. Therefore her FN must be related to a bird or music. She must have at least 2 MNs, your choice.Writing Prompt: I will assume a patriarchy in my writing prompts. Feel free to adjust to your story line to whatever is appropriate for your Kingdom.
The King and Queen have just welcomed their first child, a princess! However, at this time the King finds out that he has an illegitimate son from a brief relationship before he was King or married. The child was born to a recently widowed, very miner Lady. As the Lady is now dieing, she is seeking a home for her son within the Kings household.
      Does the Lady want him to be recognized, or just provided for? Does she have big dreams for her son, or simply hopes that he will live a good life?
      How does the Queen feel about this child who might have more right to the throne then her own daughter?
      How does the King feel about finding out that he has a son?
      What will be the boys place in the household/kingdom?
      What does all of this mean for your kingdom?DKing:
DQueen: IllegitimateSon:
From the Royal House of:
In the Kingdom of: Namebanks: No changes are allowed this round.Illegitimate Son's: FNs: Albert Alexander Alphege Alvin Amerigo Amis Angel Astaroth Austin Axel Barnaby Bayard Bennett Bob Boguslav Borisu Branson Bronimir Chayyim Chestibor Chestislav Christian Col Colin Conrad Crispian Dante Denis Dick Didacus Diego Diggory Dwight Egon Elijah Elis Ellery Elliott Elric Emery Estienne Ethelbert Ethelred Etzel Everard Ferruccio Flemming Gahariet Gavin Gawain Geoffrey Geoffroi George Gib Gidie Gonzalo Goran Gruffudd Hal Hank Hankin Harry Hernando Hilary Hob Hopkin Hudde Hudson Ieronimus Inigo Jack Jake Jan Jankin Jeffrey Jem Jemmy Jep Jeremy Jim Jocelyn Jolyon Joyce Julyan Jurian Kresimir Kyrilu Lewis Lothar Ludovic Manouel Milosh Morris Moss Ned Nigel Noll Ode Oliver Orjan Otis Palmiro Pancras Piers Prabhakara Preben Premisl Randall Randel Raymond Renard Renaud Reynard Robin Roland Rowland Royce Royston Rui Ruy Sampson Sebastian Stacy Stamatios Steven Sylvester Temple Tennyson Terry Theobald Till Toby Tristram Tybalt Ulric Vasco Virgilius Walker Wat Wenzel Wiebe Wyatt Wybert Wymond Ximeno Yrian Yves Yvon Zbignev
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DKing: Eastmund Leofric Albert Crispian (21)
DQueen: Idonea Clovis Jehanne Euphemia (17)IllegitimateSon: Piers Leofric (1)
DPrincess1: Euterpe Philomel Aldegund Rohese (nb) A few months before their first child was to be born, Eastmund and Idonea received some shocking news. Prior to his betrothal, Eastmund had spent most of his time in the company a young lady, Brunhilda, but their romance lasted little more than a year. Eastmund had not seen her since, but now that she is dangerously ill and on her deathbed, she has sent word to him that they have a son.
One-year-old Piers, now motherless, has been taken in by the king and queen. Idonea is content to have him raised alongside her newborn daughter Euterpe, but refuses to believe he has more right to the throne than any of her own children. He will only inherit if Idonea fails to produce a son.
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Writing Prompt: A few months after the are married, rumours begin spreading in the kingdom about a supposed illegitimate child of the new King-Consort. In order to end speculations, Frederick assumes he has a 5-year-old son, who was born when he was stationed in Germany with the army (before he was bethroted to marry the then Princess Sophia). The Queen is initially upset, but ends up supporting her husband and the child. She gives the boy a noble title and allowes him to live in the palace with them. However, she makes it clear that her husband's son has no rights to the throne whatsoever.
Meanwhile, the couple is delighted to welcome their first child, a girl, heiress presumptive to her mother's throne. She was named after St Cecily, the patron of music - her middle names honour her two grandmothers and her father. The infant receieved the title of "Princess Royal".
DQueen: Sophia II [ Sophia Charlotte Emma Dorothea Winifred ] (age 24)
DKing: Frederick [ Frederick Henry Xavier, Archduke of Albas ] (age 26)IllegitimateSon: Axel, Earl of Bailey [ Axel Xavier ] (age 5)
DPrincess1: Cecily, The Princess Royal [ Cecily Charlotte Frederica Mary ] (newborn)From the Royal House of: Newbourne
In the Kingdom of: Viridian
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Writing Prompt: A few months after the are married, rumours begin spreading in the kingdom about a supposed illegitimate child of the new King-Consort. In order to end speculations, Frederick assumes he has a 5-year-old son, who was born when he was stationed in Germany with the army (before he was bethroted to marry the then Princess Sophia). The Queen is initially upset, but ends up supporting her husband and the child. She gives the boy a noble title and allowes him to live in the palace with them. However, she makes it clear that her husband's son has no rights to the throne whatsoever.
Meanwhile, the couple is delighted to welcome their first child, a girl, heiress presumptive to her mother's throne. She was named after St Cecily, the patron of music - her middle names honour her two grandmothers and her father. The infant receieved the title of "Princess Royal".
DQueen: Sophia II [ Sophia Charlotte Emma Dorothea Winifred ] (age 24)
DKing: Frederick [ Frederick Henry Xavier, Archduke of Albas ] (age 26)IllegitimateSon: Axel, Earl of Bailey [ Axel Xavier ] (age 5)
DPrincess1: Cecily, The Princess Royal [ Cecily Charlotte Frederica Mary ] (newborn)From the Royal House of: Newbourne
In the Kingdom of: Viridian
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DKing: Benjamin Adrian Stefano Felip
DQueen: Maria Vittoria Magdalena Raisa Elisabeth SophiaIDuke: Chayyim Dante Alexander
DPrincess: Zipporah Sofia Mariana IsoldeFrom the Royal House of: Enna
In the Kingdom of: ValhurstThe mother of Chayyim asks only that he be provided for, as a child and given some grant of land or money for him to be prosperous as an adult. Queen Vittoria has illegitimate brothers herself with whom she is very close to, and wishes the child to be brought up with his half-sister Zipporah. King Benjamin will make him Duke of Rusalem, one of the larger, richer provinces.
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DKing: Charles Lucan Aurelio Maximus--18
DQueen: Anastasia Marya Elena--17IllegitimateSon: Infante Sampson Luca Diego
DPrincess1: Aria Yelizaveta GalaFrom the Royal House of: Soleil
In the Kingdom of: ElseyThe first year of the new couple’s marriage was focused primarily on ruling. Charles, desperate to become a good monarch, spent nearly all of his waking hours learning more about war, trade, allies and enemies, proper court procedures, and every other detail that would help him succeed. His relationship with his young wife, as a result, did not flourish. After a few months, however, he began to get a bit more comfortable in his duties and began making more time to spend with his young wife. They took strolls through the gardens and horseback rides through the rolling hills around the castle. A few months after their first anniversary had passed, Anastasia began to feel ill and soon desperately sought the advice of her lady-in-waiting. After bashfully describing the illness she was feeling, the young queen was advised that nothing was wrong: she was expecting her first child!
Anastasia was exultant. She had until then found the stone walls and drafty corridors of the castle to be cold and impersonal. Now, she could not help but to imagine the sound of little feet running and the tinkle of a child’s laugh echoing around the halls. Suddenly the castle seemed much less unfriendly. And so it happened that some months later, Anastasia presented her young husband with their first born child: a daughter she named Aria.
Shortly after, however, a young woman from town arrives at the castle in search of Charles. She has with her a child, a sandy-haired tottering little thing. Charles consents to see the woman, fearful of what this visit could mean. When she speaks, his fears are confirmed. The child, Sampson, is his: the result of a short-lived relationship she and Charles had when he was just fifteen. As much as he would love to deny that the child is his, the evidence is plain.

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DK: Claude Aloysius Nikolai (Claude Nikolai to the nobles, King Nikolai to his subjects, Alyk to his family) Age 27
DQ: Rosa Marielle Pearl Jehanne (The Queen to nobles and subjects, Rosa to her family) Age 19
IS: Baron Alexandre Nicholas (the Little Baron to the nobles, Alexandre to his family, the boy to the people) Age 6
DPrincess1: Calandra Maeve Najiyah (the Princess to nobles, our little Najiyah to the people, Cally to her family) Age 3 monthsRoyal House: Kiskadee
Kingdom: ForestmereA few months ago, Alexandre's mother sent a letter to Alyk, telling him that she was dying and he must take their son into the palace and give him a title, as any king's son should have. When she was told, Rosa thought that now she would be sent back to Jacarand, since Alyk already had a son (the kings of Jacarand have many wives, and she assumed that this lady was one of Alyks other wives). The king had already known about Alexandre and had been visiting him and his mother regularly. He will live in a part of the palace that is the most distant from the King and Queens apartments, but Alyk will visit him and he will have his own servants. The people, though, are disdainful of him and his late mother, fearing that he will attempt to become king when he is older.
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DKing: Frederick Victor William Henry II (44)
DQueen: Helene Josephine Louise (22)IllegitimateSon: Christian Victor Dougal-FitzFrederick, Earl of Soughton (12)
DPrincess1: Anne Helena Katherine (nb)

From the Royal House of: Rothschild
In the Kingdom of: WycliffeTwo years have passed since the marriage of King Frederick II and his Queen Helene. During this time there was much talk about when the royal couple would have their first child. Much to their shared joy, they discovered they where pregnant about a couple of days after their first anniversary. While making preparations for the arrival of their child, Frederick was given a rude shock when he was informed by Lady Victoria Dougal, widow of the late Lord Michael Christian Dougal that her second son, Christian, was in fact his child. The circumstances of his brith come from the brief affair they had while Frederick was stationed on the Isle of Soughton as the Naval Governor, where Lord & Lady Dougal were residents.Frederick, not wanting to be like his brother Ernest, who didnt provide for his illegitimate offspring, immediately called for young Christian, created him Earl of Soughton, giving him an income for the royal winery located on the isle. Christian showed gratitude by adding FitzFrederick to his existing last name of Dougal.Once Christian's estate and title had been offically bestowed, he got to partake in royal familylife when he become godfather to his half-sister, Anne Helena Katherine. Anne means eagle in Frisian, a culture that both Frederick & Helene have a deep appreciation for, was they shared 5-great-grandfather, Duke Gerrit IV original domains included large portions of the area.
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DKing: Humphrey Carloman Amilcar "The Gentle" (20)
DQueen: Aenor Susanna Pearl Lysandra (16)IllegitimateSon: Oliver Charles Roche, Comte of Mallowgold (3)
DPrincess1: Byrd Aenor Carolina (nb)From the Royal House of: Tyrian
In the Kingdom of: Cotswold
Round 1:
Humphrey knew from the time he was a small child that he would be King one day, and maybe soon. His mother died from the childbirth, and that was after many unsuccessful pregnancies. His father suffered a disease that left him severely weakened when he was just 2 years old. His father was partially paralyzed, and slowly lost more and more function as time went on. However, he retained his sharp mind right up until the end. Humphrey wasn't betrothed, because his father knew that he was going to have enough responsibility, and wanted to provide at least a chance at love and happiness. Just 2 months after his 18th birthday, the old King just never woke from his nights sleep. Humphrey was crowned, and his advisors urged him to seek a wife.Humphrey, knowing that it was his duty, held a month of banquets to meet all of the eligible Ladies, Duchesses, Princesses and other nobles that his advisors wanted him to marry. Aenor came with her older sister, the Duchesses of Cerise, as a companion. However, Humphrey found Aenor's gentle wit and sparkling eyes unforgettable. He arranged to met Aenor in one of the palace gardens, and there asked her to be his wife and Queen of Cotswold. Overwhelmed, Aenor said that she would need to think on it.However, when Aenor found her way back to her room, she also found her sister. Her sister was furious, and accused her of stealing the King from her. This put steel in Aenor's back, who knew that she didn't do any such thing. Deciding in that instant the she was fond of the King and thought that she had a good chance at happiness, she stormed out of her room and went to find the Humphrey and let him know.The two were married at the end of summer, when all of the crops had been harvested and there was plenty for feasting. The Kingdom was overjoyed. Now they had a young, healthy King and a beautiful Queen. Cotswold was happy and peaceful...

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This message was edited 7/21/2010, 11:23 PM

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DKing: Gippal Espen Tobias William (21)
DQueen: Rikku Calla Vanessa Lily (20)
IllegitimateSon: Jeremy Espen Rui (3)
DPrincess 1: Aria Isabella Jasmine (nb)From the Royal House of: Soleil
In the Kingdom of: BikanelThe King and Queen have recently welcomed a new addition to their family, a daughter, Aria Isabella Jasmine. She is the perfect mix of her parents. She has the golden blonde hair of her mother and the lighter green eyes of her father. Both of her parents are constantly doting on her.Shortly after Aria's birth, a woman arrived at the castle with a toddler. Countess Calissa Bardoux, a recent widow, had been in a short relationship with the King when he was 16 and the toddler, Jeremy Espen Rui, is the result of their fling. The queen knew of the past relations between the two but neither the King nor Queen knew a child resulted from it. Calissa revealed that she is near death and the last thing she wished to do was bring her son to his father. After a very short discussion, mostly consisting of the King apologizing for what he had done, the Queen declared that the boy would stay and would be one of her own. She grew up with only one brother and always wanted a large family so Jeremy was a welcome addition. Jeremy has been named a Prince by the King and Queen. He has dark, golden blonde hair and hazel eyes, looking very much like his birth mother with a little bit of King Gippal. He absolutely loves his new family, especially his baby sister, and loves to play with his new mother. He is also very smart for his age and completely understands what happened to his birth mother and the rest of the situation he has been brought into.Both children have captured the hearts of the kingdom. There was really no scandal to do with it. The people all knew of the King's past as quite the ladies man, The Queen of all people, and they really only would have been upset if they had not accepted Prince Jeremy into their family.
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DKing: (Don) Carmelo Alejandro Itzal Nicolas de Ramal
DQueen: (Doña) Aspasia Euphemia Madeleine Ysabel de AlilandanoIllegitimate Son: (Conde) Vasco Alessandro da Tavullia
DPrincess1: (Princesa) Aida Ginevra Madeleine Ariadne
From the Royal House of: Ramal
In the Kingdom of: Solandra(Note: "Conde" simply is a Spanish transliteration of "Count". I am assuming that while Solandra uses the Spanish language, it's not a perfect Spain Expy. Ive added the Queen's House just to make naming their children easier - "Alilandano" simply means "alien, foreigner" in Esperanto. And if you know what, where, or why Tavullia is, bless you.)
Scandal in Solandra!Don Carmelo and his wife Doña Aspasia have welcomed their first daughter last Sunday. The girl, titled Princesa Aida Ginevra Madeleine Ariadne de Ramal y Alilandano, but known simply as Infanta Aida. According to the royal spokesperson, Infanta Aida was born after a successful caesarean section following some complications resulting in the queen being unable to give birth herself.Rumours spread, however, that Don Carmelo has had an illegitimate son from a previous relationship before either crowning or marriage! The illegitimate child's mother has recently been revealed to be Maria Immaculata, a woman from Tavullia in Italy. The child's presence was revealed when its mother sent him to Solandra with a message giving him to Don Carmelo for protection, dictating also that she (the mother) was dying of consumption.The nation was shocked, but more so Don Carmelo and his wife Doña Aspasia. Everyone waited with bated breath, anticipating how the regents will respond to the situation. Surprisingly, Don Carmelo took the news relatively well and welcomed the boy as his own. The child's name was recently revealed to be Vasco Alessandro, named in part after the king. After a long discussion with his wife over matters, a decision was reached that the child will be under the king's wings, retitled Conde Vasco Alessandro da Tavullia, the first foreigner to be given a title by the royal family of Solandra. Some speculated as to why young Vasco was not given the royal surname, but the royal family kept silent on matters.

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DKing: Louis Robert Gaspard Charlemagne (38)
-Late Queen: Terese Frantziska Adela
--D: Princess Anne Louisa Elisabeth Adelaide (11)
--D: Princess Therese Josephine Felicia Beatrice (9)
-Mistress: Lady Jeanne Antoinette de Launay
--IllegitimateSon: Geoffrey Roland Louis, Duke of Illyria (3)

DQueen: Isabella Clementina Rosalba Violetta (18)
-DPrincess1: Cecile Isabella Eleanore MathildeFrom the Royal House of: Cerise
In the Kingdom of: ValinorSoon after their wedding day, Isabella finds out she is pregnant, and she is overjoyed--she has always looked forward to becoming a mother. When she is about five months along, her husband the King calls her into his study and tells her very matter-of-factly that his longtime mistress, Lady Jeanne, has died and has left in his care her youngest son, three-year-old Geoffrey, who Louis fathered after his late wife's death. He informs her that the little boy will be given the title of Duke of Illyria and living in the palace from now on. He even tells his wife that it would be a good opportunity for her to "practice her mothering skills." He dismisses Isabella without another word on the matter.Upset and confused, Isabella at first refuses to see Geoffrey, and fervently prays that the child she is carrying is a male. Eventually, she meets Geoffrey and begins to warm to the little boy; a little, cherubic blond (the spitting image of her husband, Isabella noted wryly) with a huge, infectious smile who grows quite fond of her in return. A few months later, after a long labor, little Princess Cecile is born. Anne and Therese are overjoyed to have a baby sister, but Isabella is heartbroken and Louis is furious, refusing to even look at their daughter and instead spending his free time with Geoffrey. Isabella throws herself into taking care of the daughter she adores, doting on her and spending as much time with her as possible.

This message was edited 7/21/2010, 10:45 AM

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DKing: Miles Edward Sebastian (27)
DQueen: Katherine Avelina Sophia Amabel "Kate" (23)Son: Marquess Jurian Edward (4)
Princess: Wren Avelina Edwina Amabel (0)From the Royal House of: Tyford
In the Kingdom of: GrenarbourIt took almost a year, but King Miles finally convinced his queen to sleep in the same room as he did. His patience was rewarded, and Kate conceived. Recently, she gave birth to a daughter she named Wren Avelina Edwina Amabel. Miles was ecstatic to welcome his daughter into the world. With all the fanfare about King Miles' first child, a woman stepped forward and claimed that her son belonged to Miles. The woman, Lady Roberta Genevieve of Conchisa, was dying, and wanted her son's lineage recognized. After much debate, Miles admitted that the child might be his. The four year old was born during the last period of hostilities with the Arothans, a time during which Miles was not the most model citizen. The child's name is Jurian Edward, and he looks remarkably like Miles did as a boy. Lady Roberta passed away six days ago. Queen Katherine does not wish the boy to live in their home, but Miles convinced her that the subjects of Grenarbour would look unfavorably on her if she turned away a child. Children are very important members of Grenarbourian society. Reluctantly, Kate has agreed to take Jurian into their home, under the condition that he be barred from inheriting the crown. Miles agreed because it seemed the only way to get the boy, but he did bestow the title of Marquess on the boy.
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DKing: Aloysius Barnaby Frederick Augustus
DQueen: Esther Xiomara Jehanne Clementina Augusta
DPrincess1: Lark Augusta Gloriana Melodia
IllegitimateSon: Baron Sylvester Frederick Gawain From the Royal House of: Verbena
In the Kingdom of: SolandraBaroness Christina Olivia, mother of Sylvester, was Baron Theobald Jeremy Sebastian's wife. Sadly, the baron passed away, leaving Baroness Christina with five children (a three-year-old son, a pair of two-year-old twins, and a pair of one-year-old twins), not including four-year-old Sylvester.
Four years before Aloysius Barnaby Frederick Augustus married Esther, he unknowingly became the father of a young child--Baron Sylvester Frederick Gawain. He and Baroness Christina, who are distant cousins, both unknowingly formed the child while Aloysius was staying with Christina. At the time, both were very young and unmarried, though Theobald was courting Christina. Theobald and Christina were married only two weeks after that night, and both thought that the child was theirs. They were wrong. Theobald couldn't see any resemblance to himself in the child. He couldn't even see any resemblance to his relatives. That's when Christina realized that the child was Aloysius', not Theobald's.
Now, when Sylvester is four, Christina is dreadfully ill and wants to place Sylvester in the care of his father. Sylvester is rather loathe to doing so, because he despises his father for never visiting--and he's only four! Sylvester doesn't even know who his father is! When Christina announced to Sylvester that he was really going to live with his father, Sylvester, despite trying his hardest to keep the tears back, cried and shouted in despair--but of course he would at four years old. How was he supposed to love a man he never knew?
Sylvester has been picked up and brought to the palace. In his chubby, little hand he carried a note from his mother. It read: "Dearest Aloysius, I am glad to hear that you are moving up in station. You deserve the position you have now.

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This message was edited 7/22/2010, 10:48 AM

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King William Johannes Friedrich Albert Augustus (20)
Queen Elizabeth Catherine Marguerite Victoria Eléonore (17)Lord Alexander Wilhelm Heinrich Arthur (4), Duke of Solano
Princess Cecilia Catherine Johanna Mary Alberta (nb)From the Royal House of: Valnor
In the Kingdom of: ArkaviaElizabeth conceived shortly after she married William, and for nine months the people of Arkavia waited with bated breath for the arrival of the child. Some hoped for a boy, so that the Valnor royal line would continue. Others prayed for a girl, precisely so that William would not have an heir and the nobles could begin jockeying for power.As it happens, both factions may have gotten their wish. The queen gave birth to a healthy daughter, and the proud father named her Cecilia after his mother. But since the crown could only pass to male heirs, the Valnor line of succession was still undecided.No sooner had the Arkavian élite breathed a sigh of relief that whispers began echoing in the halls of the castle: the king had fathered a son before his marriage, and the boy's mother, a widow, had recently died of consumption. At a public event meant to celebrate the birth of the princess, William put an end to the rumors and confirmed that the boy, Alexander, was in fact his son, the unintended product of a youthful indiscretion with the wife of a knight.The Arkavians did not know what to think. Would William legitimize Alexander? Was the boy now first in line to inherit the throne? Surely William would not sully the crown with such a scandal!William recognized the position in which he now found himself. Alexander was his son, and to ignore him would have been inexcusably dishonorable. However, he could not install him as the crown prince, for that would mean an almost certain split with the powerful Andrasic Empire: Elizabeth's father Charles expected his grandson, not the son of an adulteress, to one day sit on the throne of Arkavia-Andras.So instead, William proclaimed Alexander the Duke of Solano, a prosperous province just north of the capital. He installed him in his own household and took great care to ensure that he received an education befitting the son of a king. When the boy is older, he will be expected to join his father at court and will most likely receive a high-ranking ministerial appointment.

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DKing: Theodore Alfred Constantine
DQueen: Charlotte Elisabeth Catherine MarieIllegitimateSon: Duke Wymond Theodoro
DPrincess1: Arlette Isabelle AlexandrineFrom the Royal House of: Newbourne
In the Kingdom of: Valhurst
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DKing: Arthur Xabier Wynne
DQueen: Victoria Ysabel Beatrice
DD: Princess Linnet Daria TitaniaIllegitimateSon: Colin Xabier, Viscount of GreybankFrom the Royal House of: Coldfield
In the Kingdom of: Valhurst

This message was edited 7/20/2010, 2:46 PM

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DQueen: Theodosia Clementine Margaret Elisabeth "Queen Margaret VII" [23]
DKing: George Lysander Marius "King George" (nee Coldfield) [23]Illegitimate Son: Roland Marius, Earl of Forestmere (surname Coldfield) [4]
DPrincess1: Polymnia Elisabeth Margaret Georgina "Polly" [nb]
From the Royal House of: Mallowgold
In the Queendom of: Quadrille
A Crown Princess is born, ensuring the line of succession! And, war with Forestmere has ended, due to a brilliant move by the Queen's Army! The Queendom of Quadrille has two causes to celebrate!Upon the declaration of victory and the annexation of Forestmere, the Queen and King received a letter from a Forestmere lady. It seems as though, during the war, he fell in love with the wife of his Forestmere nemesis and fathered a child with her. Because the lady's husband was killed in the war and the lady herself was dying, she felt that she had to ask the Royal Family to bring her son into the palace, lest he be left on the streets as an orphan. The Queen and King did, without hesitation. The boy was declared Earl of Forestmere, his surname was changed to George's master name (his surname before his got married), and he was publically acknowledged as the King's son. Of course, since he is no blood relation to Queen Margaret and he is a male, he has no claim to the crown. The people of Quadrille have had mixed reactions to the Earl; after all, he is half-'Merite and hatred still runs deep between the Quadrillians and the Forestmerites...
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I LOVE your Queendom!!!
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Thanks! I just thought it might be fun to do something different. Sorry if it's created any difficulties for you with the prompt. :)
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DKing: Frederic Gaspard Henri Philippe Robert (26)
DQueen: Ysabel Araceli Luisa Xiomara (19)IllegitimateSon: Chevalier Piers Robin Frederic (9)
DPrincess1: Alouette Araceli Lucille Pascaline (0)From the Royal House of: Whitelake
In the Kingdom of: LegatoYsabel conceived several months after her marriage to Frederick. The kingdom was abuzz with the news and the prospect of having an heir to the throne so soon, and Ysabel was pleased that she would have a little baby to dote upon.There was a feeling of disappointment among the kingdom when the baby was born - not a Crown Prince, but a princess instead. However, the princess Alouette was a stunning baby, and the feelings of disappointment soon changed to ones of adoration for their new princess - the first princess in some time, as neither Frederic nor his father had had any sisters that survived past infancy.Shortly after Alouette's birth, a woman arrived at the castle - Baronne Ghislaine. Her husband had died three years prior, and now she, too, was sick and dying, having just barely had the strength to make it to the castle. Accompanying her was a boy of nine. Both Frederic and Ysabel were stunned to find that the boy, Piers, was Frederic's son, the result of too much wine and a dark corner at a party when Frederic was 17 and the baronne 16. With her husband dead and her death imminent, her land would go not to her son but to her late husband's eldest brother - as Piers was not her husband's son, and she had no other children, the land would be her brother-in-law's by right. She wanted a home for Piers; her brother-in-law refused to take him in.Under Legato's laws, Piers could only become King if there were no legitimate sons of the king to inherit the throne. He would, however, inherit before Alouette or any future princesses would. Frederic decided to officially claim Piers, but had him sent to begin training with Legato's knights, the Chevaliers. Because of this, Piers spends most of his time with the Chevaliers and only sees his father and Queen Ysabel on important occasions.

This message was edited 7/20/2010, 3:56 PM

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DKing: King Jacob William Edward Charles
DQueen: Queen Joanna Elisabeth Maren LarkFrom the Royal House of: Tyrian
In the Kingdom of: Halcyon~ IllegitimateSon: Duke Colin Sebastian Edwin Bennett (recognized, but not in line of succession)
~ DPrincess1: Princess Cecilia Aurelia Ariana Rose
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DKing: David Casper William Maximus James (25)
DQueen: Sarah Avelina Elisabeth Griselda Marie (24)IllegitimateSon: Prince Jack David (4)
DPrincess1: Princess Marley Avelina Jacoba Hope (Marley after Bob Marley, Jacoba after Jack)From the Royal House of: Esterbank
In the Kingdom of: ChapelQueen Sarah met David in a Bar in London, he was not a royal. And it was love at first sight! Their only wish is to have a baby (or better a footballteam). David absolutely loves football ;) The general state of the kingdom is very peaceful and the Royal House of Esterbank is really in vogue.
Three years after their first get-together, Sarah and David finally welcomed their first daughter! And her big brother (his mother died on lung cancer and was an ex-friend of David, but she kept quite that they have a son) is so proud of her. Sarah and David are very caring and she loves her little prince like a son. The public is very delighted with the two new kids and that they attend so lovely to Jack.
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DKing: Deimos Mordecai Edward Luca "Dei" [21]
DQueen: Cosima Ninon Helen Kallisto Maude [19]IllegitimateSon: [Prince] Jocelyn Ptolemy Kai [4]
DPrincess1: Lullaby Cosima Jane Persephone [nb] From the Royal House of: Iduno
In the Kingdom of: Labyrinth-- While his country had been amidst a war, a sixteen year old Prince Dei had had an affair with a young woman he'd known through his teen years. Unbeknownst to him, she became pregnant with his child and gave birth to a son. Now dying, she sought out King Dei and requested that their son-- Jocelyn-- be taken in by his father.Many generations ago, it had been decided that illegitimate offspring of the royal family would be unable to ever be crowned king, and so this remains with Jocelyn. However, the royal family did decide to allow him to live with them-- he is Dei's son after all.--A year after Jocelyn came to live with the royal family, Queen Cosima gave birth to Princess Lullaby Cosima Jane Persephone.

This message was edited 7/20/2010, 10:28 PM

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DKing: Edward Sebastian Taliesin Merrion Aurelianus IV
DQueen: Jocelyn Jane Ysabel Sophia Adelaide
Dprince: Tristram John Edward Gawain
Dprincess: Lyra Cecilia Ivana Jocelyn SebastianaFrom the Royal House of: Greendale
In the Kingdom of: NorthcliffeSoon after the marriage Jocelyn found herself pregnant. However, this was a very stressful time since King Edward just had found out that he already had a son. This came as a huge surprise for Edward and he didn't know how to tell Jocelyn about it. He decided to bring the child with him and let him meet Jocelyn. Jocelyn asked who the child was and Edward told the truth; "he's my son". Jocelyn nearly fainted and after that she and Kng Edward had a long talk. After a whilke jocelyn was fine with it, after all, Edward hadn't known about the child either and the child has been born even King Edward even had met Jocelyn. The king and Queen has decided to take care of the child, Tristram. Tristram is now a preince, but not a crown prince. Everyone thought that was for the best. King Edward is happy about Tristram, but he wishes that he had known about him earlier. The Kingdom too is shocked about Tristram and they have been some big headlines in the newspaper. Some bad, some good. Most people think that Tristram was a stupid mistake, but is glad that the King is taking care of his son. After all this, the Queen gave birth to a healthy little baby girl, Lyra. She is a calm little baby and everyone are happy for her being here.
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DKing: Ariston Frederick Percival Llewellyn Gaspard (22)
DQueen: Eloisa Lysandra Wilfreda Helen Mairead (20)IllegitimateSon: Count Nigel Ellery Ariston (3)
DPrincess1: Columba Liora Margalit Emmanuelle Zephyrine (0)From the Royal House of: Loden
In the Kingdom of: Sweetbourne
Celebrations were held all through Sweetbourne at the news of the birth of the princess. Eloisa called Columba her little dove, and Ariston adored his beautiful little girl. It wasn't long after that he received a letter from an old lover, a countess who begged to see him right away. The countess revealed that she was dying and that Ariston was the father of her three-year-old son. Ariston didn't believe her until he saw the boy; Nigel was his spitting image. Ariston couldn't bear the thought of his son growing up without knowing him and swore to take care of the boy. The countess expired only a few days later.Eloisa was surprised and angry when Ariston arrived home with Nigel. She spent months ignoring the quiet child and her husband but wasn't able to stay mad for too long. Nigel was such a sweet boy, intelligent and polite and enamored with his beautiful stepmother and pretty little halfsister. Eloisa finally agreed to having Nigel raised as their own on the condition that he only be allowed to inherit the throne if she and Ariston had no sons of their own or if their sons weren't able. Ariston was relieved and pleased with his growing family.

This message was edited 7/20/2010, 4:48 PM

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DKing: Edmund Charles Thomas Robert Arthur (24)
DQueen: Mary Amelia Victoria Charlotte Caroline (23)Illegitimate Son: Albert George Edmund Arthur, Duke of Mellford (3)
DPrincess1: Symphonia Margaret Alexandra Augusta Elizabeth (1)
From the Royal House of: Tamarind
In the Kingdom of: Lobelia
Edmund and Mary welcomed their first daughter Symphonia a year ago. The couple hoped for a son, because in the Kingdom of Lobelia the line of succession follows the salic law. Just recently the royal couple found out that Edmund has a illegitimate son from his former mistress, Lady Anne Toxeney, named Albert. The dying Anne wants her son to live with his real father in the castle. She also wants that Edmund recognizes him as his biological father and, since he has no son, to make him the crownprince. Anne is very manipulative and still from her deathbed trys to make Albert the future King. To save himself and his family from any disgrace and scandals he moves Albert from his home to a very small castle on the other side of the country and the boy has to live there with a couple of servants and nannies. Edmund does not officially recognize his son and does not want the public to learn about Albert.
When the Queen first heared about the exsistance of Albert she was not suprised as she knew that her husband had and still has many mistresses, though she was worried if Albert could become the crownprince instead of one of her future sons.
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DKing: James Luca Matthew Alexander "The Heroic" (23)
DQueen: Catherine Marie Dorothea Alice "The Gentle" (19)Illegit.Son: Jeremy Lukas Wyatt Cameron, Duke of Newbourne (3)
Princess: Cecilia Lark Annette Maria (nb)From the Royal House of Whitelake in the Kingdom of LegatoQueen Catherine is appalled to learn that the King has had an illegitimate son with someone so low of rank. The child, named Jeremy, is three years old, meaning the conception happened before James and Catherine were to be married. The Queen, called "The Gentle" by the people in their kingdom, has taken pity on the dying woman, even though King James wants nothing to do with the child. Queen Catherine visits the dying woman and learns that she doesn't want her son to have to live on the streets because he is a bastard child. The Queen is understanding, and makes up a plan to try to avoid scandal in the kingdom. She persuaded the King to adopt the little boy, and raise him as his own, but he would never grow higher than a Duke in the kingdom. King James is extremely shocked at the Queen's behavior, though he knew he shouldn't be. He is glad that she decided what she did because he really did want to raise his son. King James agreed that they will adopt the boy, pretending he is the son of two very close friends whom asked him, if anything were to happen to them, he would take the boy and raise him as his own. That way no one really has to know he is truly the king's illegitimate son. The kingdom was too joyous with the birth of the Princess to even blink an eye at the unlikely adoption, which they both were glad for.

This message was edited 7/20/2010, 12:15 PM

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DKing: Maksim Lysander Charles Mordecai
DQueen: Helena Avelina Penelope LouisaIllegitimateSon: Emery Massimo
DPrincess1: Aderyn Bernadetta Louisa MarieFrom the Royal House of: Balsam
In the Kingdom of: Miao
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DKing: Sebastian Alexander Henry Frederick (24)
DQueen: Anastasia Mabelle Edwyna Roselana Clarissa (16)Illegitimate Son: Geoffrey Theobald Everard (2)
DPrincess1: Sparrow Lyric Alexandria Winter Rose (nb)From the royal house of: Thyme
In the Kingdom of: Aprola
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DKing: Alexander Christopher Leopold Matthew (19)
DQueen: Mirabelle Lily Sophia Elizabeth Sarah (19)
IllegitimateSon: Duke Wyatt Alexander Christopher Lyle (2)
DPrincess1: Cecelia Lily Mirabelle CarolineFrom the Royal House of: Glorian
In the Kingdom of: FairlinWithin only a few months of their becoming king and queen, Alexander and Mirabelle found out they were expecting a baby! They were both so happy, especially since the bandit-raids in the west seemed to have come to an end. Everything seemed like it was going to be wonderful, until an old flame of Alexander's from before he met Mirabelle came to them. Lady Carolina, like Mirabelle, was a very minor lady. She was only eighteen when she and Alexander had their brief romance, but she had already been widowed for over a year. Alexander had only just turned sixteen and things went faster and farther than they should have. He had told Mirabelle about Carolina, but what neither of them expected was for her to show up shortly before their child birth with a two-and-a-half year old son in tow. From the moment they laid eyes on him, Mirabelle and Alexander both knew that this was his child--Wyatt Alexander Christopher Lyle is the spitting image of Alexander.

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This message was edited 7/21/2010, 6:19 AM

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Question - Do you mean the princess to be Rosalia or Cecelia like the story?
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Cecelia, I fixed it!
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DKing: Alexander Constantine Sebastian
DQueen: Adelaide Cecily Beatrice Frances
IllegitimateSon: Duke Constantine Elijah Sebastian
DPrincess1: Sparrow Aurelia Rose
From the Royal House of: Soleil
In the Kingdom of: Bryony
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DKing: Phelix Percival Aurelio
DQueen: Anastasia Marie Catherine Eleanor
Illegitimate Son: Infante Ludovic Bronimir Aurelius
DPrincess: Iora Marguerite Amelina Eugenie From the Royal House of: Balsam
In the Kingdom of: Sweetbourne
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DKing: William Alberich Tiberius Lysander
DQueen: Josephine Elisabeth Penelope ClarissaIllegitimateSon: Baron Geoffrey Amerigo Tybalt (from Tiberius)
DPrincess1: Lorelei Josephine AmaryllisFrom the Royal House of: Freykeep
In the Kingdom of: Solandra The marriage was sudden, the product of a hasty peace treaty between the Kingdom of Solandra, from which the Queen hails, and the King's home, Valhurst. The marriage is one of duty, although the king and queen had a quite civil relationship before the war broke between their kingdoms. The hopes of peace between the kingdoms rest in the hands of their royalties, and if they can unite, the joint kingdom will be the most powerful ever known.With the welcoming of the new Princess, the King and Queen share only a short-lived, though song-filled, joy. The news reaches the King not three weeks after young Lorelei is born that a brief relationship one summer with a minor Lady in the country has resulted in an illegitimate son. With the health of the boy's mother rapidly failing, King William feels it is his duty to honor her wishes and provide for her son, although he cannot bring himself to reveal Geoffrey's existence to anyone but his wife and closest advisors. Unfortunately, Queen Josephine does not take kindly the the idea of her young daughter, the legitimate heir to the throne, being usurped by a bastard son of her husband's.

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