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[Facts] Re: ATTN: Devonelisa
I must preface this by saying that how the Ancient Greeks actually said Ancient Greek is nothing more than a retro-active best guess but from what can be told I can tell you:Aella ('storm') would be said with smooth breathing (no H sound in front), long A, most correctly (but clearly not always done all that well since it's always said 'most correctly' LOL) with the short E sound (as in pet), lengthened L sound and short A so AY-el-la or if you don't want to be 'most correctly', AYL-la.I'm addled here but not recognising Aeson (Aesa?) but the same grammatical rules would apply - long A, short E if you include it, assuming that's omicron, short O as in pot, so AY-eh-son or AY-son. I'm in that thick-brained foggy bit of pregnancy where all I want to do is sleep so perhaps the thought of aesa has just blinded me to the obvious here - sorry about that!Devon
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