[Games] bananarama's KUY Congrats II - Round 2
Round 1: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3500664&board=gameSign-ups are still welcome. It is now 1905. Have you had any more children? You can have as many or as few as you want. Names and genders are your choice.If you want to sign up, fill out the sign-up form:LN:
DH: (date of birth)
DW: (date of birth)
D?: (date of birth)Location: (it can be anywhere)--------
Here are some events to help you. You don't have to use them:
1. The family moves. Where do they move to?
2. The couple had a fight over the name of one of their children. How did they resolve it?
3. The couple inherits money from a relative. From whom? How much did they inherit?Please update on the familyRules:1. If you want to drop out, tell me.
2. This is a Keep-Up-Yourself congrats, so if you fall behind, complete the rounds you missed until you get to the current one.
3. Have fun!

This message was edited 3/12/2009, 11:54 AM

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LN: Mallory
DH: William Luther (May 5th, 1879)
DW: Ruth Ellen [Crewe](September 12th, 1882)
DD: Clara Bessie (July 30th, 1900)
DS: Roy Louis(December 24th, 1902)
DS: Daniel Willie(April 3rd, 1905)
Location: Newfoundland
The Crewe family has been living happily for some time now, but unfortuantly back in 1901(January) she suffered a miscarriage, and what depressed for a while. But then a couple of monthes later she realized she was pregnant again, and on December 24th, gave birth to Roy Louis Crewe. Wasn't that a nice Christmas present?


This message was edited 3/13/2009, 10:53 AM

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LN: Kovacs
DH: Janos Henrik (21 June 1881)
DW: Gizi Ilona (1 May 1882)
DS: Istvan Jozsef (22 Dec 1900)
DS: Elek Andras (31 July 1905)
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Round 1: Janos is from the eastern part (Buda) and Gizi is from the western part (Pest). The met one day on a bridge across the Danube River. They were married in a simple ceremony. Nine months later Istvan was born.
Round 2: One day a visitor informs the family that Gizi was kidnapped as a baby. The people she thought were her parents were actually the servants of her real parents. Her real parents were so happy to find her that they gave the entire family the means to enough money so they would never want for anything. After this excitement Janos and Gizi welcomed baby Elek to their family.

This message was edited 3/12/2009, 4:53 PM

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There is nothing new with them except Genevieve's mother has died and they have inherited $200,000 and a bunch on antiques.
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LN: Calvagna
DH: Gino Tommaso Calvagna (October 3, 1878)
DW: Albertina Rosalinda [Conti] Calvagna (May 7, 1880)
DD: Maddalena Celestina Calvagna (July 2, 1897)
DD: Raffaella Concettina Calvagna (August 9, 1898)One year after Madi was born, the Albertina and Gino had another baby girl who they named Raffaella Concettina. Albertina wanted her to be named after her father Raphael whilst Gino wanted to name her after Queen Isabelle. So they put there heads together and came up with Raffaella. Gino and Albertina inherited money from Raphael, Albertina's father who passed away 4 months after Raffaella was born.
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http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3500831&board=gameDate: June 1905Dgpa: Gilbert Sebastian (paternal)
Dgma: Abigail Vera (paternal)Dbro: Alexander "Sascha" Justice (maternal)LN: Cosmos
DH: Humphrey "Fritz" Sebastian (May/07/1881) (24)
DW: Millicent Patience née Neumann (November/23/1882) (22)
DD: Rose Mabel Irene (January/01/1900) (5)
DD: Hazel Marie Ruth (August/29/1901) (almost 4)
DS: Oliver Sebastian Neumann (October/03/1903) (1½)
DS: Solace (April/11/1905) stillbornLocation: Salem, OregonFritz (nickname that Millie gave to Humphrey) and Millie continue to live happily on the farm. With the first child, they decided that Millie would get to pick the first name, and that they would use two family middle names. This tradition has continued to work so far...(Rose) Mabel is named after Fritz's mother's late sister, and Irene is after Millie's mother's name.(Hazel) Marie is named after Fritz's father's sister who died in childhood, and Ruth is for Millie's father's sister.(Oliver) Sebastian is a family middle name, carried by his father Fritz (who was the oldest of 3 boys and 1 girl - all deceased except for Fritz, of course!), grandfather, great-grandfather, and was his great-great-grandfather's first name. Neumann is his mother's maiden name.There was a bit of an argument when Oliver was born. Fritz's uncle (father's brother) passed away the spring before Oliver was born. Fritz was heartbroken because his uncle had been living on the farm for the last 14 years - ever since his own family's house had burnt down, killing his entire family. However, Millie just couldn't bring herself to like the name Lothar, no matter how kind the man had been. The argument was only settled when Gilbert (Fritz' father) asked why they didn't Lothar's middle name, Oliver.With Lothar now gone, Fritz has no extended family left. However, Millie's younger brother, Alexander (not the youngest, but the 16 year-old) has moved out to the farm to help out. This helps Millie's parents out, and helps Sascha out by providing him with a small income.

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LN: Milleson
DH: Adam Darryl 1/9/1880
DW: Elizabeth Star (Emmenon) 7/5/1882
DD/DD: Evie Maria/Ivie Jane 4/18/1904Adam and Elizabeth have decided to have an 'ie' theme with all of their kids. some of thier family members have told them its tacky, but they think it's cute, so they are going to continue on.
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LN: ThompsonDH: Joseph Robert William (1879)
DW: Mary-Elizabeth Florence (1880)
DS: Thomas Edward Charles (1900)
DD: Margaret Dorothy Lillian (1903)
DD: Josephine Beatrice Virginia (1905)Location: Boston, MA, USATwo years after Thomas' birth, Mary got pregnant again and they welcomed daughter Margaret "Maggie", named after Mary's mother and Joseph's grandmother, in 1903. Two years later Joseph and Mary had another daughter. Mary wanted to name her after her two younger sisters Anna and Emma, but Joseph wanted to use the name of his favourite Aunt Ginny. He also thought that two Anna's or Emma's in the family at the same time would be confusing. So in the end they decided to use their middle names Josephine and Beatrice and also their aunts name.
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Signing upLN: Rebel
DH: Britton Kelsey "Britt", 25 (b. Mar 9, 1880)
DW: Rosemme Esther, 24 (b. December 18, 1881)
DD: Zanti Esther Grace, 5 (b. May 30, 1900)
DS: Adexion Kelsey, 3 (b. July 6, 1902)
DS: Mox Britton, nb (b. August 12, 1905)Britton and Rosemme met when they were only teenagers; he was sixteen and she was fifteen. They knew it was love right away, but their families were against it-- Britton was from a wealthy, prestigious family, and Rosemme was not. So, for some time, they did not see each other.Britt's parents set up dates for him, young, pretty girls they found suitable. And he'd entertain them to his parent's wishes, but his thoughts were always on Rosemme. On the evening of her eighteenth birthday, he appeared outside her window and asked her to come away with him. And, without hesitation, she did. They ran away together, leaving the state. Britt had an old friend from school that was kind enough to give them a place to stay until they had enough money for their own home. So both of them worked to each money-- Britt did odd jobs, whatever he could find, and Rosemme would nanny and tutor small children. But only a month after they'd left home, Rosemme informed Britt that she was expecting his child.They married quickly after she told him, and she wasn't even nineteen when she gave birth to a daughter they called Zanti. By then, they had a small apartment of their own, but Britt was still working very hard, getting small jobs where he could.

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Mine.LN: Zamora
DH: Victor Armando Zamora (b. 4 Apr 1880)
DW: Eulalia Sofia Castillo (b. 16 Jul 1882)
DD: Manuela Rosario (b. 12 Dec 1899)
DD: Leona Benigna (b. 15 Mar 1901)
DS: Ricardo Andres (b. 24 Jul 1903)
DS: Hipolito Marcos (b. 8 Aug 1905)Location: Veracruz, MexicoThe Zamoras have had three more children. Then, late in 1905, Victor's uncle died of a heart attack. They inherited enough money to move off their farm and into the city.
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