[Facts] meaning of the name.....
what does the name Idenis mean, it's my middle name and people who read it thinks it's a boy's name
p.s does cindia come from cinthia?
p.s does cindia come from cinthia?
Idensis is a Spanish name - I remember it from Albuquerque as a surname and I do think when I saw it as a forename it was typically male. I suppose it's connected to the Latin Idem 'likewise, the same' but never really looked into it. It seemed to be used as a 'family name' with the meaning having little to do with the decision.
Cyndia and Cynthia would be the same - in Italian it would be Cinzia ;o)
Cyndia and Cynthia would be the same - in Italian it would be Cinzia ;o)
it looks like a variation of Cynthia... Some one, for some reason wanted the "TH" sound to be "D" as in "the" and not the regular "TH" sound as in "thanks"
... or so it seems...
... or so it seems...
thanx, and if anyone knows of idenis please tell me