[Facts] Re: Wrong Gender!!!!!!!!!!!
in reply to a message by No name please
Like Shaymin said, Hananiah is a masculine name in the Bible. The fact that it has occasionally been used on a girl does not make it a girls' name, any more than John would be if it was used on a girl.
This site is run by a name enthusiast as a hobby. He does not get paid for it and has his own job and family to consider first. He also has a long list of more important updates and changes to consider. Hananiah might eventually be uptdated to say "m & f" but if so it will be a long time from now, as user-submitted names are a long way down the list of things to do.
Also, it's considered bad manners here to use so much punctuation. One exclamation mark will suffice to express your emotions.

This site is run by a name enthusiast as a hobby. He does not get paid for it and has his own job and family to consider first. He also has a long list of more important updates and changes to consider. Hananiah might eventually be uptdated to say "m & f" but if so it will be a long time from now, as user-submitted names are a long way down the list of things to do.
Also, it's considered bad manners here to use so much punctuation. One exclamation mark will suffice to express your emotions.
