[Games] KUY Royal Congrats ▓▒░ Sign Ups & Round 1 ░▒▓
I've wanted to start a Royal Congrats again, but haven't had the time to keep track of all of the information. So, I've decided to do a KUY Royal Congrats. Anybody is welcome to join in at any time. I'll provide links to all previous rounds. Enjoy :-)
Rules for Round 1: The King must have a FN, and at least 2 MNs. The Queen must have a FN and at least 3 MNs. The FNs of the King and Queen are your choice, but the MNs MUST come from the namebank. Royal House and Kingdom names are your choice, but some ideas are provided below.
Writing Prompt: The King (or Queen) just inheritance the throne of the Kingdom. Was it expected or sudden? Were they able to marry for love or had to marry for duty? What is the general state of the kingdom (peaceful or close to war)? What are the hopes for the future of the kingdom?
From the Royal House of:
In the Kingdom of:
Namebanks: You may change the spelling of the names in the namebanks or using a different ethnicity of the same name name (ex. Michael to Miguel - but not James to Jamison)
Kings FNs: Adair Adrian Aindrea Alberich Albert Alexander Alfred Aloysius Arthur Asmund Augustus Augustus Aurelianus Aurelio Barnaby Benjamin Bran Bryant Carloman Charlemagne Charles Chester Christopher Cicero Clarus Constantine Costel Crispian David Devereux Diederich Eastmund Edgar Edmund Eduard Edward Elbert Elian Eliou Elis Ernest Espen Estienne Ezekiel Felip Frederick Gaspard Geoffrey Godric Grigorii Gruffydd Gwillym Hamilcar Harold Heinrich Henry Homer Humphrey Ilia Iosephus Itzal Jackin Jacobus James Jasper John Kasper Kosta Krystof Lemuel Leofric Leopold Lievin Lionel Llewellyn Luca Lucan Lysander Malachy Marius Matthei Matthew Maximus Merrion Milo Mordecai Nero Nicholas Nikolai Percival Phelix Philip Phillip Phineas Proinsias Richard Riordan Robert Rupert Salvador Sebastian Sophronius Stephen Taliesin Tate Tate Theodore Thomas Tiberius Tobias Tomos Victor William Wynne Xabier
Queens FNs: Acacia Adela Adelaide Aemiliana Aenor Agatha Alastriona Alberta Alice Alodia Amabel Ame Amelia Amelina Amice Anais Anastasia Anne Anneli Anouska Araceli Athanasia Augusta Avelina Beatrice Blanche Calla Caroline Catherine Cecily Charlotte Clarissa Clementina Clovis Dorothea Edith Edwyna Eleanor Elisabeth Emma Emmeline Eugenie Euphemia Everild Felicia Frances Frantziska Griselda Harmony Hecate Helen Horatia Idonea Idony Ilinca Ione Iris Isabella Iset Isleen Isobel Jane Jehanne Joan Josephine Judith Julitta Kallisto Lark Lily Louisa Lysandra Lysanne Mabelle Madelaine Mairead Maite Malle Maren Margaret Marguerite Marie Marielle Maritza Mary Matilda Maud Mirabelle Moira Ninon Ouida Pearl Penelope Philippa Prima Raisa Rosalba Rose Roxelana Salacia Sarah Sarra Solange Sophia Sorina Stephanie Susanna Vanessa Vianne Victoria Violetta Wilfreda Winifred Xiomara Ysabel
House: Aldfox, Balsam, Cerise, Coldfield, Crescent, Delca, Eari, Enna, Esterbank, Freykeep, Greybank, Iduno, Jessamine, Kiskadee, Loden, Lysina, Mallowgold, Mimosa, Newbourne, Northcliff, Redfield, Soleil, Tamarind, Tyrian, Ukiah, Umbra, Valdimere, Verbena, Whitelake, Yareo
Kingdom: Albas, Bryony, Caranenth, Chapel, Coldgate, Cotswold, Dover, Dunlin, Elsey, Forestmere, Gaia, Gentian, Halcyon, Irnys, Jacaranda, Labyrinth, Legato, Lobelia, Mal, Miao, Oleander, Pagoda, Prylyn, Quadrille, Solandra, Sweetbourne, Terra, Valhurst, Viridian, Wycliffe, Yarrow
Rules for Round 1: The King must have a FN, and at least 2 MNs. The Queen must have a FN and at least 3 MNs. The FNs of the King and Queen are your choice, but the MNs MUST come from the namebank. Royal House and Kingdom names are your choice, but some ideas are provided below.
Writing Prompt: The King (or Queen) just inheritance the throne of the Kingdom. Was it expected or sudden? Were they able to marry for love or had to marry for duty? What is the general state of the kingdom (peaceful or close to war)? What are the hopes for the future of the kingdom?
From the Royal House of:
In the Kingdom of:
Namebanks: You may change the spelling of the names in the namebanks or using a different ethnicity of the same name name (ex. Michael to Miguel - but not James to Jamison)
Kings FNs: Adair Adrian Aindrea Alberich Albert Alexander Alfred Aloysius Arthur Asmund Augustus Augustus Aurelianus Aurelio Barnaby Benjamin Bran Bryant Carloman Charlemagne Charles Chester Christopher Cicero Clarus Constantine Costel Crispian David Devereux Diederich Eastmund Edgar Edmund Eduard Edward Elbert Elian Eliou Elis Ernest Espen Estienne Ezekiel Felip Frederick Gaspard Geoffrey Godric Grigorii Gruffydd Gwillym Hamilcar Harold Heinrich Henry Homer Humphrey Ilia Iosephus Itzal Jackin Jacobus James Jasper John Kasper Kosta Krystof Lemuel Leofric Leopold Lievin Lionel Llewellyn Luca Lucan Lysander Malachy Marius Matthei Matthew Maximus Merrion Milo Mordecai Nero Nicholas Nikolai Percival Phelix Philip Phillip Phineas Proinsias Richard Riordan Robert Rupert Salvador Sebastian Sophronius Stephen Taliesin Tate Tate Theodore Thomas Tiberius Tobias Tomos Victor William Wynne Xabier
Queens FNs: Acacia Adela Adelaide Aemiliana Aenor Agatha Alastriona Alberta Alice Alodia Amabel Ame Amelia Amelina Amice Anais Anastasia Anne Anneli Anouska Araceli Athanasia Augusta Avelina Beatrice Blanche Calla Caroline Catherine Cecily Charlotte Clarissa Clementina Clovis Dorothea Edith Edwyna Eleanor Elisabeth Emma Emmeline Eugenie Euphemia Everild Felicia Frances Frantziska Griselda Harmony Hecate Helen Horatia Idonea Idony Ilinca Ione Iris Isabella Iset Isleen Isobel Jane Jehanne Joan Josephine Judith Julitta Kallisto Lark Lily Louisa Lysandra Lysanne Mabelle Madelaine Mairead Maite Malle Maren Margaret Marguerite Marie Marielle Maritza Mary Matilda Maud Mirabelle Moira Ninon Ouida Pearl Penelope Philippa Prima Raisa Rosalba Rose Roxelana Salacia Sarah Sarra Solange Sophia Sorina Stephanie Susanna Vanessa Vianne Victoria Violetta Wilfreda Winifred Xiomara Ysabel
House: Aldfox, Balsam, Cerise, Coldfield, Crescent, Delca, Eari, Enna, Esterbank, Freykeep, Greybank, Iduno, Jessamine, Kiskadee, Loden, Lysina, Mallowgold, Mimosa, Newbourne, Northcliff, Redfield, Soleil, Tamarind, Tyrian, Ukiah, Umbra, Valdimere, Verbena, Whitelake, Yareo
Kingdom: Albas, Bryony, Caranenth, Chapel, Coldgate, Cotswold, Dover, Dunlin, Elsey, Forestmere, Gaia, Gentian, Halcyon, Irnys, Jacaranda, Labyrinth, Legato, Lobelia, Mal, Miao, Oleander, Pagoda, Prylyn, Quadrille, Solandra, Sweetbourne, Terra, Valhurst, Viridian, Wycliffe, Yarrow
Writing Prompt: Princess Sophia of Viridian inherited the throne after the sudden deaths of her cousin, Crown Prince Ferdinand, and her uncle, King Charles IV. She is 23 and unmarried, and nobody ever thought she would ascend the throne. Sophia was set to marry Archduke Frederick of Albas, who comes from a relatively impoverish royal house and serves as a colonel in the Royal Army. Her new position makes it difficult for the government to accept this engagement. After months of political struggle, Sophia and Frederick finally marry, but their future is uncertain, as the regnant couple is seen as too foreign and unexperienced.
DQueen: Sophia II [ Sophia Charlotte Emma Dorothea Winifred ]
DKing: Frederick [ Frederick Henry Xavier, Archduke of Albas ]
From the Royal House of: Newbourne
In the Kingdom of: Viridian
DQueen: Sophia II [ Sophia Charlotte Emma Dorothea Winifred ]
DKing: Frederick [ Frederick Henry Xavier, Archduke of Albas ]
From the Royal House of: Newbourne
In the Kingdom of: Viridian
I may have gone a bit overboard with the story, but what can I say, I'm a history nerd and a sucker for these kinds of things.
DKing: William Johannes Friedrich Albert Augustus (19)
DQueen: Elizabeth Catherine Marguerite Victoria Eléonore (16)
From the Royal House of: Valnor
In the Kingdom of: Arkavia
The kingdom of Arkavia did not even exist when the Imperial War began in 1609, but it nevertheless played a crucial role in toppling the mighty Tyrenian Empire which had stood for more than six centuries. When the battlefields were cleared and the dust had finally settled, the duke of Arkavia had become a king and his realm had become one of the most powerful nations on the continent.
The Imperial War spanned two decades and involved the Tyrenian and Andrasic Empires, although the two superpowers never met directly. Rather, their satellite states and far-flung territories shouldered the burden of bloodshed, sending millions of young men to die for a country that was not their own. For twenty years there seemed to be no end to the stream of men and boys called to the front lines. Charles, the emperor of Andras, had a tenuous grip on his dominion: If the war with Tyrenia did not end soon, civil unrest threatened to boil over into civil war.
Arkavia was then a maritime province located on the eastern coast of Tyrenia and under the authority of Duke Leopold Valnor. Prior to the war, it had tried to gain independence from its imperial overlord, only to be too militarily outmatched to put up much of a fight. The Tyrene emperor, Nero, decided to make an example of the wayward province, stripping it of its autonomous trading privileges and sentencing Leopold to death by hanging.
The Imperial War gave Arkavia the perfect opportunity to reverse its fortunes. With Tyrenia's attention focused elsewhere, the Arkavians had ample time to build up its navy in secret. Leopold's teenage son, William, then approached Charles with an attractive proposition: help Arkavia gain and keep its independence, and in turn he would help the Andrasics defeat Tyrenia. Eager to end the war quickly, Charles agreed.
DKing: William Johannes Friedrich Albert Augustus (19)
DQueen: Elizabeth Catherine Marguerite Victoria Eléonore (16)
From the Royal House of: Valnor
In the Kingdom of: Arkavia
The kingdom of Arkavia did not even exist when the Imperial War began in 1609, but it nevertheless played a crucial role in toppling the mighty Tyrenian Empire which had stood for more than six centuries. When the battlefields were cleared and the dust had finally settled, the duke of Arkavia had become a king and his realm had become one of the most powerful nations on the continent.
The Imperial War spanned two decades and involved the Tyrenian and Andrasic Empires, although the two superpowers never met directly. Rather, their satellite states and far-flung territories shouldered the burden of bloodshed, sending millions of young men to die for a country that was not their own. For twenty years there seemed to be no end to the stream of men and boys called to the front lines. Charles, the emperor of Andras, had a tenuous grip on his dominion: If the war with Tyrenia did not end soon, civil unrest threatened to boil over into civil war.
Arkavia was then a maritime province located on the eastern coast of Tyrenia and under the authority of Duke Leopold Valnor. Prior to the war, it had tried to gain independence from its imperial overlord, only to be too militarily outmatched to put up much of a fight. The Tyrene emperor, Nero, decided to make an example of the wayward province, stripping it of its autonomous trading privileges and sentencing Leopold to death by hanging.
The Imperial War gave Arkavia the perfect opportunity to reverse its fortunes. With Tyrenia's attention focused elsewhere, the Arkavians had ample time to build up its navy in secret. Leopold's teenage son, William, then approached Charles with an attractive proposition: help Arkavia gain and keep its independence, and in turn he would help the Andrasics defeat Tyrenia. Eager to end the war quickly, Charles agreed.
love the story!
DKing: Ariston Frederick Percival Llewellyn Gaspard
DQueen: Eloisa Lysandra Wilfreda Helen Mairead
From the Royal House of: Loden
In the Kingdom of: Sweetbourne
Ariston inherited the throne after the sudden death of his father. He was only nineteen and didn't feel at all prepared for the responsibilities of running a kingdom. He also didn't feel prepared to be married, but Sweetbourne was being threatened by raiders from the north and needed a closer alliance with their neighboring country of Halcyon. Eloisa was beautiful but seemed cold at their first meeting, and the pair spent the first months of their marriage mostly ignoring one another. But a chance midnight meeting in the library revealed that they loved the same literature. Their relationship grew from there. Within a year, the king and queen had developed a strong friendship and mutual respect that sometimes felt like love. Both had hopes that it would grow to more as they grew older together.
DQueen: Eloisa Lysandra Wilfreda Helen Mairead
From the Royal House of: Loden
In the Kingdom of: Sweetbourne
Ariston inherited the throne after the sudden death of his father. He was only nineteen and didn't feel at all prepared for the responsibilities of running a kingdom. He also didn't feel prepared to be married, but Sweetbourne was being threatened by raiders from the north and needed a closer alliance with their neighboring country of Halcyon. Eloisa was beautiful but seemed cold at their first meeting, and the pair spent the first months of their marriage mostly ignoring one another. But a chance midnight meeting in the library revealed that they loved the same literature. Their relationship grew from there. Within a year, the king and queen had developed a strong friendship and mutual respect that sometimes felt like love. Both had hopes that it would grow to more as they grew older together.
DKing: Charles Lucan Aurelio Maximus--16
DQueen: Anastasia Marya Elena--15
From the Royal House of: Soleil
In the Kingdom of: Elsey
The Kingdom of Elsey is at war. A war made much more terrifying due to the fact that the king is dead. Leading his men to battle, an enemy arrow pierced the fearsome king in a weak spot in his armor. The armor had already been hit in that spot on his side and there was no time to properly reinforce it. By all rights, the wound should not have been fatal. It was deep, yes, but had missed all the vital organs. The arrow had been promptly removed, the wound cleaned and stitched up. The infection, however, could not be stopped. By the time the King consented to being examined again, the damage was done. This left the Kingdom in a certain amount of turmoil. The King was just 35 when he died, leaving behind a wife of 34 and six royal children. The throne, then, fell to his eldest son, Charles. The boy is smart, savvy, and brave, but young. At just 16, he is not quite prepared to rule. The mantle, however, has been thrust upon him and he has little choice.
His mother quietly continues the work her husband had started in securing peace in a less bloody fashion. Thus, two weeks after the death of her husband, an agreement is met. The fighting will stop and Charles, her dear boy, will marry the youngest daughter of the enemy from the east. The day the girl arrives is one of great formality. The wedding will occur immediately. Anastasia arrives in ceremonial wedding gown and the wedding occurs within hours of her arrival. In the same ceremony, the crown is formally transferred to young Charles Lucan Aurelio. Maximus is added to his list of names in the hopes that he will be a great king.
DQueen: Anastasia Marya Elena--15
From the Royal House of: Soleil
In the Kingdom of: Elsey
The Kingdom of Elsey is at war. A war made much more terrifying due to the fact that the king is dead. Leading his men to battle, an enemy arrow pierced the fearsome king in a weak spot in his armor. The armor had already been hit in that spot on his side and there was no time to properly reinforce it. By all rights, the wound should not have been fatal. It was deep, yes, but had missed all the vital organs. The arrow had been promptly removed, the wound cleaned and stitched up. The infection, however, could not be stopped. By the time the King consented to being examined again, the damage was done. This left the Kingdom in a certain amount of turmoil. The King was just 35 when he died, leaving behind a wife of 34 and six royal children. The throne, then, fell to his eldest son, Charles. The boy is smart, savvy, and brave, but young. At just 16, he is not quite prepared to rule. The mantle, however, has been thrust upon him and he has little choice.
His mother quietly continues the work her husband had started in securing peace in a less bloody fashion. Thus, two weeks after the death of her husband, an agreement is met. The fighting will stop and Charles, her dear boy, will marry the youngest daughter of the enemy from the east. The day the girl arrives is one of great formality. The wedding will occur immediately. Anastasia arrives in ceremonial wedding gown and the wedding occurs within hours of her arrival. In the same ceremony, the crown is formally transferred to young Charles Lucan Aurelio. Maximus is added to his list of names in the hopes that he will be a great king.
DKing: King Jacob William Edward Charles
DQueen: Queen Joanna Elisabeth Maren Lark
From the Royal House of: Tyrian
In the Kingdom of: Halcyon
DQueen: Queen Joanna Elisabeth Maren Lark
From the Royal House of: Tyrian
In the Kingdom of: Halcyon
DKing: Humphrey Carloman Amilcar "The Gentle" (19)
DQueen: Aenor Susanna Pearl Lysandra (15)
From the Royal House of: Tyrian
In the Kingdom of: Cotswold
Humphrey knew from the time he was a small child that he would be King one day, and maybe soon. His mother died from the childbirth, and that was after many unsuccessful pregnancies. His father suffered a disease that left him severely weakened when he was just 2 years old. His father was partially paralyzed, and slowly lost more and more function as time went on. However, he retained his sharp mind right up until the end. Humphrey wasn't betrothed, because his father knew that he was going to have enough responsibility, and wanted to provide at least a chance at love and happiness. Just 2 months after his 18th birthday, the old King just never woke from his nights sleep. Humphrey was crowned, and his advisors urged him to seek a wife.
Humphrey, knowing that it was his duty, held a month of banquets to meet all of the eligible Ladies, Duchesses, Princesses and other nobles that his advisors wanted him to marry. Aenor came with her older sister, the Duchesses of Cerise, as a companion. However, Humphrey found Aenor's gentle wit and sparkling eyes unforgettable. He arranged to met Aenor in one of the palace gardens, and there asked her to be his wife and Queen of Cotswold. Overwhelmed, Aenor said that she would need to think on it.
However, when Aenor found her way back to her room, she also found her sister. Her sister was furious, and accused her of stealing the King from her. This put steel in Aenor's back, who knew that she didn't do any such thing. Deciding in that instant the she was fond of the King and thought that she had a good chance at happiness, she stormed out of her room and went to find the Humphrey and let him know.
The two were married at the end of summer, when all of the crops had been harvested and there was plenty for feasting. The Kingdom was overjoyed. Now they had a young, healthy King and a beautiful Queen. Cotswold was happy and peaceful...
DQueen: Aenor Susanna Pearl Lysandra (15)
From the Royal House of: Tyrian
In the Kingdom of: Cotswold
Humphrey knew from the time he was a small child that he would be King one day, and maybe soon. His mother died from the childbirth, and that was after many unsuccessful pregnancies. His father suffered a disease that left him severely weakened when he was just 2 years old. His father was partially paralyzed, and slowly lost more and more function as time went on. However, he retained his sharp mind right up until the end. Humphrey wasn't betrothed, because his father knew that he was going to have enough responsibility, and wanted to provide at least a chance at love and happiness. Just 2 months after his 18th birthday, the old King just never woke from his nights sleep. Humphrey was crowned, and his advisors urged him to seek a wife.
Humphrey, knowing that it was his duty, held a month of banquets to meet all of the eligible Ladies, Duchesses, Princesses and other nobles that his advisors wanted him to marry. Aenor came with her older sister, the Duchesses of Cerise, as a companion. However, Humphrey found Aenor's gentle wit and sparkling eyes unforgettable. He arranged to met Aenor in one of the palace gardens, and there asked her to be his wife and Queen of Cotswold. Overwhelmed, Aenor said that she would need to think on it.
However, when Aenor found her way back to her room, she also found her sister. Her sister was furious, and accused her of stealing the King from her. This put steel in Aenor's back, who knew that she didn't do any such thing. Deciding in that instant the she was fond of the King and thought that she had a good chance at happiness, she stormed out of her room and went to find the Humphrey and let him know.
The two were married at the end of summer, when all of the crops had been harvested and there was plenty for feasting. The Kingdom was overjoyed. Now they had a young, healthy King and a beautiful Queen. Cotswold was happy and peaceful...
This message was edited 7/20/2010, 11:40 AM
DKing: Edmund Charles Thomas Robert Arthur (22)
DQueen: Mary Amelia Victoria Charlotte Caroline (21)
From the Royal House of: Tamarind
In the Kingdom of: Lobelia
Even though Edmund is just 22 years old he just became the King of the Kingdom of Lobelia. It was rather suprising when Edmunds father, George, died very suddenly from a heartattack. First he was not very sure if he would be able to be a good King for his people, but he has very good advisors and his wife Mary supportes him as well.
The marriage of the royal couple was arranged when they were just small children and they only met eachother a couple of weeks before their wedding. Three years ago they married and since then they lived in a small castle in the countryside. After George death they moved to the main castle in the capital and try to get used to their duties as the new monarchs. The relationship between the young couple started off rather cold and distant, but they somehow got used to their marriage even though they are not really in love.
George was a very strict and often aggressive King. He had a dispute with the King of a neighboring country which brought the country to the edge of a war. Edmund wants to try to stabilize the relationship with his neighbors. The people of Lobelia hope that the constant threat of war will be replaced by peaceful times under the new Kings reign.
DQueen: Mary Amelia Victoria Charlotte Caroline (21)
From the Royal House of: Tamarind
In the Kingdom of: Lobelia
Even though Edmund is just 22 years old he just became the King of the Kingdom of Lobelia. It was rather suprising when Edmunds father, George, died very suddenly from a heartattack. First he was not very sure if he would be able to be a good King for his people, but he has very good advisors and his wife Mary supportes him as well.
The marriage of the royal couple was arranged when they were just small children and they only met eachother a couple of weeks before their wedding. Three years ago they married and since then they lived in a small castle in the countryside. After George death they moved to the main castle in the capital and try to get used to their duties as the new monarchs. The relationship between the young couple started off rather cold and distant, but they somehow got used to their marriage even though they are not really in love.
George was a very strict and often aggressive King. He had a dispute with the King of a neighboring country which brought the country to the edge of a war. Edmund wants to try to stabilize the relationship with his neighbors. The people of Lobelia hope that the constant threat of war will be replaced by peaceful times under the new Kings reign.
DQueen: Theodosia Clementine Margaret Elisabeth "Queen Margaret VII" Mallowgold [21]
DKing: George Lysander Marius "King George" (nee Coldfield) Mallowgold [21]
From the Royal House of: Mallowgold
In the Queendom of: Quadrille
The Queen is dead! Long live the Queen! Queen Elisabeth IV (better known as The Warrior Queen) was killed in battle with the neighboring kingdom of Forestmere, and thus did her daughter ascend the throne. Many are unsure of the new Queen Margaret's ability to lead the Quadrillians to victory, as she is a gentle, soft-spoken kind of girl, though her husband was a brilliant tactician in the war before he was pulled from the battle field to marry then-Princess Margaret. The two were betrothed at birth; George was the son of a Duchess and born only a few months before Margaret. They were married when Margaret turned 21 years. Neither truly loves the other, but they get along well and have affection for each other.
DKing: George Lysander Marius "King George" (nee Coldfield) Mallowgold [21]
From the Royal House of: Mallowgold
In the Queendom of: Quadrille
The Queen is dead! Long live the Queen! Queen Elisabeth IV (better known as The Warrior Queen) was killed in battle with the neighboring kingdom of Forestmere, and thus did her daughter ascend the throne. Many are unsure of the new Queen Margaret's ability to lead the Quadrillians to victory, as she is a gentle, soft-spoken kind of girl, though her husband was a brilliant tactician in the war before he was pulled from the battle field to marry then-Princess Margaret. The two were betrothed at birth; George was the son of a Duchess and born only a few months before Margaret. They were married when Margaret turned 21 years. Neither truly loves the other, but they get along well and have affection for each other.
DKing: Phelix Percival Aurelio
DQueen: Anastasia Marie Catherine Eleanor
From the Royal House of: Balsam
In the Kingdom of: Sweetbourne
DQueen: Anastasia Marie Catherine Eleanor
From the Royal House of: Balsam
In the Kingdom of: Sweetbourne
DKing: David Casper William Maximus James
DQueen: Sarah Avelina Elisabeth Griselda Marie
From the Royal House of: Esterbank
In the Kingdom of: Chapel
Queen Sarah met David in a Bar in London, he was not a royal. And it was love at first sight! Their only wish is to have a baby (or better a footballteam). David absolutely loves football ;) The general state of the kingdom is very peaceful and the Royal House of Esterbank is really in vogue.
DQueen: Sarah Avelina Elisabeth Griselda Marie
From the Royal House of: Esterbank
In the Kingdom of: Chapel
Queen Sarah met David in a Bar in London, he was not a royal. And it was love at first sight! Their only wish is to have a baby (or better a footballteam). David absolutely loves football ;) The general state of the kingdom is very peaceful and the Royal House of Esterbank is really in vogue.
DKing: (Don) Carmelo Alejandro Itzal Nicolas
DQueen: (Doña) Aspasia Euphemia Madeleine Ysabel
From the Royal House of: Ramal
In the Kingdom of: Solandra
DQueen: (Doña) Aspasia Euphemia Madeleine Ysabel
From the Royal House of: Ramal
In the Kingdom of: Solandra
DKing: Edward Sebastian Taliesin Merrion Aurelianus IV
DQueen: Jocelyn Jane Ysabel Sophia Adelaide
From the Royal House of: Greendale
In the Kingdom of: Northcliffe
Edward Greendale III just died after a illness. His only son, Edward Greendale IV, inherited the throne. Edward had been dating a young and very beautiful woman for a while, Jocelyn. When Edward became the King everyone expected him to get married, so he and Jocelyn had to get married much earlier than planned so you could say that they married for both love and duty.
Not much are happening in the Kingdom right now. It is quite peaceful but a lot of people are wondering about the future, with a new King and Queen and all. Edward hopes that he can rule the kingdom as peaceful as his father did.
DQueen: Jocelyn Jane Ysabel Sophia Adelaide
From the Royal House of: Greendale
In the Kingdom of: Northcliffe
Edward Greendale III just died after a illness. His only son, Edward Greendale IV, inherited the throne. Edward had been dating a young and very beautiful woman for a while, Jocelyn. When Edward became the King everyone expected him to get married, so he and Jocelyn had to get married much earlier than planned so you could say that they married for both love and duty.
Not much are happening in the Kingdom right now. It is quite peaceful but a lot of people are wondering about the future, with a new King and Queen and all. Edward hopes that he can rule the kingdom as peaceful as his father did.
DKing: Gippal Espen Tobias William (20)
DQueen: Rikku Calla Vanessa Lily (19)
From the Royal House of: Soleil
In the Kingdom of: Bikanel
Before his death of a strange illness, King Cid of the Kingdom of Bikanel requested that his young daughter, Rikku, become queen before her
elder brother, who after leading part of the kingdom's army for a few months proved to be a poor leader. He also requested
that she marry, not immediately but soon after she took the throne. So Rikku wed her childhood friend and sweetheart,
Gippal of Djose.
The desert kingdom of Soleil has flourished under the rule of Queen Rikku and King Gippal. Several Kingdoms that had had strained relationships
with Soleil during King Cid's rule have become good friends and allies of the kingdom. The main exception being the kingdom of Bevelle.
King Seymour of Bevelle has a general dislike for the people of Bikanel and looks for any good opportunity to start something.
DQueen: Rikku Calla Vanessa Lily (19)
From the Royal House of: Soleil
In the Kingdom of: Bikanel
Before his death of a strange illness, King Cid of the Kingdom of Bikanel requested that his young daughter, Rikku, become queen before her
elder brother, who after leading part of the kingdom's army for a few months proved to be a poor leader. He also requested
that she marry, not immediately but soon after she took the throne. So Rikku wed her childhood friend and sweetheart,
Gippal of Djose.
The desert kingdom of Soleil has flourished under the rule of Queen Rikku and King Gippal. Several Kingdoms that had had strained relationships
with Soleil during King Cid's rule have become good friends and allies of the kingdom. The main exception being the kingdom of Bevelle.
King Seymour of Bevelle has a general dislike for the people of Bikanel and looks for any good opportunity to start something.
DKing: Frederick Victor William Henry II (42)
DQueen: Helene Josephine Louise (20)
From the Royal House of: Rothschild
In the Kingdom of: Wycliffe
King Frederick II
Queen Helene

Today was a bittersweet day for King Frederick II. Being the 4th son of King William V, Frederick little expected to become King and therefore dedicated his life to a career as a Naval Officer. However a series of unfortunate events lead him to both the crown and the responsibilities that came with it.
His eldest brother King George II has a disastrous marriage which led tot he birth of one child, Prince George, who was sickly and eventually died before his intended marriage to Princess Josephine of Vladimere.
His other two older brothers, Prince Henry & Prince Ernest had both married their first cousin, twins Princesses Georgina & Carolina of Wycliffe. These unions proved to be both unhappy and unable to produce issue, although Prince Ernest had sired several children with his long term mistress. Both Henry & Ernest lived debauched lives and predeceased Frederick, leaving him as heir to their brother.
Knowing that he had no choice but to accept his new found place as heir to his brother King George, Frederick asked his only sister, Queen Katherine of Schwarzwald to help find for him a suitable young bride, who would be able to adapt quickly to life as a Queen.
Katherine found for him, Princess Helene, the youngest daughter of her sister-in-law, Queen Elisabeth Sophia and her husband King Jean VII of Devereux.
Two week prior to the wedding King George died and HRH Prince Frederick, Duke of Rottingham, became His Majesty King Frederick II of Wycliffe.
DQueen: Helene Josephine Louise (20)
From the Royal House of: Rothschild
In the Kingdom of: Wycliffe
King Frederick II

Queen Helene

Today was a bittersweet day for King Frederick II. Being the 4th son of King William V, Frederick little expected to become King and therefore dedicated his life to a career as a Naval Officer. However a series of unfortunate events lead him to both the crown and the responsibilities that came with it.
His eldest brother King George II has a disastrous marriage which led tot he birth of one child, Prince George, who was sickly and eventually died before his intended marriage to Princess Josephine of Vladimere.
His other two older brothers, Prince Henry & Prince Ernest had both married their first cousin, twins Princesses Georgina & Carolina of Wycliffe. These unions proved to be both unhappy and unable to produce issue, although Prince Ernest had sired several children with his long term mistress. Both Henry & Ernest lived debauched lives and predeceased Frederick, leaving him as heir to their brother.
Knowing that he had no choice but to accept his new found place as heir to his brother King George, Frederick asked his only sister, Queen Katherine of Schwarzwald to help find for him a suitable young bride, who would be able to adapt quickly to life as a Queen.
Katherine found for him, Princess Helene, the youngest daughter of her sister-in-law, Queen Elisabeth Sophia and her husband King Jean VII of Devereux.
Two week prior to the wedding King George died and HRH Prince Frederick, Duke of Rottingham, became His Majesty King Frederick II of Wycliffe.
This message was edited 7/20/2010, 12:51 AM
DKing: Arthur Xabier Wynne
DQueen: Victoria Ysabel Beatrice
From the Royal House of: Coldfield
In the Kingdom of: Valhurst
DQueen: Victoria Ysabel Beatrice
From the Royal House of: Coldfield
In the Kingdom of: Valhurst
DKing: Frederic Gaspard Henri Philippe Robert (24)
DQueen: Ysabel Araceli Luisa Xiomara (17)
From the Royal House of: Whitelake
In the Kingdom of: Legato
Frederic became king suddenly at the rather young age of 24, after his father (a healthy, fairly young man of 48) was killed in a hunting accident. As Crown Prince, he found himself on the throne with no warning, and was pressured into a quick marriage in order to produce an heir as soon as possible. He had been betrothed for some time to Ysabel's sister Estela (who was 3 years Ysabel's senior), but Estela had been ill for some time and in the interest of expediency it was decided that Frederic would simply marry Ysabel instead. It would allow for the same political alliance while also allowing the new king to have a queen sooner.
Ysabel is a bit resentful about the marriage, as she had originally been betrothed to a childhood friend of hers and, while she wasn't in love with him, didn't think it so bad to be married to a friend. She had only met Frederic once, years before their marriage, and she had never spoken to him, so she was in effect marrying a stranger. However, she was raised to be dutiful and obedient, so she gets along well with her husband despite her resentment.
DQueen: Ysabel Araceli Luisa Xiomara (17)
From the Royal House of: Whitelake
In the Kingdom of: Legato
Frederic became king suddenly at the rather young age of 24, after his father (a healthy, fairly young man of 48) was killed in a hunting accident. As Crown Prince, he found himself on the throne with no warning, and was pressured into a quick marriage in order to produce an heir as soon as possible. He had been betrothed for some time to Ysabel's sister Estela (who was 3 years Ysabel's senior), but Estela had been ill for some time and in the interest of expediency it was decided that Frederic would simply marry Ysabel instead. It would allow for the same political alliance while also allowing the new king to have a queen sooner.
Ysabel is a bit resentful about the marriage, as she had originally been betrothed to a childhood friend of hers and, while she wasn't in love with him, didn't think it so bad to be married to a friend. She had only met Frederic once, years before their marriage, and she had never spoken to him, so she was in effect marrying a stranger. However, she was raised to be dutiful and obedient, so she gets along well with her husband despite her resentment.
DKing: Aloysius Barnaby Frederick Augustus
DQueen: Esther Xiomara Jehanne Clementina Augusta
From the Royal House of: Verbena
In the Kingdom of: Solandra
Esther is the daughter of the dead-and-gone king of Solandra. Her mother died when Esther was a wee little thing. Her father, Kasper Leopold Henry, died a week or so ago. Kasper Leopold Henry had been mortally ill and was expected to pass away at any time. It was partly expected and partly sudden.
When her father died, Esther married a longtime friend, Aloysius Barnaby Frederick Augustus. Esther and Aloysius had been friends since they were very little, and both had fallen in love with the other at a young age. Esther knew for sure from the time she was ten that she and Aloysius were made for each other.
Solandra is a peaceful country and always has been, except for recently. Aloysius is not a native Solandrian, but from Lobelia by birth. Lobelia is a war-torn country, and has always been envious of the Solandrians. When Aloysius married Esther, the Lobelians grew angry and ever since their marriage only days ago, Esther and Aloysius have had to put up with an angry Lobelia. Solandra, though the people do not wish to go to war, has become mortal enemies with Lobelia.
DQueen: Esther Xiomara Jehanne Clementina Augusta
From the Royal House of: Verbena
In the Kingdom of: Solandra
Esther is the daughter of the dead-and-gone king of Solandra. Her mother died when Esther was a wee little thing. Her father, Kasper Leopold Henry, died a week or so ago. Kasper Leopold Henry had been mortally ill and was expected to pass away at any time. It was partly expected and partly sudden.
When her father died, Esther married a longtime friend, Aloysius Barnaby Frederick Augustus. Esther and Aloysius had been friends since they were very little, and both had fallen in love with the other at a young age. Esther knew for sure from the time she was ten that she and Aloysius were made for each other.
Solandra is a peaceful country and always has been, except for recently. Aloysius is not a native Solandrian, but from Lobelia by birth. Lobelia is a war-torn country, and has always been envious of the Solandrians. When Aloysius married Esther, the Lobelians grew angry and ever since their marriage only days ago, Esther and Aloysius have had to put up with an angry Lobelia. Solandra, though the people do not wish to go to war, has become mortal enemies with Lobelia.
DKing: Alexander Christopher Leopold Matthew (18)
DQueen: Mirabelle Lily Sophia Elizabeth Sarah (18)
From the Royal House of: Glorian
In the Kingdom of: Fairlin
Alexander and Mirabelle met only a little more than a year and a half ago, but after only a few months they knew they wanted to be together forever. Mirabelle was the daughter of a lower-ranking lord, but her parents both died before she was three. She was raised by a loving foster-family while her estate was looked after by stewards. But when she turned sixteen and tried to take control of her property, her greedy head steward casued trouble for her. Things were beginning to get very nasty when she finally decided to go to the king for aid. That was when she and Alexander met. They became fast friends, then almost before they realized it they were in love. The aging king, Magnus by name, happily granted their request to marry; Alexander is his only child and he wants him to be happy. Besides, Mirabelle is a noblewoman, if not a high-ranking one, so the protests from some of the advisors could be silenced. The two were married only a few months when the king had a stroke. He survived and is recovering, but he has lost most use of his right arm and leg. With the king too infirm to rule, he abdicated in favor of his son and daughter-in-law. Alexander and Mirabelle were both shocked and nervous, but they have many advisors as well as the former king to help them, so they are forging ahead. Magnus was a good ruler and the two have inherited a kingdom with a strong trust int he royal family, but lately disturbing reports from the western provinces have come in, reports of bandits attacking farms and small villages. Alexander has sent troops to help them, and they are all hoping that these were isolated incidents, but they can't help but worry.
DQueen: Mirabelle Lily Sophia Elizabeth Sarah (18)
From the Royal House of: Glorian
In the Kingdom of: Fairlin
Alexander and Mirabelle met only a little more than a year and a half ago, but after only a few months they knew they wanted to be together forever. Mirabelle was the daughter of a lower-ranking lord, but her parents both died before she was three. She was raised by a loving foster-family while her estate was looked after by stewards. But when she turned sixteen and tried to take control of her property, her greedy head steward casued trouble for her. Things were beginning to get very nasty when she finally decided to go to the king for aid. That was when she and Alexander met. They became fast friends, then almost before they realized it they were in love. The aging king, Magnus by name, happily granted their request to marry; Alexander is his only child and he wants him to be happy. Besides, Mirabelle is a noblewoman, if not a high-ranking one, so the protests from some of the advisors could be silenced. The two were married only a few months when the king had a stroke. He survived and is recovering, but he has lost most use of his right arm and leg. With the king too infirm to rule, he abdicated in favor of his son and daughter-in-law. Alexander and Mirabelle were both shocked and nervous, but they have many advisors as well as the former king to help them, so they are forging ahead. Magnus was a good ruler and the two have inherited a kingdom with a strong trust int he royal family, but lately disturbing reports from the western provinces have come in, reports of bandits attacking farms and small villages. Alexander has sent troops to help them, and they are all hoping that these were isolated incidents, but they can't help but worry.
This message was edited 7/19/2010, 9:06 PM
DKing: Deimos Mordecai Edward Luca "Dei" [21]
DQueen: Cosima Ninon Helen Kallisto Maude [19]
From the Royal House of: Iduno
In the Kingdom of: Labyrinth
Prince Dei had always been a curious child, and was eager to one day be king. He'd always been delighted to accompany his father to other kingdoms, to learn as much as he could about his future.
At the tender age of nine, he accompanied his father to a neighboring kingdom, and that was where he met Princess Cosima, who was seven at the time. Even at his young age, he was absolutely smitten with her, and on the way home, he informed his father that he would one day marry Princess Cosima. (The princess, however, was not nearly as impressed with him; she found him icky).
Some years later, when he was eleven, Dei and Cosima met again. Dei was still sure he would marry her, and Cosima was still completely uninterested.
Both of their kingdoms went to war the year following (not with each other, however), and they did not see each other again until peace had been restored to both-- at that time, Dei was 18 and Cosima was 16, and this time, she finally saw what an attractive gentleman Dei was. They were married the next year.
DQueen: Cosima Ninon Helen Kallisto Maude [19]
From the Royal House of: Iduno
In the Kingdom of: Labyrinth
Prince Dei had always been a curious child, and was eager to one day be king. He'd always been delighted to accompany his father to other kingdoms, to learn as much as he could about his future.
At the tender age of nine, he accompanied his father to a neighboring kingdom, and that was where he met Princess Cosima, who was seven at the time. Even at his young age, he was absolutely smitten with her, and on the way home, he informed his father that he would one day marry Princess Cosima. (The princess, however, was not nearly as impressed with him; she found him icky).
Some years later, when he was eleven, Dei and Cosima met again. Dei was still sure he would marry her, and Cosima was still completely uninterested.
Both of their kingdoms went to war the year following (not with each other, however), and they did not see each other again until peace had been restored to both-- at that time, Dei was 18 and Cosima was 16, and this time, she finally saw what an attractive gentleman Dei was. They were married the next year.
This message was edited 7/20/2010, 8:49 AM
DKing: Eastmund Leofric Albert Crispian (20)
DQueen: Idonea Clovis Jehanne Euphemia (16)
From the Royal House of: Freykeep
In the Kingdom of: Prylyn
Eastmund and Idonea had met several times before their hastily-arranged wedding, at banquets and other events in one kingdom or the other. Neither one, however, gave the other much thought. Eastmund was more interested in roughhousing with Idonea's older brothers and whatever other boys were about, while Idonea played and gossiped with the girls. However, when it became clear that Eastmund's father's health was rapidly declining, marriage arrangements had to be made. Before either Eastmund or Idonea was quite sure what was happening, they were betrothed.
Eastmund's father died little more than a week after the wedding, and it has fallen upon Eastmund and Idonea to oversee funeral plans. Meanwhile, they are getting to know one another, learning how to get along and govern the kingdom together. There were some uprisings that had to be put down towards the end of Eastmund's father's rule, and they've been keeping an eye on that part of Prylyn ever since, but for the moment the kingdom is peaceful.
DQueen: Idonea Clovis Jehanne Euphemia (16)
From the Royal House of: Freykeep
In the Kingdom of: Prylyn
Eastmund and Idonea had met several times before their hastily-arranged wedding, at banquets and other events in one kingdom or the other. Neither one, however, gave the other much thought. Eastmund was more interested in roughhousing with Idonea's older brothers and whatever other boys were about, while Idonea played and gossiped with the girls. However, when it became clear that Eastmund's father's health was rapidly declining, marriage arrangements had to be made. Before either Eastmund or Idonea was quite sure what was happening, they were betrothed.
Eastmund's father died little more than a week after the wedding, and it has fallen upon Eastmund and Idonea to oversee funeral plans. Meanwhile, they are getting to know one another, learning how to get along and govern the kingdom together. There were some uprisings that had to be put down towards the end of Eastmund's father's rule, and they've been keeping an eye on that part of Prylyn ever since, but for the moment the kingdom is peaceful.
This message was edited 7/19/2010, 8:21 PM
DKing: Benjamin Adrian Stefano Felip
DQueen: Maria Vittoria Magdalena Raisa Elisabeth Sophia
From the Royal House of: Enna
In the Kingdom of: Valhurst
The ascension of Benjamin to the Valhurst throne was unforeseen when his older brother Guillaume was killed from falling off his horse while riding. Their father, elderly and near-death, pressed him into marriage before he died, and so he married his sweetheart from his days at the court of a neighboring kingdom, Princess Maria Vittoria of Albas. Not only was the union for the love, but also united the two nations, one coastal, one mountainous. With the death of his father, Benjamin and Vittoria's official residence is the palace in the capital, but they prefer their smaller castle on the shores of the ocean, a half day's ride from the city.
DK: Claude Aloysius Nikolai (Claude Nikolai to the nobles, King Nikolai to his subjects, Alyk to his family) Age 27
Royal House: Kiskadee
Kingdom: Forestmere
DQ: Rosa Marielle Pearl Jehanne (The Queen to nobles and subjects, Rosa to her family) Age 19
Royal House: Idun-Yaro
Kingdom: Jacarand
Alyk had an older brother who was king of Forestmere. He had cheated the king of Jacarand, Rosa's father, out of a large sum of money, and he was now threatening to wage war. Desperate for an alliance, he arranged a marriage between his brother and Rosa, though they had never met. Soon after, he was thrown from his horse and killed, leaving Alyk as the king. In due time, Rosa was brought to Forestmere and she and Alyk were married. Though reluctant to attack Forestmere with his daughter there, the king of Jacarand is still a threat. Alyk hopes he can bring peace to the kingdom and then leave the rest to his nobles. Though he is not a bad husband, Rosa hoped Alyk will die or tire of her and send her back to Jacarand.
Royal House: Kiskadee
Kingdom: Forestmere
DQ: Rosa Marielle Pearl Jehanne (The Queen to nobles and subjects, Rosa to her family) Age 19
Royal House: Idun-Yaro
Kingdom: Jacarand
Alyk had an older brother who was king of Forestmere. He had cheated the king of Jacarand, Rosa's father, out of a large sum of money, and he was now threatening to wage war. Desperate for an alliance, he arranged a marriage between his brother and Rosa, though they had never met. Soon after, he was thrown from his horse and killed, leaving Alyk as the king. In due time, Rosa was brought to Forestmere and she and Alyk were married. Though reluctant to attack Forestmere with his daughter there, the king of Jacarand is still a threat. Alyk hopes he can bring peace to the kingdom and then leave the rest to his nobles. Though he is not a bad husband, Rosa hoped Alyk will die or tire of her and send her back to Jacarand.
This message was edited 7/19/2010, 6:20 PM
DKing: William Alberich Tiberius Lysander
DQueen: Josephine Elisabeth Penelope Clarissa
From the Royal House of: Freykeep
In the Kingdom of: Solandra
The marriage was sudden, the product of a hasty peace treaty between the Kingdom of Solandra, from which the Queen hails, and the King's home, Valhurst. The marriage is one of duty, although the king and queen had a quite civil relationship before the war broke between their kingdoms. The hopes of peace between the kingdoms rest in the hands of their royalties, and if they can unite, the joint kingdom will be the most powerful ever known.
DQueen: Josephine Elisabeth Penelope Clarissa
From the Royal House of: Freykeep
In the Kingdom of: Solandra
The marriage was sudden, the product of a hasty peace treaty between the Kingdom of Solandra, from which the Queen hails, and the King's home, Valhurst. The marriage is one of duty, although the king and queen had a quite civil relationship before the war broke between their kingdoms. The hopes of peace between the kingdoms rest in the hands of their royalties, and if they can unite, the joint kingdom will be the most powerful ever known.
DKing: Theodore Alfred Constantine
DQueen: Charlotte Elisabeth Catherine Marie
From the Royal House of: Newbourne
In the Kingdom of: Valhurst
DQueen: Charlotte Elisabeth Catherine Marie
From the Royal House of: Newbourne
In the Kingdom of: Valhurst
DKing: Sebastian Alexander Henry Frederick (23)
DQueen: Anastasia Mabelle Edwyna Roselana Clarissa (15)
From the royal house of: Thyme
In the Kingdom of: Aprola
Sebastian and Anastasia have known each other since childhood, Anastasia is the eldest Princess from the kingdom to the north of Aprola: Kalerdo, and Sebastian has been trained to rule his country almost from birth.
Aprola and Kalerdo had been fighting for close to fifty years when both sets of rulers finally made an agreement. Anastasia and Sebastian would wed and their great Kingdom's would be united at last.
DQueen: Anastasia Mabelle Edwyna Roselana Clarissa (15)
From the royal house of: Thyme
In the Kingdom of: Aprola
Sebastian and Anastasia have known each other since childhood, Anastasia is the eldest Princess from the kingdom to the north of Aprola: Kalerdo, and Sebastian has been trained to rule his country almost from birth.
Aprola and Kalerdo had been fighting for close to fifty years when both sets of rulers finally made an agreement. Anastasia and Sebastian would wed and their great Kingdom's would be united at last.
This message was edited 7/19/2010, 6:18 PM
DKing: Maksim Lysander Charles Mordecai
DQueen: Helena Avelina Penelope Louisa
From the Royal House of: Balsam
In the Kingdom of: Miao
DQueen: Helena Avelina Penelope Louisa
From the Royal House of: Balsam
In the Kingdom of: Miao
DKing: Alexander Constantine Sebastian
DQueen: Adelaide Cecily Beatrice Frances
From the Royal House of: Soleil
In the Kingdom of: Bryony
DQueen: Adelaide Cecily Beatrice Frances
From the Royal House of: Soleil
In the Kingdom of: Bryony
Question before I sign up
Can the King have children from a previous marriage? I want to have a purely political marriage between a cold, emotionally distant King and a young foreign princess.
Can the King have children from a previous marriage? I want to have a purely political marriage between a cold, emotionally distant King and a young foreign princess.
Sure, I can work that in... will add that next round :-)
My signup
DKing: Louis Robert Gaspard Charlemagne (37)
-Late Queen: Terese Frantziska Adela
-D: Princess Anne Louisa Elisabeth Adelaide (10)
-D: Princess Therese Josephine Felicia Beatrice (8)
DQueen: Isabella Clementina Rosalba Violetta (17)
From the Royal House of: Cerise
In the Kingdom of: Valinor
After years of searching, the cold and pragmatic King Louis of Valinor has finally chosen his second wife: a beautiful young princess from the neighboring kingdom of Mare, bright and intelligent but little more than a child herself. The King and Isabella's father, King Alfonso, hope to solidify a military alliance, as the threat of foreign takeover by militant barbarian bands is steadily growing. Isabella dreams of a life with a handsome, doting husband, and her dreams are very much shattered on her wedding day, which also happens to be her 17th birthday: King Louis is fairly handsome an intelligent man and strong leader; but distant, unemotional, and brutally honest--before they consummate their marriage he tells his new wife in no uncertain terms that her duty is to obey him and produce a male heir, something that his first wife--the late Queen Terese, who died in childbirth with her second daughter--failed to do.
However, Isabella takes comfort in the ornate, expansive palace, its lovely gardens, and her new stepdaughters, who are delighted to have a young, kind stepmother.
DKing: Louis Robert Gaspard Charlemagne (37)
-Late Queen: Terese Frantziska Adela
-D: Princess Anne Louisa Elisabeth Adelaide (10)
-D: Princess Therese Josephine Felicia Beatrice (8)
DQueen: Isabella Clementina Rosalba Violetta (17)
From the Royal House of: Cerise
In the Kingdom of: Valinor
After years of searching, the cold and pragmatic King Louis of Valinor has finally chosen his second wife: a beautiful young princess from the neighboring kingdom of Mare, bright and intelligent but little more than a child herself. The King and Isabella's father, King Alfonso, hope to solidify a military alliance, as the threat of foreign takeover by militant barbarian bands is steadily growing. Isabella dreams of a life with a handsome, doting husband, and her dreams are very much shattered on her wedding day, which also happens to be her 17th birthday: King Louis is fairly handsome an intelligent man and strong leader; but distant, unemotional, and brutally honest--before they consummate their marriage he tells his new wife in no uncertain terms that her duty is to obey him and produce a male heir, something that his first wife--the late Queen Terese, who died in childbirth with her second daughter--failed to do.
However, Isabella takes comfort in the ornate, expansive palace, its lovely gardens, and her new stepdaughters, who are delighted to have a young, kind stepmother.
This message was edited 7/19/2010, 11:31 PM
DKing: Miles Edward Sebastian (25)
DQueen: Katherine Avelina Sophia Amabel "Kate" (21)
From the Royal House of: Tyford
In the Kingdom of: Grenarbour
King Miles and Queen Katherine have been married for just under four months now. Six months ago, Miles inherited the throne of Grenarbour from his older brother, King Matthew. Before that, his eldest brother, King Marcus II ruled for seven years. Miles' father, King Marcus I, died in a battle with the Arothans ten years ago, when Miles was fifteen. His brother Marcus took the throne, and brought an end to the war two years later. Marcus ruled for another five years before being killed in a freak horseback riding accident. Miles' brother Matthew took the throne after that, and has ruled for the past three years. Matthew was not the best king, in a political sense. He was a good man, but not very diplomatic, and he had quite a temper. Hostilities between the Arothans and Grenarbourians flared up again, and King Matthew was killed in a firefight on the edges of the kindgom. Therefore, King Miles took the throne. He, moreso than either of his elder brothers, is a peaceful man. Within a month, he had worked out a peace treaty with King Tertius, leader of the Arothans. He married King Tertius' middle daughter, young Princess Katherine, as a way to bring peace and stability to both kingdoms. Queen Katherine is four years younger than King Miles, but she is spirited. She does not wish to be married to King Miles, and in the past four months, has tried to escape at least five times. The king and queen do not at present share a bedchamber, but Miles is trying to rectify that. He and Queen Katherine are on speaking terms, and there is hope for the kingdom yet.
DQueen: Katherine Avelina Sophia Amabel "Kate" (21)
From the Royal House of: Tyford
In the Kingdom of: Grenarbour
King Miles and Queen Katherine have been married for just under four months now. Six months ago, Miles inherited the throne of Grenarbour from his older brother, King Matthew. Before that, his eldest brother, King Marcus II ruled for seven years. Miles' father, King Marcus I, died in a battle with the Arothans ten years ago, when Miles was fifteen. His brother Marcus took the throne, and brought an end to the war two years later. Marcus ruled for another five years before being killed in a freak horseback riding accident. Miles' brother Matthew took the throne after that, and has ruled for the past three years. Matthew was not the best king, in a political sense. He was a good man, but not very diplomatic, and he had quite a temper. Hostilities between the Arothans and Grenarbourians flared up again, and King Matthew was killed in a firefight on the edges of the kindgom. Therefore, King Miles took the throne. He, moreso than either of his elder brothers, is a peaceful man. Within a month, he had worked out a peace treaty with King Tertius, leader of the Arothans. He married King Tertius' middle daughter, young Princess Katherine, as a way to bring peace and stability to both kingdoms. Queen Katherine is four years younger than King Miles, but she is spirited. She does not wish to be married to King Miles, and in the past four months, has tried to escape at least five times. The king and queen do not at present share a bedchamber, but Miles is trying to rectify that. He and Queen Katherine are on speaking terms, and there is hope for the kingdom yet.
DKing: James Luca Matthew Alexander (21)
DQueen: Catherine Marie Dorothea Alice (17)
From the Royal House of Whitelake in the Kingdom of Legato
DQueen: Catherine Marie Dorothea Alice (17)
From the Royal House of Whitelake in the Kingdom of Legato