[Games] KUY Congrats Round 3
This round is five years after the round 2 and will be the last of this generation. Instead of dictating what genders you get each round, I am going to let you choose up to three children each round. You will be able to decide their ages and genders on your own. I will provide namebanks for each round.Please use this link to retrieve your family:
http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3759936&board=gameRound 3
Boys: Abraham Brock Cody Daniel Eric Fallon Gary Heath Ian Jacob Keith Levi Matthias Nathaniel Otto Phillip Quentin Russell Sebastian Timothy
Girls: Adrian Beldora Cari Deanna Emily Genna Heather Jewell Iris Kimberly Lauren Mandi Patricia Renee Sara Tamara Alexandra Stacy Shari Aimee
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LN: Richards
DH: Ross Ryan (37)
DW: Genevieve Helene (36)DS: Peter Gabriel (13)
DD: Heidi Taylor (10)
DS: Emerson Royce (8)
DS: Fallon Russel (5)
DD: Genna Lauren (3)
DD: Sara Adrian (1)
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UN: Bernadette
LN: Johnson
DH: Evan Lysander (36)
DW: Madeleine Larissa (34)
DD/DD: Shayla Katherine/Cora Genevieve (13)
DD: Arista Adelaide (10)
DS: Blaine Stephen (8)
DD: Carissa Heidi (5)
DS: Nathaniel Timothy (4)
DD: Genna Lauren (2)
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UN: LadyBug
LN: Haggerty
DH: James Nolan (36)
DW: Genevieve Amelia (34)
DS: Maxwell Jasper "Max" (14)
DD: Anna Meredith (12)
DD: Cora Adelaide (10)
DS/DS: Nathan Kirk / Brent Douglas (7)
DD: Emmy Laurel (5)
DD: Tamara Aimee (4)
DS: Ian Sebastian (2)
DS: Matthias Levi (0)

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UN: Catalina-lirio
LN: Macko
DH: Benjamin Emmanuel "Ben" (47)
DW: Natalia Leonor (338)
--DS1: Edward Ross (13)
--DD1: Alina Adelaide (11)
--DS2: Stephen Joseph (9)
--DD2: Gemma Sariah (6)
--DD3: Maria Joselyn (5)
--DS3: Daniel Sebastian "Danny" (3)
--DD4: Alexandra Iris "Lexie" (1)

This message was edited 1/28/2010, 6:33 PM

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UN: AmandaJane
LN: Beaudy
DH: Benjamin Maxwell "Ben"
DW: Virginia Katherine "Ginny"
DD: Nora Genevieve [13]
DS: Jasper Charles [11]
DS: Emerson Chad [8]
DD: Iris Cari [6]
DS: Levi Fallon [3]
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UN: Gabriella Grace
LN: Wexler
DH: Charles Nolan "Charlie" (41)
DW: Helena Meredith "Lena" (38)
DD/DS: Nora Genevieve and Jasper Ryan (12)
DD: Diana Laurel (10)
DS: Nathan Douglas "Nate" (7)
DD: Sara Aimee (4)
Three years after Nate came the final Wexler child. Sara has the lightest hair color of all her siblings (Nora's finally turned light light brown) and the biggest blue eyes you've ever seen. She is tiny for her age and has the same face as Nora (she's much like Nora, in terms of build, and coloring). Sara is very smart and she loves watching scientific shows.
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UN: Sigrid
LN: Kingsley
DH: Nathaniel James (36)
DW: Caroline Gemma (35)DD: Meredith Joy (14)
DS: Landon Dexter (12)
DD: Genevieve Bridgette (10)
DS: Arthur Douglas (7)
DS/DS: Matthias Quentin & Sebastian Eric (2)
DD: Iris Alexandra (nb)
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UN: E. Tracy
LN: Jones
DH: Darryl Gene (33)
DW: Cynthia Joann (32)
DS: Evan Dexter (10)
DD: Tracey Adelaide (9)
DS: Landon Maxwell (7)
DS: Blaine Arthur (5)
DD: Shanna Joselyn (4)
DS: Sebastian Heath (nb)
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UN: Flute
LN: Talberg
DH: Daniel Jonathan (36)
DW: Alyssa Julianne (35)
DD: Laura Joy (13)
DS: James Edward (15)
DD/DS: Diana Heidi / Stephen Joseph (7)
DD: Emily Sara (4)
DD: Heather Alexandra (1)
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UN: CarolinWLN: CraineDH: Andrew Robert "Drew" (38)
DW: Mary-Elizabeth Louise "May" (37)DD: Caroline Arista "Carrie" (13)
DS: Gregory Edward "Greg" (12)
DD: Genevieve Helene "Ginny" (10)
DD: Joselyn Gemma "Joss" (8)
DS: Alfred Blaine "Al" (6)
DS: Douglas Emerson "Doug" (5)
DD: Alexandra Renee "Lexy" (3)
DS: Sebastian Fallon "Sebbe" (2)
DD: Tamara Jewell "Tammy" (nb)
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UN: Elianora
LN: Hendrix
DH: Jack Christopher (41)
DW: Rose Mariana (35)
DD: Nora Genevieve (16)
DS: Aidan Jasper (13)
DD: Meredith Adelaide (11)
DD: Lelia Joselyn (8)
DS: Ian Mattias (5)
DD: Iris Jewell (2)Jack and Rose Hendrix
Nora, Aidan, Meredith, Leila, Ian and Iris
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UN: Davidica
LN: Frost
DH: (45) James Camden
DW: (37) Amelia Joy
DS: (10) Evan Jasper
DS: (7) Austin Emerson
DD: (5) Laurel Joselyn
DS: (2) Heath Abraham

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LN - Gray
DH - Alexander Theodore (38)
DW - Molly Winter (38)DD - Cora Helene (14)
DS - Nolan Dexter (13)
DD - Shayla Meredith (11)
DD - Alyssa Joselyn (9)
DD - Laurel Gemma (7)
DS - Nathan Richard (6)
DS - Quentin Daniel (3)
DD - Tamara Emily (2)
DS - Eric Timothy (nb)
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UN: Ninor
LN: Hamish
DH: Benjamin Edward (35)
DW: Alina Adelaide (33)
DS: Jasper Charles (13)
DS: Aidan James (11)
DD: Nora Amelia (10)
DS: Arthur Aaron (8)
DS/DS: Jacob Abraham / Sebastian Daniel (4)
DS: Levi Heath (1)

This message was edited 1/28/2010, 9:48 AM

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mineUN: Stephanie
LN: Mitchell
DH: Ryan Joseph
DW: Stephanie LynnDD: Nora Caroline
DS: Benjamin Charles
DS: Jasper Edward
DS: Arthur Douglas
DD: Moriah Teresa
DD: Gemma Laurel
DS: Jacob Matthias
DS: Sebastian Levi
DD: Iris Jewell
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