[Games] Re: Power Outage All-In-One CAF.
in reply to a message by AshleyMichelle
DH: Michael William "Mike"
DD/DD: Clover May and Clara Louise (4)
DS: Arlo William (5mos)
Last night Mike and I were getting the girls ready for bed when the power went out. Clara cried and wouldn't let go of Mike and even the usually fearless Clover was scared of the dark! We tried to calm them down by lighting candles, but they were still scared. So we got the idea to take them outside to play in the moonlight to show them that the darkness can be fun! I put Arlo in a sling and we ran around outside playing tag and hide-and-seek. The girls had a blast and Arlo seemed to enjoy being outside too. After that we decided to walk to the beach (we live in Georgia and it is only a couple blocks from our house). Clara searched the sand for seashells and Clover ran around in the water with Mike. I held Arlo's feet in the water and he had a lot of fun splashing around. The girls fell asleep in the stroller on the way back and by the time we got home the electricity was back on! It was a fun night and a good reminder that we need to be spontaneous and enjoy little moments!
Clara (lft) and Clover (rht) playing dress up:
Arlo at 2 months old:
DD/DD: Clover May and Clara Louise (4)
DS: Arlo William (5mos)
Last night Mike and I were getting the girls ready for bed when the power went out. Clara cried and wouldn't let go of Mike and even the usually fearless Clover was scared of the dark! We tried to calm them down by lighting candles, but they were still scared. So we got the idea to take them outside to play in the moonlight to show them that the darkness can be fun! I put Arlo in a sling and we ran around outside playing tag and hide-and-seek. The girls had a blast and Arlo seemed to enjoy being outside too. After that we decided to walk to the beach (we live in Georgia and it is only a couple blocks from our house). Clara searched the sand for seashells and Clover ran around in the water with Mike. I held Arlo's feet in the water and he had a lot of fun splashing around. The girls fell asleep in the stroller on the way back and by the time we got home the electricity was back on! It was a fun night and a good reminder that we need to be spontaneous and enjoy little moments!
Clara (lft) and Clover (rht) playing dress up:
Arlo at 2 months old: