[Games] bananarama's KUY Congrats II - Round 6
Round 1: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3500664&board=game
Round 2: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3501405&board=game
Round 3: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3502405&board=game
Round 4: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3503273&board=game
Round 5: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3503520&board=gameIt is now 1925. Have you had any more grandchildren? You can have as many or as few as you want. Names and genders are your choice.--------
Here are some events to help you. You don't have to use them:
1. The family moves. Where do they move to?
2. Your house burns down. Does everyone survive?
3. One or more of the family members gets really ill. Do they survive?
4. One of the spouses dies or gets hurt. How did it happen?Please update on the family! If you have any suggestions for events, tell me!Rules:1. If you want to drop out, tell me.
2. This is a Keep-Up-Yourself congrats, so if you fall behind, complete the rounds you missed until you get to the current one.
3. Have fun!
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LN: Milleson
DH: Adam Darryl 1/9/1880
DW: Elizabeth Star (Emmenon) 7/5/1882DD: Evie Maria 4/18/1904
-DH: Mackenzie Albert Tree 13/1/1903
DD: Ivie Jane 4/18/1904
DS: Charlie Samuel 10/15/1908
DD: Emilie Gina 7/8/1911
DD: Cadie Lauren 11/9/1913
DD: Courtnie Shannon 4/13/1914
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LN: Bergstresser
DH: Gustav Esau (1870)
DW: Nellie Helen (1876)DD: Genevieve Nettie (1896-1922)
-xbf: Felix Maurice (1880-1922)
-DD: Hadley Meagan (1920)
-DS: Matthew Cameron (1919)
-DD: Erin Wren (1918)
DS: Donivan Jared (1897)
-Dgf: Maria Clarice (1900)
-DD/DD: Nettie Elaine/Evelyn Nancy (1923)
DS: Reuben Lee (1899)
-Dgf: Rose Nanette (1902)
-DD: Sarah Louise (1921)
DD: Mary Willow (1915)
DS: George Henry (1916)Genevieve was killed in a fire along with Felix. The children go to her parents. (Their grandparents.)
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LN: Zamora
DH: Victor Armando Zamora (b. 4 Apr 1880)
DW: Eulalia Sofia Castillo (b. 16 Jul 1882)
DD: Manuela Rosario (b. 12 Dec 1899)
-DH: Jose Bernardo Ojeda (b. 13 Apr 1894)
--DS: Diego Marcelo (b. 25 Dec 1918)
--DD: Juana Guadalupe (b. 13 Feb 1920)
--DS: Luis Alfredo (b. 14 Jul 1921)
--DD: Andrea Dolores (b. 1 Aug 1923)
DD: Leona Benigna (b. 15 Mar 1901)
-DH: Ulises Alejandro Gutierrez (b. 1 May 1896)
--DD: Tatiana Emilia (b. 14 May 1921)
--DD: Carmen Mercedes (b. 3 Jan 1923)
--DS: Javier Aurelio (b. 28 Sep 1924)
DS: Ricardo Andres (b. 24 Jul 1903)
-DW: Marta Ana Ochoa (b. 7 Jun 1905)
DS: Hipolito Marcos (b. 8 Aug 1905)
-DW: Luisa Nereida Dominguez (b. 19 Apr 1906)
--DS: Bernardo Raul (b. 23 Jun 1925)
DD: Teresa Victoria (b. 29 Dec 1906)
-DH: Roberto Miguel Quimby (b. 11 Mar 1903)
--DD: Alicia Cruz (b. 17 Sep 1925)
DS: Celestino Leonardo (b. 30 Mar 1908)
DD: Zenaida Margarita (b. 12 Jun 1910)
DD: Celia Lourdes (2 Dec 1911 - 13 Oct 1913)
DD: Octavia Ursula (b. 2 Dec 1911)
DS: Jacinto Placido (b. 25 Aug 1913)Location: Veracruz, MexicoNot much really has happened. There have been more grandchildren.

This message was edited 3/16/2009, 2:04 PM

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LN: MalloryDH: William Luther (1879)
DW: Ruth Ellen [Crewe](1882)
LN: Anderson
DD: Clara Bessie (1900)
DH: Jesse Leo (1897)
DD: Marjorie Rita (1919)
DD: Ruth Alice (1921)
DS: Gregory Joseph (1923)
LN: Mallory
DS: Roy Louis(1902)
DW: Olive Maude [Macbay] (1903)
DS: Norman Leo (1921)
DS: Peter Glenn (1925)
LN: Mallory
DS: Daniel Willie(1905)
DW: Emily May [Lusk](1907)
DD: June Sarah (1925)****
DD: Annie Grace (1909)
DD: Helen Alice (1914)
DDog: RoverHH*:Millie Blackmore (1890)Location: Prince Edward Island
*HH stands for hired help
Clara and Jesse Anderson gave birth to Ruth Alice Anderson in 1921, and Gregory Joseph Anderson in 1923. Roy, the oldestson of the Mallory family, married Olive Maude Macbay in 1921, who gave birth to Norman Leo Mallory in 1922 and Peter Glenn Mallory in 1925. Also in 1925, Daniel married Emily May Lusk, andthe pair adopted a 6 month old girl that year whom they named June Sarah. The youngest girls of the Mallory family; Annie is teaching in the Charlotte Town school house, Helen is about to turn 12, and their parents adopt them a puppy. Which they name (how original :]) Rover. Millie Blackmore, their hired help has taken her place in the household as a housekeeper,becoming one of the family. She has had many a beau, but chooses not marry. She loves the Mallory family to much to leave for some man. Or so she says :)
William and Ruth Mallory have Clara, Roy, Daniel, Annie, and Helen Mallory. Clara and Jesse Anderson have Marjorie, Ruth, and Gregory. Roy and Olive Mallory have Norman and Peter. Daniel and Emily Mallory have June.
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LN: ThompsonDH: Joseph Robert William (1879)
DW: Mary-Elizabeth Florence (1880)DS: Thomas Edward Charles (1900)
- DW: Evelyn Ruth (1901)
-- DD: Geraldine Eunice Constance (1924)
-- DS: Theodore Ernest Clifford (1925)
DD: Margaret Dorothy Lillian (1903)
- DH: Willard Frank Myers (1902)
DD: Josephine Beatrice Virginia (1905)
DD: Catherine Gertrude Blanche (1908)
ADS: Kenneth Clarence Anthony (1911)
ADD: Genevieve Charlotte Theresa (1913)
ADS: Lawrence Richard Donald (1918)Location: Boston, MA, USAThomas and his wife Evelyn married 3 years ago, and already have two children: Geraldine and Theodore.
Margaret just married her boyfriend Willard and they moved to a different part of Boston.
Two years ago, the youngest of the Thompson children, Larry, got really sick and the doctors thought that he wouldn't make it. Luckily the 5-year-old was strong enough to survive and recover completely.
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LN: Kovacs
DH: Janos Henrik (21 June 1881 - 21 June 1910)
DW: Gizi Ilona (1 May 1882)
DS: Istvan Jozsef (22 Dec 1900)
DW: Erika Heidi (1901)
DS: Elek Andras (31 July 1905)
DD: Pal Janos (20 Sept 1910)
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Round 1: Janos is from the eastern part (Buda) and Gizi is from the western part (Pest). The met one day on a bridge across the Danube River. They were married in a simple ceremony. Nine months later Istvan was born.
Round 2: One day a visitor informs the family that Gizi was kidnapped as a baby. The people she thought were her parents were actually the servants of her real parents. Her real parents were so happy to find her that they gave the entire family the means to enough money so they would never want for anything. Janos and Gizi also welcomed baby Elek to their family.
Round 3: The family suffered a loss when Janos came down with pneumonia. At the same time Gizi learned she was pregnant. She named Pal Janos after the father he would never know.
Round 4: The family didn't have any major changes with the start of World War 1. Gizi was concerned about her sons safety, so she moved them to the country.
Round 5: The family remained in the country throughout World War 1. It especially got difficult when Istvan came to age. After loosing her husband Gizi wasn't about to loose her son too. After the war ended they decided to move back to Budapest, which they missed.
Round 6: After returning home Istvan met a young woman named Erika. After a year long romance they married in a small ceremony involving only family.
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http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3503639&board=gameDate: June 1925Dgpa: Gilbert Sebastian (paternal)
Dgma: Abigail Vera (paternal)LN: CosmosDH: Humphrey Sebastian Cosmos (May/07/1881) (44)
* DW: Millicent Patience née Neumann Cosmos (November/23/1882 - May/24/1915)
DW: Gertrude Grace née Reier (Meyer) Cosmos (May/08/1893) (32)DD: Rose Mabel Irene née Cosmos Roscoe (January/01/1900) (25)
-DH: Felix Ambrose Roscoe (December/31/1899) (25)
--DS: Cosmo Eugene Roscoe (September/22/1921) (3½)
--DD/DD: Margaret "Margy" Joy Roscoe / Josephine "Josie" Mirth Roscoe (June/02/1924) (1)DD: Hazel Marie Ruth Cosmos (August/29/1901) (almost 24)
-DH: Theodore "Teddy" William Yates (June/13/1899) (26)
--DS: Pascal Benjamin Yates (June/01/1924) (1)DS: Oliver Sebastian Neumann (October/03/1903) (21½)
-DW: Florence Gwendolyn née Frye Cosmos (April/20/1904) (21)
--DS: Thomas Sebastian Cosmos (June/09/1924) (1)* DS: Solace Cosmos (April/11/1905) stillborn
DD: Myrtle Vera Lies Cosmos (February/29/1908) (17)
DS/DS: Basil Lothar Silvester Cosmos / Jasper Gilbert Alexander Cosmos (December/12/1909) (15½)
DD: Catherine "Caty" Rejoice Meyer (March/29/1908) (17)
DD: Elizabeth "Beth" Love Meyer (April/04/1910) (15)
* DS: William "Will" Courage Meyer (July/31/1914 - August/15/1917)

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This message was edited 3/15/2009, 11:49 PM

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Idea for event...why not mandate that a nature disaster happens...?
rain/wind/hail/ice/etc. storm
tidal wave
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LN: Calvagna
DH: Gino Tommaso Calvagna (SR) (October 3, 1878)
DW: Albertina Rosalinda [Conti] Calvagna (May 7, 1880)
DD: Maddalena Celestina Calvagna (July 2, 1897)
-DH: Aaron Jacoby Zane. (March 15, 1895)
-DS: Aaron Gino Zane. (June 19, 1920)
-DD/DD: Meghan Celeste / Rebeca Maddalena Zane.
DD: Raffaella Concettina Calvagna (August 9, 1898)
-Dbf: Morgan Thomas Kelly.
-DD: Chelsey Morgan Kelly.
DD/DS: Nadia Michelangela Calvagna / Gino Tommaso Calvagna (JR) (Feburary 12, 1903)
DS: Emanuele Amato Calvagna (December 24, 1917)
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LN: Rebel
DH: Britton Kelsey "Britt" (b. Mar 9, 1880 d. Nov 11 1918 - age 39)
DW: Rosemme Esther, 44 (b. December 18, 1881)DD: Zanti Esther Grace, 25 (b. May 30, 1900)
--DH: Rory Simon Townsend, 27 (b. March 2, 1898)
---DS: Sachiel Britt Townsend, 7 (b. December 31, 1918)
---DD: Angeli Esther Townsend, 5 (b. April 16, 1920)
---DS: Zaniel Rory Townsend, 3 (b. January 3, 1922)
---DS: Avangeline Zanti Townsend, 1 (b. September 7, 1924)DS: Adexion Kelsey, 23 (b. July 6, 1902)
--DW: Liliane Georgia (Ellison), 21 (b. May 20, 1904)
---DS: Ellison Adexion Rebel, 3 (b. April 1, 1922)
---DS: Sophron Kelsey Rebel, nb (b. October 2, 1925)DS: Mox Britton, 20 (b. August 12, 1905)
--DW: Jasity Savannah Front, 19 (b. June 10, 1906)DD: Zeriah Rosemme, 19 (b. October 29, 1906)
--DH: Isaias Numbers Falke, 23 (b. November 18, 1902)DD: Zaire Evangeline, 17 (b. May 6, 1908)
--Dfiance: Gabriel Adam West, 20 (b. May 25, 1905)DS: Ezri Clark, 15 (b. February 20, 1910)
DS: Seraphim Vivian David "Seraph", 6 (b. August 8, 1919)Zanti and Rory have welcomed two more children in the past five years-- joining older siblings Sachiel and Angeli are Zaniel and Avangeline.

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This message was edited 3/16/2009, 1:15 PM

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