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[Surname] the meaning of surnames CLUBB or CLUB
Could anyone tell me the meaning of these surames please?
Thank you
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I couldn't find it in any of my books, but can't help seeing the similarity with the English word 'club' meaning an association or possible a stout heavy stick ...there is always the suit in playing cards ...sorry couldn't be more a help ...
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My trusty OEM CDROM includes Clubb as an older spelling of Club. Besides "stick", *clubb* also once had the meaning od "a heavy, clumsy, clownish person"(1542 Udall Erasm. Apoph. 167a, "The fair flatte truthe that the vplandishe or homely and playn clubbes of the countree dooen vse".)
The ultimate root of *club* is the Latin *globus* (globe) which is related to the Greek *ge* (earth).
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