[Games] Re: Power Outage All-In-One CAF.
in reply to a message by AshleyMichelle
LN: VanRiemer
DH: James Matthew (35)
DW: Celeste Lynnea (33)
DD: Annalie Grace (10) [http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/AYP/AYP1501243_P.JPG]
DD: Evangeline Marie (8) [http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/BLP/BLP0089618_P.JPG]
DS: James Matthew Jr. (7) [http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/JIP/JIP0012451_P.JPG]
DD/DD/DS: Alice Esme / Emily Jane / Lukas Oliver (6) [http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN2046271_P.JPG / http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/SMP/SMP0008960_P.JPG / http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN2013215_P.JPG]
DD: Leah Anne (3) [http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/SMP/SMP0004681_P.JPG]
DD: Naomi Rose (2) [http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN2024184_P.JPG]
DS: Christopher Ryan (6mo) [http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/PHP/PHP3070281_P.JPG]
It was just another crazy family dinner in the VanRiemer house. It had been storming for a good hour, with not much lightning and thunder. But all of a sudden the wind picked up and the storm got worse. Not before too long, the lights went out. Leah and Naomi, both afraid of the dark, start to cry, which starts to make Christopher cry. Annalie and Evangeline help James to find flashlights and candles around the house while Cleste tries to get the young children to quiet down. When James and the girls had brought down the candles and flashlights, they lite as many candles as they could and placed them around the living room, before putting Christopher, Leah and Naomi in their respective playpens, before breaking out the games for the older six kids. Celeste played Candyland and Chutes and Ladders with the triplets while James taught Annaline, Evangeline and little James how to play Monopoly.
DH: James Matthew (35)
DW: Celeste Lynnea (33)
DD: Annalie Grace (10) [http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/AYP/AYP1501243_P.JPG]
DD: Evangeline Marie (8) [http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/BLP/BLP0089618_P.JPG]
DS: James Matthew Jr. (7) [http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/JIP/JIP0012451_P.JPG]
DD/DD/DS: Alice Esme / Emily Jane / Lukas Oliver (6) [http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN2046271_P.JPG / http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/SMP/SMP0008960_P.JPG / http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN2013215_P.JPG]
DD: Leah Anne (3) [http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/SMP/SMP0004681_P.JPG]
DD: Naomi Rose (2) [http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/FAN/FAN2024184_P.JPG]
DS: Christopher Ryan (6mo) [http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/PHP/PHP3070281_P.JPG]
It was just another crazy family dinner in the VanRiemer house. It had been storming for a good hour, with not much lightning and thunder. But all of a sudden the wind picked up and the storm got worse. Not before too long, the lights went out. Leah and Naomi, both afraid of the dark, start to cry, which starts to make Christopher cry. Annalie and Evangeline help James to find flashlights and candles around the house while Cleste tries to get the young children to quiet down. When James and the girls had brought down the candles and flashlights, they lite as many candles as they could and placed them around the living room, before putting Christopher, Leah and Naomi in their respective playpens, before breaking out the games for the older six kids. Celeste played Candyland and Chutes and Ladders with the triplets while James taught Annaline, Evangeline and little James how to play Monopoly.