[Opinions] Ramona
What do you think of the name Ramona? What image does it conjure up to you? I'm liking Ramona Lucy.
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I love love love Ramona! I plan on using someday! My SO and I heard it in a Bob Dylan song and I fell in love with it. I think of a cute little girl who is playful and maybe a bit tomboyish.
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The first thing I think of is Ramona Quimby of the Ramona series (LOVE) by Beverly Cleary.Not a bad connection, at least for me, but I find it really difficult to get past the idea of 5/6/7/8/9-year-old Ramona (aka anyone above the age of 10). I'd love to see it on a little girl though.Ramona Lucy is alright, though I would think more along the lines of Ramona Louise and Ramona Elizabeth.

This message was edited 7/3/2010, 8:38 PM

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I think it's cute, if only for the books. I picture a Ramona as a spunky, energetic girl.
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It might take off again as popular after the new Ramona and Beezus movie comes out.
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I go back and forth on Ramona. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I find it a little tacky (not sure why). I think Lucy really sweetens it up.
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maybe Ramona Lucille?I think of Ramona the Brave and a girl that I know who has worked at Arby's since we were in highschool. (I'm 30 now...)
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Ramona is so quirky and sweet! But with a strength behind it, too.
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I really like Ramona! Ramona Lucy is darling.
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Aww, Ramona Lucy is beyond perfect. So tough and feisty! I think first of Ramona Geraldine Quimby of course. So a sort of tomboyish intelligent girl with a super cute dorky pageboy cut and scraped knobby knees who thinks the name Chevrolet is the most beautiful name in the world. And there is a real wisdom to it too, since the books were so much about "coming of age" and whatnot, and since the characters in the books all have such sturdy little names (Ramona, Roberta, Beatrice, Henry, Dorothy, Howie, Willa Jean, Daisy, etc).Also one of my favourite sites on the net, which chronicles the amazing ridiculousness of a squashed-face cat named Winston, once received a fan letter about how cool Winston was from a little girl named Ramona.Anyways basically I am saying I like it a lot.
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I think it's adorable. It mostly makes me think of Ramona Quimby, but imagining it on an adult it seems very graceful.Ramona Lucy is cute, but doesn't really click for me. My old combo with it was Ramona Gillian, but Ramona Juliet just popped into my head and I like that too.
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I think of one of my favorite Bob Dylan songs of all time, "To Ramona". It's melancholy, but it's hopeful and beautiful.I'm trying to find a Youtube link to it but I can only find covers that don't do it justice! =/ So you'll have to take my word for it, haha. But I think of a girl who's strong and loving, who's trying hard to figure out who she is. (Because that's what the song's about. =P) Like I said, she is hopeful and beautiful.Ramona Lucy is lovely.
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