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[Opinions] Peony
The house my family just moved into has almost nothing in the back yard - except for giant, white peony bushes. I used to hate peonies because of how floppy and droppy and ant-covered they were, but I recently found out that the ants help the flowers bloom and for some reason that struck me as being really meaningful. And I felt bad for being grossed out.Now I am kind of diggin' the name Peony. It's interesting and cute. Help me make some combos?I like it paired with something longish, serious and sturdy to balance the whimsy:Peony Margaret
Peony Martha (really love this but mom would kill me - Martha is a no-no name in our fam)
Peony Jennifer - Very sweet, but too childish? Maybe Peony Genevieve, or Peony Guinevere?
Peony Eloise
Peony Eleanor
Peony Sylvia
Peony Frances
Peony Francoise
Peony Marion / Peony Marian / Peony Marianne
Peony Miriam
Peony Eudora
Peony Therese
Peony Josette
Peony Mabel
Peony Rosaline / Peony Rosalind / Peony Rosamund
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oy vey, the child will likely have dumb teasing about it sounding like "pee-on-me"... Not an attractive name anyway.
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I don't like it as a fn, but as a mn, very cute. Of your combos I like Martha Peony, Eloise Peony, Miriam Peony, Mabel Peony and Rosalind Peony.
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Peonies do smell great! Like a mixture of soap and roses. Atleast the ones in my backyard smell like that.i like these:Peony Isadora - I love this. I wish it could be Peony Isidore.
Peony Barbara - very pretty!
Peony Tabitha
Peony Nerissa
Peony Renata
Peony Victoriathank you!
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Great way to describe the smell:-)I was surprised by how much I like Peony Barbara, I usually have a very hard time with my poor beleaguered Barbara in combos (maybe because we don't use middle names, so I don't even consider them when thinking about a future real life daughter). I also like Poppy Barbara.
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Wow Poppy Barbara is SO GREAT
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Peony Frances
Peony Margaret
Peony Rosamond
Peony LydiaShame about the no-go on Martha - I really like Peony Martha.I like Peony - it reminds me of 17th and 18th century still-life paintings.My mind went to Peony Rosa-something even before I read your combos - maybe it's too Flowery though.
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I don't associate the Rosalind and Rosamund names with roses at all because they have "horsey" meanings. It's odd!
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I am the opposite - I associate Rhoda with road probably because there a village in Ireland called Rhode and it means road. C's family have a holiday home there so we've been there a few times.
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I really like Peony too. It has some sort of childish (not in a bad way) but mature feel that I love in names.And about the "pee" thing -- people are naming their kids Pia, and the flower association deletes the association for me.Peony Elizabeth (fillers first)
Peony Rosamund (flowery)
Peony Amara
Peony Ruth
Peony Blanche
Peony Beatrix
Peony Viatrix
Peony Louisa
Peony Tabitha
Peony Talitha
Peony Virginia
Peony Alice
Peony Caroline
Peony Clara
Peony Pomona
Peony Selah
Peony Saskia
Peony Svetlana
Peony Tallulah
Peony Topaz (Yes, I do know many people on here hate the name Topaz. But I like it as a GP.)
Peony Vera
Peony ZipporahSo, there they are. :/
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I had a feeling you would like Peony Blanche and Peony Ruth. :) Thanks!

This message was edited 5/27/2010, 4:08 PM

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Peony is one of those names that I sometimes like and sometimes don't depending on my mood. May I ask why Martha is a no-no? I really like:Peony Margaret
Peony Martha
Peony Eleanor
Peony Miriam
Peony Rosaline
Peony Rosamund
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Martha is a no-no because it is my Oma's name, and she was very mean to us and chased us off her property with a pitchfork when I was ten and I never saw her again. My life is a fun story! I should write this stuff down.Her "real" (German or something) name was Marta, which is why Marta is also no good.I am the same way with Peony. Today is a "yay Peony" day for me :)
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That's too bad. I hear similar stories about my Oma. My mom is the only one who liked her from what I hear. Her name was Maria. Anyway, you should write it down. Often times, true life experiences make the best stories. :)
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Sounds like, "Pee on me"Which is why I never cared for it. But Peony Frances is cute.
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I don't really care for it. I always want to pronounce it PEE oh nee and that makes me think of ponies. For a whimsical flower name I love Tansy. Peony Therese is my fave of what you listed.
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I do say it PEE oh nee! well more like PEEO-nee.Tansy is supergreat.
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Sort of OTDo you think Rue is in the same category as Peony and Tansy?
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For sure! Rue is neat. Though I will say, I think of the French word for street before Rue as a plant. But I like it, it has a kind of hipster vibe to it, like an edgy nickname for Ruth or Ruby.
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I absolutely love peonies and their scent is intoxicating but Peony as a name has yet to grow on me. I think it has to do with the juvenile "pee" part :o/ I hate my hang-ups sometimes lol. Peony Margaret - Love this. Actually, I like it better than Peony Martha.
Peony Jennifer - Not too childish. Jennifer seems to ground Peony better than Genevieve and Guinevere though I love Guinevere (just my opinion).
Peony Eloise - Hmmm... pretty but not hitting the mark for me.
Peony Eleanor - I like this but then again I'm partial to little Eleanor.
Peony Sylvia - This is good. Sylvia makes the combo whispery and soft.
Peony Frances - Frances is kinda ugly to me today lol so it makes Peony feel incomplete.
Peony Francoise - Oui! Oui! A little upity but good.
Peony Marion - Marion brings Peony back down to a more attainable level.
Peony Miriam - I like it but too many "ee" sounds for me today.
Peony Eudora - I think I like the sound of Peony Dora better.
Peony Therese - Are you wanting to pronounce this the German way or the French way? I like the German way better than the French way in this combo.
Peony Josette - Eh.
Peony Mabel - Eh.
Peony Rosalind / Peony Rosamund - Two flowers! Usually not doable to me but these I like.I'm thinking the r's in some of these middle names are what's making the combo complete for me. My apologies in advance for being so negative.
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nahThe "pee" part gets me too. Dang it! You were not negative at all, you made great points.I think I will just have to name a calico kitten something like Peony Martha one day. I think it suits her already.I am saying Therese the French way, "tuh-RAYZ" - what is the German way? I have a great-aunt Therese, called Tressie. I used to think Tressie was the dumbest thing ever but now the cuteness of it slays me and I would so use it IRL. Therese nn Tressie. Or maybe just Tressie!This is not a Tressie post. FOCUS.
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Therese in German would be te-RE-zə or te-RAY-zə, something in between actually ;)
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Like the English way but the second E pronounced more softly. Almost like "tress-a." I like Tressie! :o) EDIT - Also, my husband knows a Therese who pronounces it like "tress." Not sure where that comes from but then again this is not a Therese post lol!

This message was edited 5/27/2010, 11:11 AM

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I love Peony! I'm especially fond of how the name looks -- there's a certain completeness to it that really pleases me.I'm particularly fond of Peony Frances, Peony Francoise (perfect), Peony Eudora, Peony Therese, Peony Rosalind, and Peony Rosamund.Other suggestions:Peony Agafya
Peony Aglaia
Peony Augusta
Peony Aurelia
Peony Aurora
Peony Avdotya
Peony Calista
Peony Charlotta
Peony Charlotte
Peony Clarissa
Peony Clothilde
Peony Clotilda
Peony Cordelia
Peony Corisande
Peony Dorota
Peony Drusilla
Peony Frederica
Peony Georgina
Peony Gerarda
Peony Gertrude
Peony Ginevra

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I knew I could count on you...for a giant list!I adore:Peony Charlotta
Peony Clarissa - so very romantic
Peony Drusilla
Peony Frederica - or Peony Frederique! What's with Peony needing a French middle name, it just works.
Peony Gertrude - I thought about this a few times but didn't put it down, I thought I'd be laughed outta town. Thanks for reading my mind!
Peony Josepha
Peony Lucilla - Ohh I also love the idea of Peony Lucille
Peony Lucinda
Peony Matilda
Peony Millicent
Peony Odette
Peony Priscilla
Peony Roberta
Peony Ursula
Peony Virginia Thank you kindly my good sir!
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Love the backstory! While I'm not really a big fan of flower names, I think you did well with Peony Therese and Poeony Josette.
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bonusIt's Ynoep backwards!
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haha!It sure is!!
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Sorry, I'm not a fan of Peony. That long o sound next to the P is grating. And yeah, it is whimsy so I agree with the long sturdious name thing. Peony Jennifer - I wouldn't say it's childish at all. In fact there's a nice rhythm there.Peony with the Ros- names is maybe a little too flowery. I think Peony Marianne is elegant.
Peony Suzanne
Peony Georgina
Peony Marta (a compromise on Martha?)
Peony Caroline
Peony Miranda
Peony Veronica
Peony Bernadette
Peony Charlotte
Peony Claudia
Peony Miriam
Peony Demetria
Peony Eloise
Peony Alexandra
Peony Justine
Peony Pascaline (ok maybe this is also whimsical)
Peony Diana
Peony AntoniaIdeas?
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Aw thanks for playing even though you dislike Peony!I really enjoy these:Peony Veronica - oh I love the soft/sharp imagery here
Peony Charlotte
Peony Claudia
Peony Justine - I do not like Justine at all usually but this is lovely!
Peony Diana
Peony Antoniathank you :)
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