[Surname] Suppan...Can anyone tell me it's origin & meaning ?
Jeff Suppan is a baseball player. What is the origin & meaning of Suppan ? I originally thought the name sounded Korean, but now it's starting to sound French.
I happened upon your inquiry while hoping to find an extention of my husbands family in california. My husband's grandparents emigrated to the USA in the late 1800's. My husband was a late life child of a second marriage. His father Emery Suppan was born in 1898 in St. Paul, MN, and was the 2nd boy and baby of the family. Fortunately, he lived until he was 92 so we learned a lot from him about general history he lived through, etc. Because he was the youngest however, we lost a great deal of our genealogical history with other family members. From what he told us, his parents were from what would be the border countries of Austria and Hungary. He was raised catholic, and was told there were noble ties his family branch of the Suppan name, but as he went into the trades (apprenticing, as so many young men did in early 1900's America)and was not as highly educated, or as well placed in society as his sisters, family history was not important to him. He was highly skilled in several areas, but eventually owned his own plumbing business, owned many rental properties, and was semi-retired in his 50's when my husband was born. One note of humor, Emery grew so irritated with people mispronouncing his name (If you speak american english it sounded like two words "soup" "pan") not wanting to sound like a bowl or pan of soup, Emery had his name officially changed to "Suppon", thinking he was very clever and no one would mispronounce his name ever again! Well, being married to a Suppon, I can tell you that no one ever gets it right!
The Suppan surname is hungarian, but it is possible that there are Suppan in Austria too, especially in GRAZ area.
In Budapest now live 8 Suppan families.
In Budapest now live 8 Suppan families.
But the word has no meaning in Hungarian, and the name is not of Hungarian origin. Note that Zupancic is the 5th most frequent surname in Slovenia (cic meaning 'son of').
Probably you are right. But Slovenia and Hungary until 1918 belonged to the same Empire: the Austro-Hungarian Empire so the surname often are mixed up. For instance you find Horvath, one of the most important hungarian surname, in Slovenia and Croatia and even in Italy:in Trieste.
Perhaps some Suppan settled in Austria as well: GRAZ and in Vienna especially.
Perhaps some Suppan settled in Austria as well: GRAZ and in Vienna especially.
It's from the Slovene word for mayor, '?upan'. See http://sim.kivi-com.si/default3.asp?cnt=2&menuID=1517
For whatever it is worth my last name of Suphan (note the H) was extant in Bad Frankenhausen, Germany since at least the 1700's. They were mostly blacksmiths with the profession being handed down by the guild system. Since many names were handed down phonetically I don't know if this relates to Suppan. We pronounce our name as Su - fahn with the emphasis on the second syllable.
For whatever it is worth my last name of Suphan (note the H) was extant in Bad Frankenhausen, Germany since at least the 1700's. They were mostly blacksmiths with the profession being handed down by the guild system. Since many names were handed down phonetically I don't know if this relates to Suppan. We pronounce our name as Su - fahn with the emphasis on the second syllable.