[Opinions] Sad BAs I found
Looking through some birth announcements...
Lauralye Jewell -supposed to be Lorelei?
Zaltana Tawa
Aryah -Aria perhaps?
Dusti Rose
Jaydalynn Alititai -*smacks parents with a frying pan*
Persephanie Jinx
Izabella Theresa Nevaeh
Eris Persephone -Goddess of discord or goddess of the underworld? Bleh.
Twins: Sharlyn Azucena and Sharnell Margarita
Dartanyon Estephen
Tygue Liberty
Ryley Mychael -Can't spell. *sniff*
Hazard -What the? I'm so glad they loved their son.
Jimmy Jay -Something wrong with James? They gave him two nicknames of James!
Kodiak Kitch-Kaw-Nee Bly-Was
Timo Feo Da Notchi RaeSean
Edward Leon Green Ii Leon -Maybe they liked Leon?
It's a scary world out there.

November is National Adoption Month!
Lauralye Jewell -supposed to be Lorelei?
Zaltana Tawa
Aryah -Aria perhaps?
Dusti Rose
Jaydalynn Alititai -*smacks parents with a frying pan*
Persephanie Jinx
Izabella Theresa Nevaeh
Eris Persephone -Goddess of discord or goddess of the underworld? Bleh.
Twins: Sharlyn Azucena and Sharnell Margarita
Dartanyon Estephen
Tygue Liberty
Ryley Mychael -Can't spell. *sniff*
Hazard -What the? I'm so glad they loved their son.
Jimmy Jay -Something wrong with James? They gave him two nicknames of James!
Kodiak Kitch-Kaw-Nee Bly-Was
Timo Feo Da Notchi RaeSean
Edward Leon Green Ii Leon -Maybe they liked Leon?
It's a scary world out there.

November is National Adoption Month!
This message was edited 11/23/2005, 5:20 PM
i like Liberty boy or girl
Kodiak Kitch-Kaw-Nee Bly-Was
What!!!??? Why???
What!!!??? Why???
I like Izabella Theresa
but I find Nevaeh a little tacky, why did they not leave well alone?
Lauralie Jewell at least *sounds* beautiful. Did they think Lorelei was too difficult. Or maybe the wanted a form of Laura. Maybe Zaltana Tawa is from a different culture?
Timo is a classic Finnish name (a form of Timothy). So at least he has a real first name.
Edward Leon is a great name, again why could they not leave well enough alone?
Nothing scary about Cesar, I think this is not uncommon among Hispanics. Though why not a middle name, in case he did not like Cesar (maybe the Anglos around him teased him about it)?
"You sought a flower and found a fruit. You sought a spring and found a sea. You sought a woman and found a soul. You are disappointed."
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
but I find Nevaeh a little tacky, why did they not leave well alone?
Lauralie Jewell at least *sounds* beautiful. Did they think Lorelei was too difficult. Or maybe the wanted a form of Laura. Maybe Zaltana Tawa is from a different culture?
Timo is a classic Finnish name (a form of Timothy). So at least he has a real first name.
Edward Leon is a great name, again why could they not leave well enough alone?
Nothing scary about Cesar, I think this is not uncommon among Hispanics. Though why not a middle name, in case he did not like Cesar (maybe the Anglos around him teased him about it)?
"You sought a flower and found a fruit. You sought a spring and found a sea. You sought a woman and found a soul. You are disappointed."
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
Eeeeewwww. Yuck. I will just tell you that Izabella is legit, even though it looks kre8tiv (although I'll bet her parents thought they were soooooo kool!).
It is unheard of here.

November is National Adoption Month!

November is National Adoption Month!
From the looks of it, Cesar is slowly becoming more popular in the States. I'm not a fan of it, but it's far better, in my opinion, then most of those really tacky fake names like Tygue, Dartanyon, etc.
This message was edited 11/23/2005, 6:00 PM
Cesar is nms but it's not a shock to me or anything. I live in California, which has a large hispanic population. There are quite a few Cesars here.
Uh, Tygue isn't a fake name. I'm pretty sure it's a respelling of Tadhg (pronounced like 'tiger' minus the 'er'), which is a very old, well known Irish name. And ditto on the Cesar being a very common name. I daresay it's in the top 200 or 300 on the SSA list. And it's not pronounced the same as Caesar, which would be bizarre.
Those are all pretty bad. What is wrong with parents now days?
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Shake Your Body Like A Bellydancer.
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♥ Kristen ♥
Shake Your Body Like A Bellydancer.
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