[Opinions] Re: Lilias?
in reply to a message by Lorenz0
I absoluetly love this name!!!! It's on my top 10 girls names! But I can't decide weather I should use Lillias or Lillia! I like it spelled Lillias because it looks more complete to me but Lilias is also nice. I also love the double Ls because then there's no cause to pronounce it Lie-lee-as just Lil-lee-as! :)
It is so beautiful! And it's Scottish roots are so appealing to me!! I also love Lily & Liliana! They're all so pretty! :)
I usualy go with Lillia on my list because most people don't like Lillias and I, silly me, care about what other people think, somewhat, but not totaly! I don't want the names I like to be so totaly different that my kids are laughed off the face of the earth, but I want them to be different, not too popular, and have a really cool sound! :)
Lilias is totaly wonderful and not used that often! I first heard it on the movie 'Secret Garden' where Mrs. Craven is in the garden yelling "Archie! Archie!" Mr. Craven yells from the cliff "Lillias! Where are you?" And then she yells back "I'm in the garden! I'm in the garden, with Colin!"
I've loved all those name since, Lillias, Archie (or Archibald) and Colin!! :)

"There is nobleness in the name of Edmund. It is a name of heroism and renown; of kings, princes, and knights" - Jane Austen, Mansfield Park
It is so beautiful! And it's Scottish roots are so appealing to me!! I also love Lily & Liliana! They're all so pretty! :)
I usualy go with Lillia on my list because most people don't like Lillias and I, silly me, care about what other people think, somewhat, but not totaly! I don't want the names I like to be so totaly different that my kids are laughed off the face of the earth, but I want them to be different, not too popular, and have a really cool sound! :)
Lilias is totaly wonderful and not used that often! I first heard it on the movie 'Secret Garden' where Mrs. Craven is in the garden yelling "Archie! Archie!" Mr. Craven yells from the cliff "Lillias! Where are you?" And then she yells back "I'm in the garden! I'm in the garden, with Colin!"
I've loved all those name since, Lillias, Archie (or Archibald) and Colin!! :)

"There is nobleness in the name of Edmund. It is a name of heroism and renown; of kings, princes, and knights" - Jane Austen, Mansfield Park