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[Opinions] Re: Claire
I think your sis is just being kinda immature and selfish. Plus, if it's her mn, unless you specifically decide she should go by her mn instead of fn, it's not like she'll be hearing it all the time. To top that off, if this is her BOYFRIEND's ex-gf's name rather than her HUSBAND's or even FIANCE's ex-girlfriend, there's not necessarily a guarantee that she'll marry this guy and for all she knows, by the time you're having this imaginary daughter #6 that you're not even expecting to have at this time, she may have broken up w/ this bf and become the best of friends w/ Claire... just to put things in perspective.
I'm rather neutral on Claire and find it overused right now, but ok... and it flows well as a mn w/ many other names.
The attitude she's displaying is what I refer to as adolescent melodrama... 'cept some teens are a bit more mature than that.

This message was edited 5/29/2010, 3:28 AM

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Yeah...she's regressed. She is 21 but she was way more mature at 17 than she is now. It's all from dating this guy that she's started acting like this. She swears he's her soul mate and that they will marry and she will do anything to stay with him. I told her that kind of obsessiveness is unhealthy, but she refuses to hear it.
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oy vey... does he feel the same about her? It does sound unhealthy... like he'd have the potential to either control her pretty severely or feel so suffocated he'd dump her and find someone else... and who knows what that would do to her mindset? Mind require a bit of counselling, but she has to realize she needs it first. Sometimes people get so caught up in what they thik they want to do that they won't listen to wisdom from others.
Heck, if I otherwise liked the name, I would be ok with naming a child what I liked even if it was the name of a past romance of my own partner (maybe easier if he were a widower and that was a chance to honour the guy's first wife)if it was one that he had liked before he even met the other person.
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No, I don't think he does. They broke up once because he felt smothered and somehow she talked him into coming back. During their break up I suggested counseling and she said that I called her crazy and that she would never see a counselor because she isn't crazy and doesn't need one. I told her I went to a counselor when I was younger and that you don't have to be crazy to go to one.
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May just have to wait this one out while she gets some time to grow up a bit. Prob'ly won't have DD#6 between now and then anyway. :-P
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