[Surname] I can't find the origin adn meaning of Milaszenko
My last name is Milaszenko. I have no idea where it comes from, just that it might be Poland. My family tree extends from people of all around the world. My grandfather was born in Germany but as I know he had Poland and Russian family. If anyone could help me getting a better idea of the history of this name, it will be appreciated. Thanks a lot.
My last name is Milaszenko. I have no idea where it comes from, just that it might be Poland. My family tree extends from people of all around the world. My grandfather was born in Germany but as I know he had Poland and Russian family. If anyone could help me getting a better idea of the history of this name, it will be appreciated. Thanks a lot.
The -sz- spelling gives it a Polish appearance but the -enko ending says 'Ukrainian'. There is a Ukrainian surname Miloshenko, as well as Milashenko. I would venture to suggest that they are the same, though without any evidence to back this up. Milosh is probably the Slavic male given name meaning something like "kind, generous, charitable". So Miloshenko probably means "descendant of Milosh" and perhaps Milaszenko means the same.
Thanks a Lot =D