[Opinions] Dušan
What are your thoughts on the name Dušan?
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Yes, it is pronounced Dew-shawn. I can't say I particularly like it. It wouldn't have been so bad until I saw an episode of Bam Margera's television show and he met someone named Dusan Mandic and he couldn't stop laughing about how it sounded like 'douche on man dick.' I know its childish, but that is what sticks in my head now.
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I like it, though not nearly as much as Dusana (sorry, I can't do the little accent thing). I love the meaning!
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I'm curious on the pronounciation and intended gender. If I were to take a guess though, I'd say it was pronounced Doo-SAHN and was a boy's name.
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Pronounced duw-SHAHN
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Not a fan at all...
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