[Facts] Héloïse
How is this name pronounced? Thank you.
Organization is for people too lazy to spend three hours looking for something.
Organization is for people too lazy to spend three hours looking for something.

Since it is a French name, the stress is in the LAST syllable*. Then [elo'is] (ay-lo-EES) and not ['elois] (EH-lo-ees).
*As all and any French words and names.
*As all and any French words and names.
It's kind of hard to describe in English, but it would be kind of like EH-lo-ees.
Edit: I googled it and found this:
That should help more.
Edit: I googled it and found this:
That should help more.
This message was edited 8/19/2009, 3:08 PM
EH-lo-eez. For practical purposes, identical with Eloise.