[Games] bananarama's KUY Congrats II - Round 5
Round 1: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3500664&board=game
Round 2: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3501405&board=game
Round 3: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3502405&board=game
Round 4: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3503273&board=gameSign-ups are closed from here on.Events:
The US enters WWI in 1917.
WWI ends in 1918.It is now 1920. Have you had any more children? You can have as many or as few as you want. Names and genders are your choice.If you want grandchildren, you can start having them. However, if so, this will be your last round for children.If you don't want grandchildren yet, you can still have children in Round 6.--------
Here are some events to help you. You don't have to use them:
1. The family moves. Where do they move to?
2. Your house burns down. Does everyone survive?
3. One or more of the family members gets really ill. Do they survive?
4. One of your sons, if old enough, was killed in WWI. How did it happen?Please update on the family! If you have any suggestions for events, tell me!Rules:1. If you want to drop out, tell me.
2. This is a Keep-Up-Yourself congrats, so if you fall behind, complete the rounds you missed until you get to the current one.
3. Have fun!

This message was edited 3/14/2009, 2:17 PM

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LN: Mallory
DH: William Luther (May 5th, 1879)
DW: Ruth Ellen [Crewe](September 12th, 1882)
DD: Clara Bessie Anderson(July 30th, 1900)
DH: Jesse Leo Anderson (Febuary 2nd, 1897)
DD: Marjorie Rita Anderson
DS: Roy Louis(December 24th, 1902)
DS: Daniel Willie(April 3rd, 1905)
DD: Annie Grace (June 16th, 1909)
DD: Helen Alice (December 4th, 1914)HH*:Millie BlackmoreLocation: Prince Edward Island****
William Mallory has come back from war wounded in 1918, but has recovered sucsessfully. Clara Mallory, the oldest in the family,married 23 year old Jesse Leo Anderson in 1918, and gave birth to Marjorie Rita Anderson in 1919.
*HH stands for hired help
****William and Ruth Mallory have Clara, Roy, Daniel, Annie, and Helen Mallory. Clara (Anderson) and Jesse Anderson have Marjorie.

This message was edited 3/16/2009, 4:30 AM

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LN: Bergstresser
DH: Gustav Esau (1870)
DW: Nellie Helen (1876)DD: Genevieve Nettie (1896)
-xbf: Felix Maurice (1880)
-DD: Hadley Meagan (1920)
-DS: Matthew Cameron (1919)
-DD: Erin Wren (1918)
DS: Donivan Jared (1897)
DS: Reuben Lee (1899)
DD: Mary Willow (1915)
DS: George HenryLocation: AtlantaNote: Felix raped Genevieve twice to produce Erin and Matthew. He came back again and paid her to be a prostitute to produce Hadley.
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LN: Rebel
DH: Britton Kelsey "Britt" (b. Mar 9, 1880 d. Nov 11 1918 - age 39)
DW: Rosemme Esther, 39 (b. December 18, 1881)
DD: Zanti Esther Grace, 20 (b. May 30, 1900)
--DH: Rory Simon Townsend, 22 (b. March 2, 1898)
---DS: Sachiel Britt Townsend, 2 (b. December 31, 1918)
---DD: Angeni Esther Townsend, nb (b. April 16, 1920)
DS: Adexion Kelsey, 18 (b. July 6, 1902)
--DW: Liliane Georgia (Ellison), 16 (b. May 20, 1904)
DS: Mox Britton, 15 (b. August 12, 1905)
DD: Zeriah Rosemme, 14 (b. October 29, 1006)
DD: Zaire Evangeline, 12 (b. May 6, 1908)
DS: Ezri Clark, 10 (b. February 20, 1910)
DS: Seraphim Vivian David, 1 (b. August 8, 1919)Even though they'd come into a lot of money, Britt continued working in the factory. And on November 11, 1918, there was an accident and Britt was killed.The very day after Britt died, Rosemme found that she was pregnant with her seventh child. Zanti gave birth to her first child about two months after Britt's death-- a boy-- and she named him Sachiel Britt after her father. In August 1919, Rosemme gave birth to a son as well. She named him Seraphim. Then early this year, Zanti had a daughter named Angeni. Then Adexion got married to a girl named Liliane. They're hoping for a child very soon.
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LN: Milleson
DH: Adam Darryl 1/9/1880
DW: Elizabeth Star (Emmenon) 7/5/1882
DD/DD: Evie Maria/Ivie Jane 4/18/1904
DS: Charlie Samuel 10/15/1908
DD: Emilie Gina 7/8/1911
DD: Cadie Lauren 11/9/1913
DD: Courtnie Shannon 4/13/1914location: Colling, IllinoisAdam's business does pretty good. Good enough that he's decided to add a soda shop to the pharmacy and is in the building process now. There aren't as many rich ladies in Colling, so Elizabeth doesn't make as many pretty dresses, but she still makes some regular day dresses, and rejoices at every marriage, because she will probably be asked to make the gown, and especially at the wealthy marriages, because then she can make a whole trossau.Well, Hila was right about one thing. That twin jealousy did start in, about a year ago. Evie and Ivie both liked the same boy, and they fought bitterly over hime for about 4 months. Then Evie declared that she had got over him and was going to move on. However, when that boy decided that he liked Evie, and told her so, she didn't object, and Ivie didn't speak to her for almost a month. When the boy moved because his father lost his job, the girls made up and decided not to let boys come between them again. Fat chance, Hila says.Charlie is in the 7th grade now and is quite the charmer. Everyone predicts that he will have lots of girlfriends.Emilie's heart's been better, as we finally found a specialist in Illinois who can help her. Aunty Ann still teaches her at home, bless her heart. Emilie is a motherly little creature at nine years old, and everyone comes to her with their troubles.Cadie was delighted to go to school and "get some learnin" as she puts it. She's still our tomboy, and a regular pet of Charlie's.Courtnie is a little shy thing. She loves generously when she can get over her timidity, and is particularly fond of motherly Emilie. She was terrified to go to school, until Cadie promised to "protect her".
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LN: Kovacs
DH: Janos Henrik (21 June 1881 - 21 June 1910)
DW: Gizi Ilona (1 May 1882)
DS: Istvan Jozsef (22 Dec 1900)
DS: Elek Andras (31 July 1905)
DD: Pal Janos (20 Sept 1910)
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Round 1: Janos is from the eastern part (Buda) and Gizi is from the western part (Pest). The met one day on a bridge across the Danube River. They were married in a simple ceremony. Nine months later Istvan was born.
Round 2: One day a visitor informs the family that Gizi was kidnapped as a baby. The people she thought were her parents were actually the servants of her real parents. Her real parents were so happy to find her that they gave the entire family the means to enough money so they would never want for anything. Janos and Gizi also welcomed baby Elek to their family.
Round 3: The family suffered a loss when Janos came down with pneumonia. At the same time Gizi learned she was pregnant. She named Pal Janos after the father he would never know.
Round 4: The family didn't have any major changes with the start of World War 1. Gizi was concerned about her sons safety, so she moved them to the country.
Round 5: The family remained in the country throughout World War 1. It especially got difficult when Istvan came to age. After loosing her husband Gizi wasn't about to loose her son too. Istvan decided the best thing for his family was to stay with them. After the war ended they decided to move back to Budapest, which they missed.
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http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3503503&board=gameDate: June 1920Dgpa: Gilbert Sebastian (paternal)
Dgma: Abigail Vera (paternal)LN: Cosmos
DH: Humphrey Sebastian Cosmos (May/07/1881) (39)
* DW: Millicent Patience née Neumann Cosmos (November/23/1882 - May/24/1915)
DW: Gertrude Grace née Reier (Meyer) Cosmos (May/08/1893) (27)
DD: Rose Mabel Irene Cosmos (January/01/1900) (20)
DD: Hazel Marie Ruth Cosmos (August/29/1901) (almost 19)
DS: Oliver Sebastian Neumann Cosmos (October/03/1903) (16½)
* DS: Solace Cosmos (April/11/1905) stillborn
DD: Myrtle Vera Lies Cosmos (February/29/1908) (12)
DS/DS: Basil Lothar Silvester Cosmos / Jasper Gilbert Alexander Cosmos (December/12/1909) (10½)
DD: Catherine "Caty" Rejoice Meyer (March/29/1908) (12)
DD: Elizabeth "Beth" Love Meyer (April/04/1910) (10)
* DS: William "Will" Courage Meyer (July/31/1914 - August/15/1917)
DS: Malachi Eros Cosmos (February/14/1920) (4 months)Location: Salem, Oregon
Life has continued for the Cosmos family. Rose is grown into a beautiful young woman, and has many young men asking to walk her out. Hazel has also grown into a beautiful young women, but is still very quiet. Oliver wanted to join the army, but his father wouldn't let him until he was 16. By the time he turned 16, his craving to go off to fight had died (along with a few friends and their older brothers!). Myrtle, Basil and Jasper are in the nether-land of not a child, but not an adult.

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LN: ThompsonDH: Joseph Robert William (1879)
DW: Mary-Elizabeth Florence (1880)DS: Thomas Edward Charles (1900)
DD: Margaret Dorothy Lillian (1903)
DD: Josephine Beatrice Virginia (1905)
DD: Catherine Gertrude Blanche (1908)
ADS: Kenneth Clarence Anthony (1911)
ADD: Genevieve Charlotte Theresa (1913)
ADS: Lawrence Richard Donald (1918)Location: Boston, MA, USAHaving adopted Ken and Ginny a couple years ago turned out to be a really good decision. Since their younger two children grew up quite fast, they decided to adopted another son, an orphaned infant with the name Lawrence "Larry".
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LN: Calvagna
DH: Gino Tommaso Calvagna (SR) (October 3, 1878)
DW: Albertina Rosalinda [Conti] Calvagna (May 7, 1880)
DD: Maddalena Celestina Calvagna (July 2, 1897)
DH: Aaron Jacoby Zane. (March 15, 1895)
-DS: Aaron Gino Zane. (June 19, 1920)
DD: Raffaella Concettina Calvagna (August 9, 1898)
DD/DS: Nadia Michelangela Calvagna / Gino Tommaso Calvagna (JR) (Feburary 12, 1903)
DS: Emanuele Amato Calvagna (December 24, 1917)
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Mine.LN: Zamora
DH: Victor Armando Zamora (b. 4 Apr 1880)
DW: Eulalia Sofia Castillo (b. 16 Jul 1882)
DD: Manuela Rosario (b. 12 Dec 1899)
-DH: Jose Bernardo Ojeda (b. 13 Apr 1894)
--DS: Diego Marcelo (b. 25 Dec 1918)
--DD: Juana Guadalupe (b. 13 Feb 1920)
DD: Leona Benigna (b. 15 Mar 1901)
-DH: Ulises Alejandro Gutierrez (b. 1 May 1896)
DS: Ricardo Andres (b. 24 Jul 1903)
DS: Hipolito Marcos (b. 8 Aug 1905)
DD: Teresa Victoria (b. 29 Dec 1906)
DS: Celestino Leonardo (b. 30 Mar 1908)
DD: Zenaida Margarita (b. 12 Jun 1910)
DD: Celia Lourdes (2 Dec 1911 - 13 Oct 1913)
DD: Octavia Ursula (b. 2 Dec 1911)
DS: Jacinto Placido (b. 25 Aug 1913)Location: Veracruz, MexicoThe Zamoras decided to stop having children, and they have a new house. WWI broke out, but since Mexico remained neutral, no one had to go overseas.In 1917, Manuela got married. She now has two children.Leona has also gotten married. She has no children yet.
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