[Games] Re: NTNB round four.
in reply to a message by Evie.
Walker Family.DH (33) Daniel Justin Walker
DW (32) Samantha Tiffany WalkerDS (7) Jesse Alexander Walker (vintagelovex)
DS (4) Corey Patrick Walker (rosie.)
DD (2) Katie Rebecca Walker (rachel e)
DD: Emily Katherine WalkerDaniel & Sami are expecting a second daughter!
They want her FN & MN to be in the top 100 in the 1980s****
Parker Family.DH (30) William Eric Parker
DW (32) Brittany Nicole ParkerDS (8) Matthew Aiden Parker (michal1234)
DS (6) Joseph Riley Parker (michal1234)
DS (3) Michael Colton Parker (Erin)
DS: James Brandon ParkerWill & Brittany are expecting their 4th son!
They want his FN to be a classic, and his MN to be trendy****
Ramirez Family.DH (34) Javier Mario Ramirez
DW (33) Ana Marina RamirezDD (6) Esperanza Jovita Ramirez (rachel e)
DS (4) Agustin Zacarias Ramirez (gabriellagrace)
DS (2) Mateo Cruz Ramirez (vintagelovex)
DD: Paloma Belen PamirezEsperanza is getting a sister!
They want her FN & MN to be UNCOMMON Spanish names****
Brooks Family.DH (45) Andrew John Brooks
DW (31) Megan Amy BrooksDHsDD (19) Kayla Abigail Brooks
- Dbf (21) Justin Brandon Roberts
- DS: Alexander Bryce Roberts
DHsDD (16) Jasmine Destiny Brooks
DHsDD (14) Sydney Brianna Brooks
DHsDD (11) Emma Olivia BrooksDS (6) Noah Gabriel Brooks (rachel e)
DD (5) Hannah Lily Brooks (Erin)
DD (3) Ava Isabella Brooks (vintagelovex)
DS, DS: Ryan Samuel Brooks/Tyler Matthew BrooksKayla has only been with her boyfriend for 6 months, but they are already expecting a baby together - a son!
They want his initials to be ABDrew & Megan are expecting twin boys! Noah is sooo happy to be getting not 1, but 2 brothers!!
They want their FNs & MNs to be in the top 30 USA 2008****
Gibson Family.DH (32) Ryan James Gibson
DW (32) Danielle Stephanie GibsonDS (8) Jamie Michael Gibson (vintagelovex)
DD (5) Ellie Rose Gibson (Erin)
DS (3) Charlie Matthew Gibson (rachel e)
DD: Lexie Rae GibsonEllie is getting a sister!
They want her FN to be a nicknamey-name, and her MN to begin with R****
Perkins Family.Dgf (23) Sophie Jessica Perkins
Dbf (26) Joshua Samuel StewartSophiesDD (7) Honor Madeline Perkins (rachel e)
DS (4) Romeo Ivan Perkins (vintagelovex)
DD (3) Lucia Violet Perkins (Erin)
DS: Johan Matthew PerkinsIts a boy for Sophie & Josh!
They want his FN to be after a celebrities kids name, and his MN is your choice****
Cunningham Family.DH (27) Nathan Cameron Cunningham
DW (27) Charlotte Molly CunninghamDS (5) Oliver James Cunningham (vintagelovex)
DD (4) Ruby Amelia Cunningham (rachel e)
DS (2) Joseph Alexander Cunningham (vintagelovex)
DD: Charlotte Megan CunninghamNathan & Charlotte are having a daughter!
They want her FN & MN to be between 11-20 in the popular names UK 2008****
George Family.DH (34) Callum Jack George
DW (29) Erin Louise GeorgeDD (5) Isla Elizabeth George (vintagelovex)
DS (3) Euan James George (Nell)
DS (2) Finlay Michael George (rachel e)
DS: Rory Joseph George Callum & Erin are expecting another son!
They want his FN to be Scottish, and his MN to be a popular MN****
Jones Family.DH (32) Aeron Ianto Jones
DW (32) Gwendolen May JonesDD (7) Rhian Leticia Jones (rachel e)
DD (5) Cerys Naomi Jones (rosie.)
DD (3) Bethan Magdalena Jones (michal1234)
DD: Meredith Poppy JonesAeron & Gwen are expecting their 4th daughter!
They want her FN to be Welsh, and her MN to be uncommon****
Lynch Family.DH (29) Christopher Matthew Lynch
DW (29) Azalea Star LynchDS (6) Braedyn Alexander Lynch (michal1234)
DD (5) Haileigh Elise Lynch (Erin)
DS (2) Masyn Robert Lynch (deidreshick)
DS: Austyn Nicholas LynchChristopher & Azalea are expecting another son!
They want his FN to be tryndeigh, and his MN to be masculine, but not trendy
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NTNB round four.  ·  Evie.  ·  1/16/2010, 7:19 AM
Re: NTNB round four.  ·  gabriellagrace  ·  1/17/2010, 4:45 PM
Re: NTNB round four.  ·  gabriellagrace  ·  1/17/2010, 4:45 PM
Re: NTNB round four.  ·  molly  ·  1/16/2010, 12:17 PM
Re: NTNB round four.  ·  deidreshick  ·  1/16/2010, 11:00 AM
Re: NTNB round four.  ·  rachel e  ·  1/16/2010, 8:35 AM
Re: NTNB round four.  ·  rosie.  ·  1/16/2010, 8:31 AM
Re: NTNB round four.  ·  michal1234  ·  1/16/2010, 8:15 AM
Re: NTNB round four.  ·  vintagelovex  ·  1/16/2010, 7:37 AM