[Surname] On Crea and Zappia
by Pavlos (guest)
6/10/2004, 2:15 AM
Sean is spot-on regarding Lagana, Calo and Roda.
As far as Crea is concerned, it is probably related to *kreas* (flesh), as with the name of the King of Thebes Creon/Kreon.
- As far as Zappia is concerned, I can only speculate wildly!
The prefix *za* could represent either:
1) An Aeolian form if *dia* -- either of DIA meaning ZEUS (Deus) or the collinear DIA meaning "via".
2) The prefix *za* is also used as a superlative: for example *ploutos* (wealth) can be expressed as *zaploutos* (Bill Gates).
- As far as *-pia* is concerned, a wild guess could be that it is related to the root *poi-* or *pi-* which express "gowth" or "flux". For example the word *piar* means *spurting liquid or milk* and, metaphotically, "creme-de-la-creme".
So my speculation is that Zappia could mean something along the lines of "Zeus's choice" :)