[Opinions] Lucy?
WDYT of Lucy?
I love Lucy, and I actually think that it could work on a young child or on an adult.

Top Names
Lilah Adelaide and Emma Lilian
Aidan Oliver and Noah Benjamin
I love it. One of my best friends is called Lucy. I think it's a really sweet name. One of my favourite name definetly!
It sounds cute but it's nms :)
I love it! It's one of my fave names and a name that I could quite possibly use in the future.
Sweet and old-fashioned. It's cute and I love it.

Go on, be evil and get lazy.

I really like it. One note of caution, if popularity matters to you. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is opening in theaters soon and Lucy may experience a sudden rise in popularity.
Cute baby name. :)
CIARDA"Names are not always what they seem. The common Welsh
name Bzjxxllwcp is pronounced Jackson." - Mark Twain
Liking the names: Mira, Lilia, Raina, Dominic & Asher
name Bzjxxllwcp is pronounced Jackson." - Mark Twain
Liking the names: Mira, Lilia, Raina, Dominic & Asher
I like it :)
Very nice.
Absolutely love it.
I said nt, dangit.
I said nt, dangit.
Too cutesy.