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[Games] Re: Congrats With Rules: Final Round
DH: Justin Matthew
DW: Rachel Lauren
DD: Leah Rose
DS: Aaron Edward
DD/DD: Eliana Mercy / Emilia Peace
DD: Isabella RachelBella
DS: Lucian Alistair
DD: Juliana Esme
DS: Callum Alessandro
DS/DS/DD: Archie Hugo / Declan Mathias / Maisie Johanna
DD: Gwenyth FaithGwyn
DS: Ciaran Andrew (my favorite male actor is Ciaran Hinds, my best male friend is my brother Andrew "Andy")Thanks so much Nikki! It's been so much fun! :)Image hosted by Photobucket.comBunny, Gigi, Chloris, Wilma, Darleen, Eartha
"Any name is beautiful when it's given in love" -Me
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