[Games] Congrats (sortof) KUY.
DH- FN- any but must have a nickname.
MN- begins with D, T or W.
DW- FN- French
MN- Irish
Occupation?Hope its ok?
Archived Thread - replies disabled
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DH- Frederick "Fred"
MN- William
Age- 30
Looks- Red hair, Green eyes
Occupation- Foreign Diplomat
DW- Severine
MN- Catriona
Age- 28
Looks- Black hair, Black eyes, pale skin
Occupation- French and German teacher
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Kuy?what does KUY mean?Nathaniel Winston (24, Brown Hair, Brown Eyes, Works for Google)
Adrienne Ciara (23, Red Hair, Green Eyes, Freckles, Art Teacher)
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Oh sorry i was being lazy. It means keep up yourself. As unfortunately i'm unable to. I'm without a laptop at the moment... It broke :-(. So i use my mobile and can't fit much in a message. I wish i could, i'd be able to make much better games.
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Oh... Gotcha!
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