[Surname] Anyone know anything about the Czech surname Nykl?
It's the surname of the Czech born actor David Nykl and I'm curious as to what it means. Or just some general info about it.
If it's possible that is?

What is AT4? Well, it's this: http://www.gabitevents.co.uk/
If it's possible that is?

What is AT4? Well, it's this: http://www.gabitevents.co.uk/
Nykl probably has the same origin as Polish Nykiel which you'll find at http://www.ancestry.com/facts/Nykiel-name-meaning.ashx
Well, I'm Czech, and I don't know, but my guess would be it's from the German Nickel, as mentioned on the site (as Nicholas is Mikuláš in Czech, so it can't be derived directly from that).
Yeah it could be, since both countries are in the same area and language is very similar. Give or take a few letters. So since first names can be very similar around there, also give or take a few letters, so can surnames I'd imagine.
Thanks Marc, for that link. Much appreciated. :D
Thanks Marc, for that link. Much appreciated. :D