[Games] bananarama's KUY Congrats - Sign-ups and Round 1
I was bored, so I decided to do another historical KUY congrats. I will take the first 10 sign-ups (not including mine), but you can still sign-up in Round 2.It is the year 1900 and you have had your first child (gender is your choice). Fill out the sign-up form:LN:
DH: (date of birth)
DW: (date of birth)
D?: (date of birth)Location: (can be anywhere)IMPORTANT: Write a brief summary on the couple, how they met, their wedding, and the birth of their first child. You can put in more information if you want.Names are your choice for this round, but try to make them believable, i.e. I don't recommend you use names like Nevaeh or Brayden. You don't have to use musty outdated names like Milton or Bertha, though.
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LN: Bennett
DH: Luke Howard Bennett (b. 9.13.1880)(20)
DW: Sarah Elizabeth (Caldwell) Bennett (b. 12.7.1883)(17)
DD: Laura Angeline Bennett (b. 3.24.1900)Location: United StatesLuke and Sarah grew up in the same small Minnesota town. Luke's parents owned the local grocery store, and Sarah's father made a living as a carpenter. Luke is the eldest of four boys, and he is a bit rambunctious and full of ideas. Sarah is the second of seven children (5 girls and 2 boys). She is quieter than Luke, but has a vivid imagination. Luke and Sarah dated for three years before deciding to get married. They got their parents' consent, and the wedding took place on March 1, 1899. It was the first wedding in both families, so it was quite a lavish affair. Since they grew up in the town together, pretty much everyone living in the general vicinity was invited (and showed up) in addition to some distant family members and relatives. Luke works for his father, but also works as a clerk for the local attorney. Sarah stays home with their daughter, Laura. Laura was born a few weeks after their first anniversary. Laura is a sweet little baby, and the first grand-baby. She is adorable and well loved by her family.
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Signing up!LN: Flite
DH: Edmund Henry (1879)
DW: Ada Caroline (1881)
DD: Augusta Josephine (1900)Location: AmericaEdmund and Ada met one night while attending the Chicago World's Fair. Edmund was taking his niece to ride the very first Ferris Wheel. On the way to the ride, Edmund spotted Ada. She was holding a parasol, listening to the band play. Edmund couldn't help but laugh at the way she swayed her parasol back and forth to the tune. Edmund walked over and courageously asked Ada to walk with him while his niece was on the ride. Ada couldn't help but laugh at the small stuffed doll he was holding for his niece and swaying in the air as he spoke with his hands. They were smitten with one another.
They were married in 1898 in a lovely, small ceremony at their church. Nine months later, Ada became pregnant. Edmund delivered Augusta at their home. She is thriving quite well! Ada spends her time running after Augusta, keeping home, and entertaining visitors. Edmund continues his work as a medical student with hopes of starting his own medical clinic.

This message was edited 4/6/2009, 9:45 PM

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LN: Finnegan
DH: Owen Michael (Dec. 5, 1875)
DW: Prudence Ann (April 2, 1880)
DD: Rose Bridget (March 17, 1900)Location: MassachusettsPrudence and Owen met during a Saint Patrick's Day celebration in south Boston. Owen is a first generation American, while Prudence's family holds long roots tracing back to Paul Revere. Both her grandmother and mother were Lowell Mill Girls and instilled in her the principles of woman's rights so were horrified when she settled down, and even more so since it was with a "mick". However; they have come to terms with the situation since Prudence has remained and active member of the National American Woman Suffrage Association. Owen currently is a grounds keeper for a church by day, and at night helps his brother with the bar. Prudence wanted to teach, but has put that on hold for the time being.
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LN: Marshall
DH: Alexander Francis Marshall (1878)
DW: Catherine Alice (Mitchell) Marshall (1880)
DS: Alexander "Alex" Francis II Marshall (1990)Alexander and Catherine lived near each other so they knew each other their whole lives. When Alex was eighteen and Catherine was sixteen the two fell in love and a two years later they married. Recently they welcomed their first child who they named Alexander Francis II.

This message was edited 4/6/2009, 4:07 PM

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LN: Creighan
DH: Charles Daniel Creighan 'Charlie' (1880)
DW: Mildred Anne (Fox) Creighan 'Millie' (1881)
DD: Sylvia Rose Creighan (1900)Location: New Jersey
The Crieighans (Charlie, Millie and Sylvia) reside in North Royalton, New Jersey, in a quiet suburb outside the city. Charlie works in a steel mill and Millie stays home with Sylvia. Millie and Charlie met through Millie's older brother, Ray. Ray is two years older than Millie and he and Charlie attended grade school together. Their families became friends and eventually Millie and Charlie began to date and fell in love! They had Sylvia a few weeks ago and she is just precious.
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LN: Synge
DH: Samuel Joseph Synge (4/9/1879)
DW: Mary Elizabeth [Abernathy] Synge (12/14/1881)
DD: Thomasina Celeste Synge (7/24/1900)Location: Los Angeles, CaliforniaIMPORTANT: Sam Synge, according to those who know him, is blessed with an inordinant amount of luck. It was no surprise to any of them then when the young inventor managed to catch the eye of the only daughter of a wealthy industrialist on his first day in L.A. Mary Elizabeth (usually Libby to her friends) was absolutely smitten with the charming young immigrant, his quirky inventions and endlessly charming personality. Despite protests from Libby's father, the two eloped just barely a month after meeting. Libby's father, Frederick Abernathy, was not at all happy with the development but nonetheless gave Sam a good job in his company so that the young man would be able to support Frederick's daughter in the manner to which she was accustomed. Sam excelled far beyond his father-in-law's expectations, proving himself astute and intelligent in the business affairs and gradually winning Frederick over. Thomasina was born about a year after the couple married and named after Sam's deceased brother and Libby's deceased mother. If Frederick had any lingering doubts about his son-in-law, they were all laid to rest when he saw his beautiful granddaughter for the first time. Frederick greatly enjoys doting on the girl, as do her parents.
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Mine.LN: Schroder
DH: Julio Gerardo (b. 29 Nov 1880)
DW: Celestina Paloma [Zimmermann] (b. 14 Jul 1882)
DD: Eugenia Diana (b. 23 Dec 1899)Location: Parana, ArgentinaJulio and Celestina were friends fora long time. They decided to get married after thinking about it for a while. One year later they had a daughter, Eugenia.
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