[Games] bananarama's KUY Congrats - Round 5
Round 1: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3484093&board=game
Round 2: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3485052&board=game
Round 3: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3487104&board=game
Round 4: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3489031&board=gameThe year is now 1915. Have you had any more children? You can have as many or as few as you want. Genders are your choice.You can start having grandchildren this round, but if you want them, this will be your last round for new children.Events:
The US enters WWI in 1917.
WWI ends in 1918.
Women receive the right to vote in 1920.If you need help with names, use this link:http://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/1000ud1910.phpHere are some events to help you:
1. Your family moves. Where do they move to?
2. One of the spouses gets in the newspaper. What were they interviewed about?
3. The husband has cheated on his wife. Do they make up or get a divorce?
4. One or more of the members of the family get really ill. Do they survive?
5. The family inherits a modest amount of money from a relative. Who did they inherit it from?
6. One of the spouses dies or gets hurt. How?Please update on the family!
Archived Thread - replies disabled
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LN: Blakeston
DH (7.28.1880) Walter James
DW (4.23.1881) Clara Alice
DD (1.30.1900) Lena Josephine
DS (12.23.1902) Joseph William
DS (8.15.1905) Jack Alexander
DS (4.20.1908) Harry George
DD (10.17.1910) Ruby Evelyn
DD (6.1.1913) Anna Rose
DS (1.1.1914) Theodore Charlie
Location: LA, CaliforniaThe Blakeston family have moved to the countryside in CaliforniaThe Blakeston family have just inherited a load of money due to the unfortunate bombing of Clara's parents
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LN: AbbottDH: Frederick Lawrence Floyd (1876)
DW: Mary-Louise Elizabeth Margaret(1878)DS: William Charles Thomas (1900)
- DW: Amelia Antoinette (1901)
-- DS: Sylvester Jerome Warren Lester (1919-1920)
DS: Raymond Theodore Michael (1902)
DD: Josephine Katherine Eleanor (1905)
DD: Charlotte Geraldine Harriet (1907)
DS: Nathaniel Edmund Orville (1910)
DD/DD: Marjorie Georgia Olive & Christine Rachel Anita (1912)
DS: Franklin Maurice Chester (1913)
DD: Adelheid Rosemarie Kriemhilde (1915)
DD: Barbara Madeline Henrietta (1916)Location: Philadelphia, PAIn 1916, Fred and Mary had their last biological child Barbara. Their oldest son William married his girlfriend Amelia in 1918. Soon afterwards she got pregnant and in 1919 she gave birth to a son named Sylvester, but when he was only a couple of months old he got sick and died soon after. William and Amelia were deeply sadend by the death of their first-born, but Amelia recently found out that she is pregnant again.
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LN: O'Shaughnessy
DH: Clarence Walter (7/25/1864)
DW: Miriam Eliza Isabelle [Lambert] (1/23/1882)
DS: Preston John David (8/13/1900)
DD/DD: Alice Lillian Grace / Anna Louise Gladys (6/12/1902)
DS: Harold Walter Louis (3/24/1905)
DD: Dorothy Florence Marie (4/7/1907)
DD: Stella Agnes Eleanor (9/18/1910)
DD: Myrtle Julia Helen (5/25/1913)
DS: Theodore Benjamin Lee (7/30/1915)Location: Los Angeles, Ca.
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LN: Karlsson
DH: August Sven [44] (5 July 1876)
DW: Kristina Johanna [42] (21 March 1878)
DS: Wilhelm August "Will" [21] (14 May 1899)
-DW: Alice Josefine nee Nilsson [20] (26 April 1900)
DS: Johan Kristian "John" [19] (13 June 1901)
-DW: Mary Elisabeth nee Smith [19] (6 January 1901)
DS: Karl Henrik "Henry" [17] (24 March 1903)
DD: Sara Cecilia [16] (7 December 1904)
DS: Nils Martin "Neil" [14] (30 July 1906)
DD: Anna (1 February 1908- 3 February 1908)
DD: Ingrid Katarina [11] (19 October 1909)
DS/DS: Oscar Magnus and Gustav Alfred [8] (12 September 1912)
AS: Erik Olof [7] (7 August 1913)
DD: Maria Elinor [4] (11 November 1916)
DD: Margareta Kristina [2] (20 May 1918)Location: MinnesotaBoth Wilhelm and Johan are now married and have bought their own land and started building their own farms. Wilhelm married a girl from a Swedish emmigrant family but Johan married an American girl.
Erik has officially been adopted by the Karlsson family and they have also welcomed two daughters, Maria and Margareta. After giving birth to Margareta, Kristina became very ill and for a while no one thought she would survive. The doctor told her that she should not have any more children. Kristina is now hoping that she will soon become a grandmother.
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LN: Perl
DH: Robert Edward (1875)
DW: Laura Maude (1879)
DS: Henry Albert (1900)
DD: Catherine Dorothy "Kate" (1902)
DD/DD: Annie Evelyn and Stella Agnes (1905)
DS: Ralph Clarence (1906)
DS: Daniel Alfred (1909)
DD/DD/DD: Frances Louise, Ruby Thelma and Julia Beatrice (1911)
DS: Martin Woodrow (1919)
DS: Thomas Charles (1920)Robert and Laura Perl with:
Henry, Kate, Annie, Stella, Ralph, Daniel, Frances, Ruby, Julia, Martin and Thomas
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LN: Brolin
DH: Josiah Frederick(4-3-1870)
DW: Miriam Joan (23-2-1882)DS: Josiah Frederick Jr (12-10-1899)
-DW: Louisa Bryant (1-11-1900)
--DD: Ruth Louisa (3-7-1919)DS: Baruch Alton (7-11-1902)
DD: Martha Mary (23-3-1904)
DS: Joachim William (12-6-1905)
DD: Abital Joan (1-9-1906)
DS: Jehoshaphat Aaron (29-2-1908)
DD: Sarah Miriam (2-11-1910)
DS: Enoch Arthur (22-5-1912)
DS: Israel John (3-4-1914)
DS: Job Alexander (30-8-1919)
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LN: Riether
DH: Isaiah Bertram 2/6/1878
DW: Shannon Eve (O'Michaels) 5/27/1882
DD: Kitty Aurora 12/31/1900
DD/DS/DD: Jessie Annabelle/ Jeremy Jeruselam/ Jenevieve Constance 4/25/1903
DS: Mckinley Forest 12/18/1909
Location: West Morgan, NYThis year has been hard on Kitty. She is smart, but not very pretty. Jessie is rather pretty, but Jenevieve meets all social standards of beauty. We all know who is going to be the belle of the family. Kitty's two best friends are her sister Jessie and Martin Winters. Jeremy still thinks girls are strange. Shannon is having a hard time dealing with her cildren growing up, so her especial joy is Mckinley, who brings her flowers every day.
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LN: Halloway
DH: Edward James (12/3/1877)(43)
DW: Louise Virginia [Cambridge] "Lou" (4/17/1877)(43)
DS: Adam Edward (6/14/00)(20)
--DW: Samantha Camille (Harrington)(8/14/00)(20)
--DD: Mary Louisa Camille (6/1/18)(2)
--DS: Adam Edward Jr. "Eddy" (9/14/19)(1)
--DS: Stephen James (8/11/20)

DD: Elizabeth June (8/11/02-10/17/02)
DS: Benjamin James "Ben" (11/1/05)(15)
DS: Michael Jonathan "Mikey" (10/17/06)(14)
DS: Henry Josiah (3/28/08)(12)
DD: Hope Isabella (7/12/09)(11)
DS: Stephen Caleb (6/2/15)(5)Location: Ash Hill, CO, USA
It is now 1920. When the United States joined the Great War in 1918, both Edward and Adam were drafted. Edward was injured in combat and returned to the United States in the summer of 1918. He took a shot in the same leg he had injured seven years previously. He has recovered, but now walks with a very noticeable limp. Lou is just happy to have her boys home in one piece. Adam was not injured, but never saw active service since he was drafted into the reserves due to having had polio as a youngster. Edward still works as the deputy sheriff in Ash Hill, Colorado. Adam and his longtime girlfriend were married just before he went to war. Adam and Samantha now have three young children, and Adam works in law enforcement like his father. However, Adam and Samantha live in Washington, DC, where Adam works for the Bureau of Investigation (modern, FBI). He loves what he does and wouldn't trade it for anything. Ben is fifteen. He is still in school, but actually plans on buying a parcel of land and farming after he graduates. Mikey is fourteen. He wants to go to school and study to become a doctor. Henry is twelve. He is like any other typical young boy. He wants to follow in his father and older brother's footsteps and become a police officer. Hope is eleven. She is still tomboyish, but has started to develop into a young lady. She enjoys quilting a lot, as well as knitting. Stephen is just five. He is an energetic little boy who keeps Lou on her toes.
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LN: Stahl
DH: William John (38) (b. 1882)
DW: Elizabeth Anne (37) (b. 1883)
DS: William David "Will" (deceased) (b. 1900, d. 1918)
--DW: Evelyn Louise, née Pelham (19) (b. 1901)
----DS: William David, Jr. "David" (2) (b. 1918)
DS: Jack Benjamin (18) (b. 1902)
DS: Charlie Alexander (16) (b. 1904)
DS: Michael Joseph (14) (b. 1906)
DD: Grace Elizabeth (10) (b. 1910)
DD: Katherine Anne (8) (b. 1912)
DD: Eleanor Marie "Nora" (6) (b. 1914)Location: Boston, MA
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Mine.LN: Trapani
DH: Orlando Trapani (b. 14 Sep 1880)
DW: Penelope D'Onofrio (b. 2 Dec 1882)
DD: Maria Florida (b. 23 Dec 1899)
-DH: John Vincent Mancuso (b. 14 Jul 1895)
--DS: Nicholas Ray (b. 6 Dec 1918)
--DD: Shirley Angela (b. 23 Jan 1920)
DS: Edward John (b. 7 Apr 1901)
DD: Rose Lucretia (b. 18 Oct 1902)
DD: Diana Philomena (b. 3 May 1904)
DS: Frank William (b. 29 Jul 1906)
DS: Anthony Peter (8 May 1908 - 11 Feb 1909)
DD/DD: Rachel Anna / Esther Julia (b. 5 Nov 1909)
DD: Victoria Irene (b. 13 Jun 1911)
DS: Aaron Stephen (b. 17 Sep 1913)
DD: Mildred Helen (29 Nov 1916 - 5 Mar 1917)Location: Jacksonville, FLThe Trapanis didn't plan on having any more children, but in 1916 Penelope got pregnant again. The resulting daughter was named Mildred. However, she was born with birth defects, and died a few months later.That same year, Maria began dating. She found a good boyfriend, and by year's end they were married. John had to serve in WWI, but he made it out unscathed. They have had two children already.
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