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[Games] CAF This or that - families I know
I didn't put middle names with most of these because I don't know their middle names, you can add middle names if you'd like. Some of the names are rather boring because I tried to keep the other option close to the style of their name and tried to match it to their appearance also. DH: Robert/Roger
DW: Stella/Stacy
DS: Bobby/Billy
DD: Debbie/Diana
DD: Shirley/Sharon
DS: Paul/Philip
DD: Laura/Linda----------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Ross/Ray
DW: Michelle/Monica
DS: Dewey/Dustin
DS: Aaron/Austin
DD: Nicole/Nadine
DD: Madeline/Miranda------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Michael/Marcus
DW: Shirley/Susan
DD: Amanda/Amber - Rose/Ruth
DD: Sarah/Savannah - Christine/Catherine
DD: James/Jacob - Michael/Thomas
DD: Matthew/Samuel - Michael/Marcus-------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Mark/Morris
DW: Paula/Mary
DS: Mark/Rick
DD: Erica/Danielle
DD: Megan/Zoe--------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Martin/Jason
DW: Liza/Lisa
DS: Jacob/Joseph
DS: Samuel/Stephan
DD: Chloe/Alexa
DD: Emma/Olivia---------------------------------------------------------------------
And one more:
DH: Cleve/Curtis
DW: Tammy/Tina
DD: Jacqueline/April
DS: Ethan/Brandon
DS: Andrew/George
DS: Ryan/Timmy
DD: Chantel/Christina

This message was edited 11/7/2005, 8:02 PM

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DH: Robert
DW: Stella
DS: Bobby
DD: Diana
DD: Shirley
DS: Philip
DD: Laura----------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Ross
DW: Monica
DS: Dewey
DS: Austin
DD: Nadine
DD: Madeline------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Michael
DW: Shirley
DD: Amanda Rose
DD: Savannah Christine
DD: James Michael
DD: Samuel Marcus-------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Morris
DW: Paula
DS: Mark
DD: Danielle
DD: Zoe--------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Martin
DW: Lisa
DS: Joseph
DS: Samuel
DD: Chloe
DD: Emma---------------------------------------------------------------------
And one more:
DH: Curtis
DW: Tina
DD: April
DS: Ethan
DS: Andrew
DS: Ryan
DD: Christina ~*~Tara Elizabeth~*~
"Conscience is the inner voice which warns us that someone may be looking."--H.L. Mencken
Some people are like slinkies. They're not really good for anything but they bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs!
vote up1
DH: Robert
DW: Stella
DS: Billy
DD: Diana
DD: Sharon
DS: Paul
DD: Laura----------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Ray
DW: Michelle
DS: Dustin
DS: Aaron
DD: Nicole
DD: Madeline------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Michael
DW: Susan
DD: Amanda Rose
DD: Sarah Catherine
DD: James Thomas
DD: Samuel Michael-------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Mark
DW: Mary
DS: Rick
DD: Erica
DD: Megan--------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Jason
DW: Lisa
DS: Jacob
DS: Samuel
DD: Alexa
DD: Olivia---------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Curtis
DW: Tina
DD: April
DS: Ethan
DS: Andrew
DS: Ryan
DD: Christina
vote up1
DH: Robert
DW: Stella
DS: Billy
DD: Diana
DD: Sharon
DS: Paul
DD: Laura----------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Ross
DW: Monica
DS: Dustin
DS: Aaron
DD: Nadine
DD: Madeline------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Michael
DW: Susan
DD: Amanda Rose
DD: Sarah Catherine
DD: Jacob Thomas
DD: Samuel Michael-------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Mark
DW: Paula
DS: Mark
DD: Danielle
DD: Zoe--------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Jason
DW: Lisa
DS: Joseph
DS: Samuel
DD: Chloe
DD: Olivia---------------------------------------------------------------------
And one more:
DH: Curtis
DW: Tina
DD: Jacqueline
DS: Ethan
DS: George
DS: Ryan
DD: Christina
vote up1
DH: Robert
DW: Stacy
DS: Billy
DD: Diana
DD: Sharon
DS: Philip
DD: Laura----------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Ray
DW: Monica
DS: Dustin
DS: Aaron
DD: Nicole
DD: Miranda------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Marcus
DW: Susan
DD: Amanda Rose
DD: Sarah Christine
DD: James Michael
DD: Samuel Marcus-------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Mark
DW: Paula
DS: Mark
DD: Erica
DD: Megan--------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Jason
DW: Lisa
DS: Jacob
DS: Stephan
DD: Alexa
DD: Olivia---------------------------------------------------------------------
And one more:
DH: Cleve
DW: Tina
DD: April
DS: Ethan
DS: Andrew
DS: Ryan
DD: ChristinaKristen~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Shake Your Body Like A Bellydancer.
♥ Visit my profile, you know you want to ♥

This message was edited 11/8/2005, 2:10 PM

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DH: Robert
DW: Stella
DS: Bobby
DD: Diana
DD: Sharon
DS: Philip
DD: Linda----------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Ray
DW: Michelle
DS: Dewey
DS: Aaron
DD: Nadine
DD: Miranda------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Marcus
DW: Susan
DD: Amber - Ruth
DD: Savannah - Catherine
DD: Jacob - Michael
DD: Samuel - Marcus-------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Mark
DW: Mary
DS: Rick
DD: Danielle
DD: Megan--------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Jason
DW: Lisa
DS: Jacob
DS: Stephan
DD: Chloe
DD: Emma
And one more:
DH: Cleve
DW: Tina
DD: April
DS: Ethan
DS: George
DS: Ryan
DD: Christina~ ☼ ~ Evy ~ ☼ ~
vote up1
DH: Robert Oliver
DW: Stacy Christina
DS: Billy Frederick
DD: Diana May
DD: Sharon Therese
DS: Paul Edward
DD: Laura NicoleRobert & Stacy:
Billy, Diana, Sharon, Paul, & Laura----------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Ross Alexander
DW: Michelle Rae
DS: Dustin Tyler
DS: Austin Kai
DD: Nicole Alexandra
DD: Miranda RoseRoss & Michelle:
Dustin, Austin, Nicole, & Miranda------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Michael James
DW: Susan Leigh
DD: Amanda Rose
DD: Sarah Catherine
DD: Jacob Thomas
DD: Matthew MarcusMichael & Susan:

... Load Full Message

vote up1
DH: Robert/Roger - Robert
DW: Stella/Stacy - Stella
DS: Bobby/Billy - Bobby
DD: Debbie/Diana - Diana
DD: Shirley/Sharon - Shirley
DS: Paul/Philip - Philip
DD: Laura/Linda - Laura----------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Ross/Ray - Ross
DW: Michelle/Monica - Monica
DS: Dewey/Dustin - Dustin
DS: Aaron/Austin - Aaron
DD: Nicole/Nadine - Nicole
DD: Madeline/Miranda - Madeline------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Michael/Marcus - Michael
DW: Shirley/Susan - Susan
DD: Amanda/Amber - Rose/Ruth - Amanda Ruth
DD: Sarah/Savannah - Christine/Catherine - Sarah Catherine
DD: James/Jacob - Michael/Thomas - James Michael
DD: Matthew/Samuel - Michael/Marcus - Matthew Marcus-------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Mark/Morris - Mark
DW: Paula/Mary - Mary
DS: Mark/Rick - Mark
DD: Erica/Danielle - Erica
DD: Megan/Zoe - Zoe--------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Martin/Jason - Jason
DW: Liza/Lisa - Lisa
DS: Jacob/Joseph - Joseph
DS: Samuel/Stephan - Stephan
DD: Chloe/Alexa - Alexa
DD: Emma/Olivia - Olivia
And one more:
DH: Cleve/Curtis - Curtis
DW: Tammy/Tina - Tina
DD: Jacqueline/April - April
DS: Ethan/Brandon - Ethan
DS: Andrew/George - Andrew
DS: Ryan/Timmy - Ryan
DD: Chantel/Christina - Christina
vote up1
DH: Robert
DW: Stella
DS: Billy
DD: Diana
DD: Shirley
DS: Philip
DD: Laura----------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Ross
DW: Michelle
DS: Dustin
DS: Aaron
DD: Nicole
DD: Miranda------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Michael
DW: Susan
DD: Amanda Rose
DD: Sarah Catherine
DD: James Michael
DD: Samuel Michael-------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Mark
DW: Mary
DS: Mark
DD: Erica
DD: Megan--------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Martin
DW: Lisa
DS: Jacob
DS: Samuel
DD: Alexa
DD: Emma---------------------------------------------------------------------
And one more:
DH: Curtis
DW: Tina
DD: April
DS: Ethan
DS: George
DS: Timmy
DD: Christina
vote up1
Robert Eli
Stella Margot Billy Jude
Diana Iris
Sharon Flynn
Paul Gregor
Laura Helene ----------------------------------------------------------------
Ross Abram
Monica Celeste Dewey Theodore
Aaron Desmond
Nadine Penelope
Miranda Judith ------------------------------------------------------------------
Marcus Hugo
Susan Ramona Amber Ruth
Sarah Catherine
James Thomas
Samuel Marcus -------------------------------------------------------------------
Morris Fintan
Mary Ingrid Mark Anselm
Erica Janine
Zoe Greta
Martin Lucas
Liza Georgine

... Load Full Message

vote up1
DH: Robert
DW: Stacy
DS: Billy
DD: Debbie
DD: Sharon
DS: Philip
DD: Laura----------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Ross
DW: Monica
DS: Dewey
DS: Aaron
DD: Nadine
DD: Madeline------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Marcus
DW: Susan
DD: Amber - Rose
DD: Sarah - Christine
DD: Jacob - Thomas
DD: Matthew - Marcus-------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Mark
DW: Paula
DS: Mark
DD: Erica
DD: Zoe--------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Jason
DW: Lisa
DS: Joseph
DS: Samuel
DD: Alexa
DD: Emma---------------------------------------------------------------------
And one more:
DH: Curtis
DW: Tammy
DD: April
DS: Brandon
DS: George
DS: Ryan
DD: Christina
vote up1
DH: Roger
DW: Stacy
DS: Billy
DD: Diana
DD: Sharon
DS: Philip
DD: Linda----------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Ross
DW: Monica
DS: Dustin
DS: Aaron
DD: Nadine
DD: Miranda------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Michael
DW: Susan
DD: Amanda Ruth
DD: Savannah Catherine
DD: James Thomas
DD: Samuel Michael-------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Morris
DW: Paula
DS: Rick
DD: Erica
DD: Zoe--------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Jason
DW: Lisa
DS: Joseph
DS: Samuel
DD: Chloe
DD: Olivia---------------------------------------------------------------------
And one more:
DH: Curtis
DW: Tina
DD: Jacqueline
DS: Ethan
DS: George
DS: Ryan
DD: Chantel
vote up1
DH: Robert
DW: Stella
DS: Billy
DD: Diana
DD: Sharon
DS: Philip
DD: Laura----------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Ray
DW: Monica
DS: Dustin
DS: Aaron
DD: Nicole
DD: Miranda------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Michael
DW: Susan
DD: Amanda Rose
DD: Sarah Catherine
DD: Jacob Thomas
DD: Samuel Marcus-------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Morris
DW: Mary
DS: Mark
DD: Erica
DD: Megan--------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Martin
DW: Lisa
DS: Jacob
DS: Samuel
DD: Chloe
DD: Olivia---------------------------------------------------------------------
And one more:
DH: Curtis
DW: Tina
DD: April
DS: Ethan
DS: Andrew
DS: Timmy
DD: ChantelMarilyn Manson
Image hosted by
Image hosted by
vote up1
DH: Robert
DW: Stella
DS: Bobby
DD: Diana
DD: Sharon
DS: Paul
DD: Laura----------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Ross
DW: Michelle
DS: Dustin
DS: Aaron
DD: Nicole
DD: Miranda------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Michael
DW: Susan
DD: Amber - Rose
DD: Savannah - Catherine
DD: Jacob - Thomas
DD: Samuel - Michael-------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Mark
DW: Paula
DS: Rick
DD: Danielle
DD: Zoe--------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Jason
DW: Lisa
DS: Joseph
DS: Samuel
DD: Chloe
DD: Olivia---------------------------------------------------------------------
And one more:
DH: Curtis
DW: Tina
DD: April
DS: Ethan
DS: George
DS: Ryan
DD: Chantel
vote up1
DH: Robert
DW: Stella
DS: Billy
DD: Diana
DD: Sharon
DS: Paul
DD: Laura----------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Ray
DW: Michelle
DS: Dustin
DS: Aaron
DD: Nicole
DD: Miranda------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Michael
DW: Susan
DD: Amanda Rose
DD: Sarah Catherine
DD: James Thomas
DD: Samuel Michael-------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Mark
DW: Mary
DS: Mark
DD: Danielle
DD: Zoe--------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Martin
DW: Lisa
DS: Joseph
DS: Samuel
DD: Chloe
DD: Olivia---------------------------------------------------------------------
And one more:
DH: Curtis
DW: Tina
DD: Jacqueline
DS: Brandon
DS: George
DS: Ryan
DD: Christina♥Michelle♥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Any child can tell you that the sole purpose of a middle name is so he can tell when he's really in trouble." - Dennis Frakes
vote up1

DH: Robert
DW: Stella
DS: Billy
DD: Diana
DD: Sharon
DS: Paul
DD: Laura----------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Ray
DW: Michelle
DS: Dustin
DS: Aaron
DD: Nicole
DD: Miranda------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Michael
DW: Susan
DD: Amber Rose
DD: Sarah Catherine
DD: James Thomas
DD: Samuel Marcus-------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Mark
DW: Mary
DS: Rick
DD: Erica
DD: Megan--------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Martin
DW: Lisa
DS: Joseph
DS: Samuel
DD: Chloe
DD: Olivia---------------------------------------------------------------------
And one more:
DH: Cleve
DW: Tammy
DD: April
DS: Ethan
DS: Andrew
DS: Ryan
DD: Christina
- - - Kata - - -
vote up1
DH: Robert
DW: Stella
DS: Billy
DD: Diana
DD: Sharon
DS: Paul
DD: Laura----------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Ross
DW: Michelle
DS: Dustin
DS: Aaron
DD: Nicole
DD: Miranda------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Michael
DW: Susan
DD: Amber Rose
DD: Sarah Catherine
DD: Jacob Thomas
DD: Samuel Marcus-------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Morris
DW: Mary
DS: Mark
DD: Erica
DD: Zoe--------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Jason
DW: Lisa
DS: Joseph
DS: Samuel
DD: Chloe
DD: Emma---------------------------------------------------------------------
And one more:
DH: Curtis
DW: Tammy
DD: April
DS: Ethan
DS: Andrew
DS: Ryan
DD: Christina
vote up1

DH: Roger
DW: Stacy
DS: Bobby
DD: Diana
DD: Shirley
DS: Philip
DD: Laura----------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Ray
DW: Monica
DS: Dustin
DS: Aaron
DD: Nicole
DD: Madeline------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Michael
DW: Susan
DD: Amanda Rose
DD: Savannah Christine
DD: James Thomas
DD: Samuel Michael-------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Mark
DW: Mary
DS: Rick
DD: Danielle
DD: Megan--------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Martin
DW: Lisa
DS: Jacob
DS: Samuel
DD: Alexa
DD: Emma---------------------------------------------------------------------
And one more:
DH: Curtis
DW: Tammy
DD: April
DS: Ethan
DS: George
DS: Ryan
DD: Christina--
...i remember a song
like in a dream
where september was long
and winter unreal...
vote up1
DH: Robert
DW: Stella
DS: Billy
DD: Debbie
DD: Shirley
DS: Paul
DD: Laura----------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Ray
DW: Monica
DS: Dustin
DS: Austin
DD: Nicole
DD: Madeline------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Michael
DW: Shirley
DD: Amber Rose
DD: Sarah Christine
DD: James Thomas
DD: Samuel Michael-------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Mark
DW: Paula
DS: Rick
DD: Danielle
DD: Megan--------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Martin
DW: Lisa
DS: Jacob
DS: Samuel
DD: Alexa
DD: Emma---------------------------------------------------------------------
And one more:
DH: Curtis
DW: Tina
DD: April
DS: Ethan
DS: Andrew
DS: Ryan
DD: Christina
vote up1
DH: Robert Joseph
DW: Stella Grace
DS: Bobby James
DD: Diana Rose
DD: Sharon Renee
DS: Paul Robert
DD: Laura Grace----------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Ross Jacob
DW: Monica Claire
DS: Dustin Dillon
DS: Austin Matthew
DD: Nicole Claire
DD: Madeline Elizabeth------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Michael James
DW: Susan Lynn
DD: Amber - Rose
DD: Savannah - Christine
DD: Jacob - Thomas
DD: Samuel - Michael-------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Mark Daniel
DW: Paula Jane
DS: Mark Thomas
DD: Danielle Clarissa
DD: Megan Rose--------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Jason Lee

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This message was edited 11/7/2005, 9:19 PM

vote up1
DH: Robert
DW: Stella
DS: Bobby
DD: Diana
DD: Shirley
DS: Philip
DD: Laura----------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Ross
DW: Michelle
DS: Dustin
DS: Aaron
DD: Nicole
DD: Madeline------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Michael
DW: Shirley
DD: Amber-Rose
DD: Sarah-Catherine
DD: James-Michael
DD: Matthew-Michael-------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Mark
DW: Mary
DS: Mark
DD: Danielle
DD: Zoe--------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Jason
DW: Liza
DS: Jacob
DS: Samuel
DD: Chloe
DD: Olivia---------------------------------------------------------------------
And one more:
DH: Curtis
DW: Tammy
DD: April
DS: Ethan
DS: Andrew
DS: Ryan
DD: Christina
vote up1
ChristinaNikki :)Proud Mama! See My Profile!
vote up1
I'm gonna do it cuz it's so fun!And I'm picking my favorites!DH: Robert
DW: Stella
DS: Bobby
DD: Diana
DD: Sharon
DS: Paul
DD: Laura----------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Ray
DW: Michelle
DS: Dustin
DS: Aaron
DD: Nicole
DD: Madeline------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Michael
DW: Susan
DD: Amanda Rose
DD: Sarah Catherine
DD: James Thomas
DD: Matthew Michael-------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Mark
DW: Mary
DS: Mark
DD: Danielle
DD: Megan--------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Jason
DW: Liza
DS: Jacob
DS: Samuel
DD: Chloe
DD: Emma---------------------------------------------------------------------
And one more:
DH: Curtis
DW: Tammy
DD: Jacqueline
DS: Ethan
DS: Andrew
DS: Ryan
DD: Christina
vote up1