[Games] wol-lover's KUY congrats Round 6: last round
Sign-up: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3498698&board=game
Round 1: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3499608&board=game
Round 2: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3500700&board=game
Round 3: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3501830&board=game
Round 4: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3504233&board=game
Round 5: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3505745&board=gameThis is the last round because I have done a very poor job on keeping it up and making it fun. Sorry. It was my first one so I think I did farely well. I'm going to try to do better when I start my next one.It's been ten years. You can have as many grandchildren/great-grandchildren as you want with the name and gender of your choice.*Note* sorry this KUY wasn't very good. Thanks for playing though!
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UN: PrincessLexLN: LachlanDH: Lucas Bennett
Age: 41
Occupation: Fire FighterDW: Mariah Elisabeth
Age: 40
Occupation: TeacherDDcat: Kiara
DScat: SimbaDD: Braelyn Mae (44)
-DH: Leo Zachary (46)
--DD: Hana Mai (25)
---BF: Marco Dimitri (30)
----DD: Hana Marci (NB)
--DS/DS: Jarico Leigh/ Michael Joseph(17)
--DD: Chloe Alexandra (10)
--DS: Bennett Isaac (6)
DD: Claire Alexia (42)
-DH: Derek Joel (47)
--DD/DD/DD: Mia Hope / Lea Grace / Ria Faith (12)
--DS: Tyler Joel (10)
--DD: Amanda Hayley (3)
DD: Evelyn Hiedi (40)
-BF: Chase Joshua (39)
--DD: Alexis Mariah (10)
--DD: Aleah Mae (3)
DD/DS/DD: Arwen Eris / Atticus Evander / Elanor Alexandra "Ellie" (25)
(Arwen)DH: Timothy Jason
-DS: Shane Cruz (10)
-DD: Julia Bronte (5)
-DD/DS: Arwen Maisie / Timothy Marcus
(Atticus)DW- Alabama Maria (24)
-DD: Briar Hope (3)
(Ellie)BF- Isaiah Levi (27)
-DS Silas Evander
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LN: Kyle.DH: Oliver James.
Age: 23
Occupation: Dental assistant.DW: Ryanne Molly.
Age: 23
Occupation: French teacher.DD: Evan Rachel.
-Dbf/father; Tenchi Akio Hayashi.
-DD: Aina Wakana Kyle-Hayashi.
DD: Delilah Kelly.
-DH; Paul Richard Mateo.
-DD/DD; Jordan Matilda and Aliya Roselyn.
DD/DS: Elaine Tear/Noah Rodney
DS/DS/DD: Othello Dylan, Caspian Hector, and Ayla Lorelei.
DS/DD/DD/DD: Zachary Adam, Hannah Taylor, Bailey Grace, and Alexis Lorraine.Four cats; Maisey, Zoo, Sela, and Wallie.
Now living in Lexington, Kentucky.
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*mine*LN: ShlitDH: Gregory Jason
Age: 59
Occupation: accountantDW: Genevieve Scarlett
Age: 57
Occupation: motherDD: Caiytlynn Gretchen (36)
- DH: Noah Lance
- DD: Akemi Aya (NN: Aya) (17)
- DS: Orion Damian (9)
- DS: Jonah Carson (5)DD: Wren Nita (34)
-DH: Cameron Matthew (42)
-DS: Lewis Brandon (3)DS/DS: Emanuel Orion/Nick Alex (32)
- EmanuelsDW: Jackie Lace (29)
- EmanuelsDD: Jacquelin Skye (2)
- NicksDW: Jennifer Arianna (27)
- NicksDD: Gracey Lillie (7)DS/DD/DS: Yorick Jason (NN: Jason)/Cinderella Acantha (NN: Rella)/Sam Aias (17)
- Cinderellasbf: Tyler Bryce (37)
- CinderellasDD: Ella Jane (2)
- CinderellasDD/DS: Eveleyn Kaci/Casey Eden (nb)
- Yoricksgf: Asia Mina (15)
- YoricksDD/DD: Mia Ava/Kiara Mina (nb)
- Samgf: Liella (13)
- SamsDS: Noah Reuben (1)DS: Jackson Obadiah (16)
- Dgf: Elisabeth Daliah (17)
- DD/DD: Natalie Elizabeth/Delilah Marie (2)
- DS: Jackson Emir (1)
- DS: Jason Lee (nb)DS: Jeremiah Mason (13)
DD: Jasmine Ruby (11)
DD: Opal Pearl (9)
DD/DD: Roxanna Jade/Adeliena Star (5)
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