[Games] bananarama's KUY Congrats II - Round 3
Round 1: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3500664&board=game
Round 2: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3501405&board=gameSign-ups are still welcome.It is now 1910. Have you had any more children? You can have as many or as few as you want. Names and genders are your choice.If you want to sign up, fill out the sign-up form:LN:
DH: (date of birth)
DW: (date of birth)
D?: (date of birth)Location: (it can be anywhere)--------
Here are some events to help you. You don't have to use them:
1. The family moves. Where do they move to?
2. Your house burns down. Does everyone survive?
3. One or more of the family members gets really ill. Do they survive?
4. The husband has cheated on his wife. Do they make up or get a divorce?Please update on the family! If you have any suggestions for events, tell me!Rules:1. If you want to drop out, tell me.
2. This is a Keep-Up-Yourself congrats, so if you fall behind, complete the rounds you missed until you get to the current one.
3. When you sign up, make sure you complete Rounds 1 and 2.
4. Have fun!
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LN: Bergstresser
DH: Gustav Esau (1870)
DW: Nellie Helen (1876)DD: Genevieve Nettie (1896)
DS: Donivan Jared (1897)
DS: Reuben Lee (1899)Location: BerlinThey have happily moved the US. Dog= Monty

This message was edited 3/15/2009, 11:27 AM

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LN: Mallory
DH: William Luther (May 5th, 1879)
DW: Ruth Ellen [Crewe](September 12th, 1882)
DD: Clara Bessie (July 30th, 1900)
DS: Roy Louis(December 24th, 1902)
DS: Daniel Willie(April 3rd, 1905)
DD: Annie Grace (June 16th, 1909)
Location: Newfoundland - Prince Edward IslandWhen Old Uncle Eli dies and leaves quite the sum of money to the Mallory family, they decide to leave their home in St.John's and move to Charlottetown,P.E.I,Canada.
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LN: Kovacs
DH: Janos Henrik (21 June 1881 - 21 June 1910)
DW: Gizi Ilona (1 May 1882)
DS: Istvan Jozsef (22 Dec 1900)
DS: Elek Andras (31 July 1905)
DD: Pal Janos (20 Sept 1910)
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Round 1: Janos is from the eastern part (Buda) and Gizi is from the western part (Pest). The met one day on a bridge across the Danube River. They were married in a simple ceremony. Nine months later Istvan was born.
Round 2: One day a visitor informs the family that Gizi was kidnapped as a baby. The people she thought were her parents were actually the servants of her real parents. Her real parents were so happy to find her that they gave the entire family the means to enough money so they would never want for anything. Janos and Gizi also welcomed baby Elek to their family.
Round 3: The family suffered a loss when Janos came down with pneumonia. At the same time Gizi learned she was pregnant. She named Pal Janos after the father he would never know.
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LN: Milleson
DH: Adam Darryl 1/9/1880
DW: Elizabeth Star (Emmenon) 7/5/1882
DD/DD: Evie Maria/Ivie Jane 4/18/1904
DS: Charlie Samuel 10/15/1908The girls are having a fine time with their new baby brother. Lets just say that games of House are abundant and frequent fights break out about who has to be the Papa. Charlie soaks up the attention with a trace of a smirk on his face. Elizabeth has taken up a seamstress business. She sews beautiful gowns for rich women. Adam didn't want her to do it at first, but when he realized that she was doing it because she truly loved it, he was fine with it.
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LN: Rebel
DH: Britton Kelsey "Britt", 30 (b. Mar 9, 1880)
DW: Rosemme Esther, 29 (b. December 18, 1881)
DD: Zanti Esther Grace, 10 (b. May 30, 1900)
DS: Adexion Kelsey, 8 (b. July 6, 1902)
DS: Mox Britton, 5 (b. August 12, 1905)
DD: Zeriah Rosemme, 4 (b. October 29, 1006)
DD: Zaire Evangeline, 2 (b. May 6, 1908)
DS: Ezri Clark, nb (b. February 20, 1910)Only a few months after Mox was born, Rosemme discovered she was expecting again. In October the next year, she gave birth to a daughter, Zeriah.Two years after, another daughter, Zaire, was born, and then two years after that, a son, Ezri. While they love their children, they are hoping to take a break from having any more babies. Six is quite enough for the young couple...Britt and Rosemme have
Zanti, Adexion, Mox, Zeriah, Zaire, and Ezri.
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http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3501714&board=gameDate: June 1910Dgpa: Gilbert Sebastian (paternal)
Dgma: Abigail Vera (paternal)Dbro: Alexander "Sascha" Justice (maternal)LN: Cosmos
DH: Humphrey "Fritz" Sebastian (May/07/1881) (29)
DW: Millicent Patience née Neumann (November/23/1882) (27)
DD: Rose Mabel Irene (January/01/1900) (10)
DD: Hazel Marie Ruth (August/29/1901) (almost 9)
DS: Oliver Sebastian Neumann (October/03/1903) (6½)
DS: Solace (April/11/1905) stillborn
DD: Myrtle Vera Lies (February/29/1908) (2) Born on Leap Day
DS/DS: Basil Lothar Silvester / Jasper Gilbert Alexander (December/12/1909) (6 months) Born at 12:01 AM on the night of the new moonLocation: Salem, Oregon(Myrtle) Vera is Fritz' mother's middle name, while Lies is Millie's mother's middle name (full name Irene Lies Neumann).(Basil) Lothar is once again for Fritz' dearly beloved uncle, while Silvester is Millie's father's name.(Jasper) Gilbert is for Fritz' father's name, and Alexander is for Millie's younger brother (whose going out on a dark and cold night to find the doctor helped to save both the twins and Millie).Millie was very shook up over the loss of her son, and refused to allow any chance of pregnancies for the next two years. Millie drank herbal teas, and made sure that Fritz withdrew to help prevent another pregnancy. She devoted this time to teaching her children, and writing.However, in February of 1907, Millie sold her first book. This brought the family enough money to make some needed updates to the dairy farm. With these updates, the farm is more productive then ever. They even had to hire two extra hands to help out!This added prosperity brought Millie the reassurance she needed to allow for another pregnancy. Their daughter Myrtle was conceived shortly after that. To everybody's surprise, she was born a week late, and on Leap Day!

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LN: ThompsonDH: Joseph Robert William (1879)
DW: Mary-Elizabeth Florence (1880)
DS: Thomas Edward Charles (1900)
DD: Margaret Dorothy Lillian (1903)
DD: Josephine Beatrice Virginia (1905)
DD: Catherine Gertrude Blanche (1908)Location: Boston, MA, USAJoseph and Mary had another daughter named Catherine in 1908. Her birth was quite complicated and and Mary lost a lot of blood, so that the doctors thought she wouldn't make it. After her recovery they adviced her that she shouldn't have any more children because it was really risky for her life.
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LN: Calvagna
DH: Gino Tommaso Calvagna (SR) (October 3, 1878)
DW: Albertina Rosalinda [Conti] Calvagna (May 7, 1880)
DD: Maddalena Celestina Calvagna (July 2, 1897)
DD: Raffaella Concettina Calvagna (August 9, 1898)
DD/DS: Nadia Michelangela Calvagna / Gino Tommaso Calvagna (JR) (Feburary 12, 1903)The Calvagna crew moved to Manchester, England.
Their beautiful house in Manchester had struck fire, all survived.
Gino Jr. ends up getting very ill and survives.
Gino Sr. cheats on Albertina, they sort it out and stay together.
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Mine.LN: Zamora
DH: Victor Armando Zamora (b. 4 Apr 1880)
DW: Eulalia Sofia Castillo (b. 16 Jul 1882)
DD: Manuela Rosario (b. 12 Dec 1899)
DD: Leona Benigna (b. 15 Mar 1901)
DS: Ricardo Andres (b. 24 Jul 1903)
DS: Hipolito Marcos (b. 8 Aug 1905)
DD: Teresa Victoria (b. 29 Dec 1906)
DS: Celestino Leonardo (b. 30 Mar 1908)
DD: Zenaida Margarita (b. 12 Jun 1910)Location: Veracruz, MexicoIn 1910, the Zamoras' house burned down. Everyone got out safe.
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