[Games] KUY Congrats Signup
Instead of dictating what genders you get each round, I am going to let you choose up to three children each round. You will be able to decide their ages and genders on your own. I will provide namebanks for each round. This round you will sign up and choose your first births.UN:
DH: (your choice)
DW: (your choice)
Choose names, genders and ages for up to three childrenRound 1
Boys: Benjamin Dexter Joshua Evan Landon Aidan Nolan Jasper Rex Maxwell Cole Gregory Robert Edward Ross Camden Mark Ryan James Charles
Girls: Anna Bridgitte Caroline Erin Helene Joy Katherine Laura Meredith Shayla Tracey Adelaide Amelia Cora Genevieve Nora Arista Christine Alina Sora
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LN: Richards
DH: Ross Ryan (27)
DW: Genevieve Helene (26)DS: Peter Gabriel (3)
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Signing upUN - Wandering Moon
LN - Gray
DH - Alexander Theodore (28)
DW - Molly Winter (28)
DD - Cora Helene (4)
DS - Nolan Dexter (3)
DD - Shayla Meredith (1)
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UN: Flute
LN: Talberg
DH: Daniel Jonathan (26)
DW: Alyssa Julianne (26)
DD: Laura Joy (2)
DS: James Edward (0)
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UN: Gabriella Grace
LN: Wexler
DH: Charles Nolan "Charlie" (31)
DW: Helena Meredith "Lena" (28)
DD/DS: Nora Genevieve and Jasper Ryan (2)Lena and Charlie live in New York with their two year old fraternal twins- Nora and Jasper. The twins are well behaved and angelic-looking, even though they are partners-in-crime. Nora has curly blonde hair that will likely darken and blue eyes. Jasper has slightly darker hair and brown eyes. Nora is a bit of a screamer and is noticably smaller, but that's mainly her body type (slender rather than sturdy). The twins love eachother. Lena has curly light brown hair and hazel eyes. She is rather quiet and loves family, history, and photography. She was a middle school Reading teacher before the twins arrived. Charlie works as a professor at the university of Columbia. He has brown hair and brown eyes.
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UN: Bernadette
LN: Johnson
DH: Evan Lysander
DW: Madeleine Larissa
DD/DD: Shayla Katherine/Cora Genevieve
DD: Arista Adelaide
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UN: AmandaJane
LN: Beaudy
DH: Benjamin Maxwell "Ben"
DW: Virginia Katherine "Ginny"
DD: Nora Genevieve [3]
DS: Jasper Charles [1]
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How funnyWe both have a Nora Genevieve, a Jasper, and used Charles!
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UN: Davidica
LN: Frost
DH: (35) James Camden
DW: (27) Amelia Joy
DD: (nb) Evan Jasper
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UN: LadyBug
LN: Haggerty
DH: James Nolan (26)
DW: Genevieve Amelia (24)
DS: Maxwell Jasper "Max" (4)
DD: Anna Meredith (2)
DD: Cora Adelaide (0)

This message was edited 1/27/2010, 1:55 PM

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UN: Catalina-lirio
LN: Macko
DH: Benjamin Emmanuel "Ben" (37)
DW: Natalia Leonor (28)
--DS: Edward Ross (3)
--DD: Alina Adelaide (1)
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UN: CarolinWLN: CraineDH: Andrew Robert "Drew"
DW: Mary-Elizabeth Louise "May"DD: Caroline Arista "Carrie"
DS: Gregory Edward "Greg"
DD: Genevieve Helene "Ginny"
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UN: Ninor
LN: Hamish
DH: Benjamin Edward
DW: Alina Adelaide
DS: Jasper Charles
DS: Aidan James
DD: Nora Amelia
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UN: Sigrid
LN: Kingsley
DH: Nathaniel James (26)
DW: Caroline Gemma (25)DD: Meredith Joy (4)
DS: Landon Dexter (2)
DD: Genevieve Bridgette (nb)

This message was edited 1/27/2010, 12:22 PM

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UN: Elianora
LN: Hendrix
DH: Jack Christopher (31)
DW: Rose Mariana (25)
DD: Nora Genevieve (6)
DS: Aidan Jasper (3)
DD: Meredith Adelaide (1)
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Interesting..We both have a Nora Genevieve, and used Jasper and Meredith.
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UN: E. Tracy
LN: Jones
DH: Darryl Gene (28)
DW: Cynthia Joann (27)
DS: Evan Dexter (5)
DD: Tracey Adelaide (4)
DS: Landon Maxwell (2)
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mineUN: Stephanie
LN: Mitchell
DH: Ryan Joseph
DW: Stephanie LynnDD: Nora Caroline
DS: Benjamin Charles
DS: Jasper Edward
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